Weather Predictions
Prior to July, 1995 ZetaTalk stated that Weather Predictions would be inaccurate, based upon the wrong parameters.
- ZetaTalk: Heralding, written prior to July 15, 1995
- All attempts to explain the changes based on Global Warming from the Greenhouse effect will run into snags as the weather will
refuse to be predictable. The reason lies deep within the Earth's core, an area the meteorologists refuse to consider, and thus their
predictions on the atmosphere will never be based on the right parameters.
On Jan 27, 2000 a new supercomputer was failing in just this manner.
- Daft Computers Still Fail to Understand Weather
The Times, Jan 27, 2000
- It sounded phenomenal a week ago, as American meteorologists unveiled a supercomputer capable of 2,500 billion calculations a
second that would give them warning of impending weather problems up to ten days in advance. The new IBM supercomputer, running
an array of programmes said to be the world's best for weather forecasting, had digested reams of data from balloons, satellites, ships
and ocean buoys.
The National Weather Service announced: "A 40 per cent chance of light snow. Total accumulation: less than one inch." As the
paralysed East Coast of the United States dug out from South Carolina to Massachusetts, there was much hand-wringing among
weather forecasters over their misreading of the size, intensity and course of the storm.
ZetaTalk on weather predictions increasingly failing, made 5 years earlier, coming true.
Weather Irregularities
Prior to July, 1995 ZetaTalk stated that weather changes were heralding the approach of Planet X.
- ZetaTalk: Heralding, written prior to July 15, 1995
- Violent storms, unusual weather patterns, severe and long lasting droughts, increased frequency of hurricanes, torrential rains, and a
general warming of the planet.
On Dec 14, 1999 the Associated Press reported that weather changes are occurring at an increasing rate, and this trend continued!
- Why has our Weather gone Wild?
Discover Magazine, June 2000
- In 1999, the number of catastrophes worldwide -
including mud slides in Venezuela,
a severe hailstorm in Sydney,
avalanches in the Alps,
Denmark's worst winter storm in a century,
floods in Latin America and Southeast Asia,
Cyclone Bart in Japan and Cyclone 05-B in India -
hit 755, surpassing the record of 702 set only the year before.
It should be noted that ZetaTalk, and ZetaTalk alone, predicted these weather changes in 1995, which are still emerging and coming truth according to
the 1995 prediction.
Without question, Zetas RIGHT Again.
Snow in Summer
On the Jan 12, 2000 Sightings radio show, ZetaTalk predicted in the Predictions for 2000 that cold summers, even snow in the summer, would be
experienced as part of the increasing weather irregularities.
- ZetaTalk: During 2000 written Jan 12, 2000
- And likewise there will increasing be very cold summers. This is a new angle - very cold summers. This has been relayed in the past, in
ancient reports of what the Chinese called a world cycle, meaning the approach of another pole shift, where snow fell in summer. This
type of weather change, which will shock the weathermen who are trying to explain events in terms of Global Warming, will begin.
Reports starting comings in, of snow in Summer on the Equator.
- Snow Traps Thousands in Saudi Arabia
AnaNova, July 25, 2001
- Thousands of people ended up trapped in a national park in Saudi Arabia after it started snowing. Rescue workers were called after 75
people were injured in the panic. Several hundred were rescued using helicopters and mountain jeeps. Several inches of snow fell in the
mountainous area in the south west of the country, while other regions baked in 100 degree Fahrenheit temperatures.
And a first, for Somalia, in this regard.
- Snowfall in Somalia reported
June 01, 2005.
- The first snowfall on this part of the world has claimed one life and caused extensive damage to properties. Puntland, northeastern
part of Somalia has never recorded snowfall before. The storm left a blanket of snow on the ground, something residents had never
seen in their lives before.
Who else predicted this, in 2000, 5 years before the occurrence?
No one but the Zetas.
Zetas RIGHT Again!
In September, 1999 ZetaTalk stated in their predictions for the Next 3 1/2 years that Hurricanes would be no more fierce than previously, but would
occur in atypical places.
- ZetaTalk: Next 3 1/2 Years, written Sep 15, 1999.
