Other Shock
Other types of shock include neurogenic, anaphylactic and cardiogenic.
- Neurogenic
- Another term for this type of shock is "fainting". It is brought on by severe pain, fright or other strong stimuli.
Needless to say, there will be many instances of neurogenic shock after the PS. Physiologically, the nervous
system becomes overwhelmed by these stimuli. Blood vessel diameter increases, the heart slows and blood
pressure falls so low that there is not enough oxygen being carried to the brain. The person then faints.
Placing the head lower than the rest of the body usually relieves this type of shock.
- Anaphylactic
- Another term for this type of shock is "allergic". A life-threatening allergic reaction to a substance may cause
the airway to well, affecting the ability to breathe. If you see this occurring, place the victim in the best
possible position for breathing. Make sure that there are no restrictions on his/her chest or neck (i.e., tight
clothing). Medical treatment includes an injection of the drug epinephrine. However, in the US, this is
available only by prescription.
- Cardiogenic
- This type of shock is caused by conditions (such as a heart attack) that interfere with the heart's pumping
function. In the absence of medical treatment facilities, the best that can be done is to keep the victim as
comfortable as possible.
Offered by Lyn.