- Hurricanes will be no more fierce than they are today, but will occur in places not used to hurricanes force winds. Not just Japan and
the East Coast of the US and Bangladesh, but other places, places that do not expect hurricanes blasting inland.
By July 20, 2001, this was the report, despite an increase in frequency,
With 2004 being a record year and 2005 topping that, NOTHING stronger than a Cat 5.
- Study Predicts More Atlantic Hurricanes (as reported by Reuters)
July 20, 2001
- The highest level of North Atlantic hurricane activity ever measured was recorded from 1995 to 2000. Compared to the previous
quarter century, there were twice as many hurricanes, including 2-1/2 times more major hurricanes and more than five times as many
hurricane s impacting the Caribbean islands.
But these storms ARE landing in ATYPICAL places.
- The 2004 Brazilian Hurricane Anomaly
Sep 26, 2004
- On March 28, 2004 something very odd happened. For the first time in recorded history a hurricane, or something similar to a
hurricane, hit Brazil. The first hurricane on record in the South Atlantic. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami estimated the
storm was a full-fledged, Category I hurricane with central winds of 75-80 mph. Some gusts reportedly hit 94 mph.
Who else predicted that hurricanes would start hitting in atypical places?
None but the Zetas.
Zetas RIGHT Again.
Crop Shortage
In May, 1995 ZetaTalk stated that Crop Failure would occur due to erratic weather giving the wrong signals to plants, where they would think spring
had come early, causing worldwide crop failures.
- ZetaTalk: Crop Failure, written prior to July 15, 1995
- The weather will become unpredictable, with torrential rainstorms where not expected, and droughts likewise where not expected.
Extremes of temperature will be experienced. Unusually warm winters, where the trees and shrubs will start to bud, thinking spring,
and then be subjected to frost. Similarly, frosts will come late in the spring, almost into summer, killing the buds which have already
put forth their tender shoots.
All parts of the world will experience extremes. Of course, not all produce will fail. Greenhouse crops will come through. Backyard
gardens, tendered carefully by watchful eyes, will survive. But the large cash crops that supply crowded population centers will find
little to market, and the prices will go up accordingly.
At first, stores put up against such times will be tapped. After a bit, these stores will run down, and governments will get nervous.
Helping handouts, from countries better off to those in desperation, will stop.
Starting in January 1998, reports of such crop failures began coming in, but as the Shortage TOPIC on the Troubled Times website shows, this
increased exponentially in 2000.
Suddenly there were shortage reports from
Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Austria, Australia,
Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burundi,
Cambodia, Canada, China, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus,
Ethiopia, France, Georgia, Ghana, Greece, Guyana, Hondurus,
India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakstan, Kenya, Korea, Laos, Liberia,
Madagascar, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Nepal,
Pakistan, Palestine, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland,
Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, South Africa, Sudan, Syria,
Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand,
Uganda, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yugoslavia.
What was that the Zetas said, in 1995, that there would be worldwide crop shortages?
Zetas RIGHT Again!
By late 2002, a UN Report documented the extent as worldwide, devastating, and due to weather related problems.
- World Can't Cope with Famine Says UN
New Zealand Herald, Oct 28, 2002
- Global warming is helping to cause an unprecedented series of famines that is pushing the world beyond its ability to cope. The
warning - the starkest yet issued by the UN on how climate change is affecting world food supplies.
The UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation is predicting that this year's total world harvest will fall for the fifth year in succession,
while the global population continues to grow. Food stocks are falling well below critical levels and prices are soaring.
Although emergency food aid almost tripled over the 1990s, it was not enough to meet growing needs. This year [they] had to suspend
help to three million women, children and elderly people in North Korea because it had run out of resources.
What was this the Zetas said, in 1995, that helping hands would be withdrawn, as food stores would be running out?
By 2002, this was exactly the UN's report.
Zetas RIGHT Again!
Global Warming
In early 1995 ZetaTalk stated that warming from the Earth's Core was in process, ascribed wrongly to Global Warming of the air, as the heat was
coming from the core.
- ZetaTalk: Heralding, written prior to July 15, 1995
- All attempts to explain the changes based on Global Warming from the Greenhouse effect will run into snags. The reason lies deep
within the Earth's core, an area the meteorologists refuse to consider, and thus their predictions on the atmosphere will never be based
on the right parameters.
In April, 2002 that heating of the Continental Rocks had accelerated.
- Research Team Says "Recent" Warming Trend Is Global
Space Daily, Apr 21, 2002
- A report in the April 15 issue of Geophysical Research Letters states that continental rock has warmed in recent centuries. The
scientists based their analysis on temperature readings taken by lowering sensitive thermometers into holes drilled from Earth's
surface into rock formations on six continents (Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America, and Australia).
The researchers' calculations, based on data from 616 bore holes, found evidence of an increase in the heat content of the continents
over the past 500 years, with more than half of that heat gain occurring during the 20th century and nearly one-third of it since 1950.
In other words, heating from the bottom up, which is why the permafrost is melting.
Zetas RIGHT Again!
Taking Sick
On Jan 15, 1998 ZetaTalk stated that Illness will increase as Planet X approaches.
- ZetaTalk: Take Sick, written Feb 15, 1998.
- Increasingly, as the pole shift nears, the populace will take sick. This will take the form of known illnesses occurring more frequently,
seemingly depressed immune systems, but will also appear as new and puzzling illnesses not seen before in the memory of man. What is
going on here?
The changes at the core of the Earth that have resulted in El Nino weather patterns and white buffalo and deformed frogs also affect
man. The germs are on the move. Their carriers are on the move. And thus humans are exposed to diseases that are so rare as to be
undocumented in medical journals.
You will see increasing illness, odd illnesses, microbes that travel because an insect is scattering about and spreading germs in places
where it normally doesn't travel. 90% of all the illness and distress you're going to see is a natural situation, a natural occurrence.
Because of the changing, swirling in the core of the Earth, and this will continue to up-tick until the pole shift.
And reiterated in 1999
- ZetaTalk: Next 3 1/2 Years, written Sep 15, 1999.
- Sickness will slightly increase from where it is today. There is a lot of illness now because people who are already unstable are unable
to take the turmoil caused by the increased emanations from the Earth. Some of them have simply sensed what is coming and have
decided to die. This is true of animals as well as humans. Sickness will increase, but not to the point where it is going to get
exponentially worse.
On Feb 2, 2000 a Washington report confirmed this increase, and published concerns were subsequently reported.
- Diseases From Around World Threatening U.S.
Reuters, Feb 2, 2000
- 30 New Diseases Make Global Debut
At least 30 previously unknown diseases have appeared globally since 1973, including HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis C, Ebola haemorrhagic
fever and the encephalitis-related Nipah virus that emerged in Indonesia. Twenty well-known infectious diseases such as tuberculosis,
malaria, and cholera have re-emerged or spread since 1973.
- Is Global Warming Harmful to Health?
Scientific American, August 2000
- Notably, computer models predict that global warming, and other climate alterations it induces, will expand the incidence and
distribution of many serious medical disorders. Disturbingly, these forecasts seem to be coming true.
And since this time, SARS and increased incidence of flesh eating disease,
and entire cruise ships regularly returning to port with the passengers ill with stomach flu have been reported.
Depressed immune systems?
Zetas RIGHT Again!
Magnetic Field
Prior to July, 1995 ZetaTalk stated that the Earth's Magnetic Field was appearing to weaken as it was diffused and confused by the approach of Planet
- ZetaTalk: Magnetic Field, written by Jul 15, 1995.
- The Earth's magnetic field is not weakening, it is changing course or direction, and thus Scattered does not register on instruments in
the same old way. This is an early indicator of the great confusion that [Planet X] will have on the Earth, soon, during the pole shift.
Another way to describe this dispersing is the scientific term - base resonant frequency. This is just another name for magnetic pull, the
strength of the pull the Earth's core has on instruments. Instruments, through electricity coursing through wires, create a magnetic
field in a core of iron or some other highly susceptible material.
The resulting electromagnetic field can be either aligned with the Earth, or set to cross the Earth's magnetic field, or at any partial
angle that the scientists desire. Depending on the strength of the Earth's own magnetic field, the field created by the instruments is thus
disrupted or weakened. This weakening disruption, noted by scientists, is just another indication of the dispersal of the Earth's internal
magnetic field.
On March 14, 1999, a NASA expert confirmed that.
- Question #1-D (the Answer Man)
Answer from NASA/GSFC Code 695
Updated March 14, 1999
- QUESTION: Is the earths magnetic field weakening, heading to zero point? On a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being the weakest and 10
the strongest, 2,000 years ago it was a 10, today it is a 1. Is it heading for a zero point when a pole shift will occur?
ANSWER: Is the Earth's field getting weaker? Perhaps 1200 years from now, the line goes through zero.
And since this time, INCREASING reports of compass malfunction and magnetic drift. Far beyond the pace speculated by NASA, taking 1200 years.
- May 31 2005:
- The May 30th storm began when, for no obvious reason, the interplanetary magnetic field near Earth tipped south.
And …
- June 11 2005: Edmonton Journal
- For centuries, the magnetic North Pole was ours, a constant companion that wandered the rolling tundra and frozen seas of our
Arctic. But no more. A Canadian scientist who recently returned from a trip to measure the Pole's current location says it has now left
Canadian territory and crossed into international waters.
And …
- Something Weird is Going on Below Us
Sunday Times, July 18, 2004, South Africa
- Satellites in low-Earth orbit over Southern Africa are already showing signs of radiation damage suffered as a result of the Earth's
magnetic field weakening. The decay in the Earth's magnetic field was becoming increasingly apparent in "the South Atlantic
anomaly", a huge deviation in the Earth's magnetic field discovered with the help of the Hermanus Magnetic Observatory.
This month, the European Space Agency approved a multimillion-euro space mission, called Swarm, to measure the anomaly, which
stretches from Southern Africa towards South America. The observatory has also recorded a faster-growing deviation between true
north and magnetic north over Southern Africa during the past 10 years, drifting steadily westward. Taken together, the blip and this
drift point to an imminent reversal in the Earth's north-south magnetic alignment.
So, were the Zetas correct that Planet X, and not a 1200 year degradation, as the cause of the magnetic drift?
A prediction made in 1995?
Zetas RIGHT Again!
Plane Crashes
On May 4, 2002, the Zetas predicted increasing aircraft problems with Microbursts as well as magnetic instruments and GPS guidance systems going
- ZetaTalk: 2002 Quickening, written May 4, 2002
- Atmospheric disturbances, beyond those usually encountered and thus watched for by pilots, are occurring. What is called micro-bursts
were being increasingly reported and downed planes blamed on this.
If the weather is moving to extremes, this equates to hotter air masses, colder drafts, and sudden wind equalizing these air masses.
Beyond these problems, airplanes use satellites to guide them, magnetic orientation to guide them, and these likewise will either fail on
occasion or given invalid readings.
By October 2004, a blitz of small plane crashes, for unknown reasons, was occurring. 13 occurred within a week in late October, 2004 when the
national average, worldwide, is less than 1 per day.
- ZetaTalk: Small Plane Crashes, written Oct 25, 2004
- What would occur if a small plane were informed, by GPS, that their location was not amidst hills, but in the open? Beyond confused
guidance systems, small planes lack the ability to recover from electromagnetic surges.
And by Aug 24, 2005, a record number of large airliners were going down suddenly, either due to bad weather or unexplained decompression at high
- Plane Crash in Peru Kills 41
AP News, Aug 24, 2005
- A Peruvian airliner split in two after an emergency landing during a fierce storm, killing at least 41 people. It was the world's fifth
major airline accident this month.
Last week, 152 people died when a Colombian-registered West Caribbean charter went down in Venezuela. Two days earlier, 121
people died when a Cyprus-registered Helios Airways Boeing plunged into the mountains north of Athens.
Sixteen people were believed to have died Aug. 6 when a plane operated by Tunisia's Tuninter crashed off Sicily. In Toronto, all 309
people survived aboard an Air France Airbus A340 that overshot the runway on Aug. 2.
What can I say, Zetas RIGHT Again!
On June 15, 1996 ZetaTalk stated that Booms would become more common and occur even inland as [Planet X] approached.
- ZetaTalk: Booms, written on Jun 15, 1996.
- Increasingly as the pole shift nears, the Earth will give evidence of the compression and tension in her surface by what humans will
perceive to be sonic booms. The mechanism is in fact the same, clapping air masses, the same mechanism that produces thunder.
Where thunder is caused by air masses separated by what is essentially a vacuum created by the superheating lightning bolt,
and where sonic booms are caused by a compressed air mass pushed in front of the plane exploding back to equalize with the thin air
mass trailing the plane,
pre-cataclysm booms are caused by heaving in large bodies of water.
Earthquakes where plates are compressing are measured by humans as the friction causes jolting, but for every compression
adjustment there is, somewhere, a widening in a rift. Most often these rifts lie underwater, as water fills low lying places.
A widening rift does not jolt the bordering plates, it is a silent adjustment. However, the sea water rushing to fill the new void has an
effect on the air masses above, creating a thin air mass and causing the air on all sides of this thin air space to rush in, and clap!
By March 15, 1999 these mystery booms were being reported.
- Mysterious Booms (Dec. 1997 - Jan. 1999), March 15, 1999
- In January, 1999, a loud boom at 12:15 a.m.disturbed the residents of Colorado Springs and Denver. Some witnesses said the noise
was accompanied by a flash of light in the sky. There was no electrical storm. Although it could have been a sonic boom, the military
denied any military activity in the area.
On January 10, 1999, dozens of people in Fairfield, Ohio reported a stunning, explosive sound. No cause was ever discovered.
Thousands of homes were rattled by two huge, mysterious booms 30 miles southeast of Los Angeles just before 10 p.m. in May of
1998. Residents described the sounds as explosions, earthquake noises, and thuds. The two booms occurred about five minutes apart.
Two very loud skyquakes startled hundreds of people on the beaches of Ocean City, Md. on July 30, 1998. No planes were in sight, and
the sounds seemed to be coming from some miles offshore.
A mysterious boom reverberated through Narragansett Bay, R.I. on August 1, 1998 at 9:30 p.m. Investigating officials could not find
the source of the noise.
On Sept. 16, 1997, the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill was rocked by a boom that shook the ground.
Readings from ground-monitoring equipment showed that the energy did not come from the air, ruling out a sonic boom.
On December 17, 1997, a huge aerial blast rattled windows and blew open storm doors in Rogersville, Mo., a town 13 miles east of
Springfield. Again, the Air Force denied the possibility of a sonic boom caused by one of its aircraft.
Did BOOMS increase after 1996?
Zetas RIGHT Again!
Meteor Uptick
In June, 1997 ZetaTalk stated that Green Meteors and other trash will begin arriving with increasing frequency, but this will not be explained by the
- ZetaTalk: Space Trash, written on Oct 15, 1998
- Why does this trash precede the traveling planet itself? Something similar to a swimmers paddling foot in water. Something may be
bobbling up and down on top of the foot, or on the bottom of the foot, but it may never leave and go entirely around the foot but just
bobble back and forth. Thus, meteor and space trash activity will increase, going into the passage, far ahead of the actual passage
There will be increasing activity of this nature - larger meteors, more than just dramatic fireballs or green streaks. The recent
occurrence of a large rock falling onto Greenland is not going to be unusual. There will be more dramatic shows, but at the same time
less talk of it in the media.
Fireballs screaming across the sky, and meteors outside of scheduled meteor showers, began. The record during 2004, as an example, is astonishing.
I quote from the Signs of the Times.
Mar 28, 2004
A brilliant fireball streaked across the central Saskatchewan sky Sunday night, providing a colourful spectacle and rattling windows and
walls with its pressure wave. There are witness reports as far south as North Dakota and north as La Ronge, as east as Winnipeg and west to
May 2, 2004
Residents across Perth, Australia have reported seeing a huge meteor across the north west skies overnight. Some reported seeing a huge
glow once the object hit the horizon. It looked like a giant fireball, this really bright meteor coming down probably about a 30 degree angle
heading across the north-west, then it disappeared behind some houses and there was a really bright flash.
Jun 7, 2004
I just caught a fireball coming from the skies, some days ago! They are falling more and more frequently than ever here in Poland.
Jun 13, 2004
We had another big fireball in the sky hear this evening here in Arizona. This was red and was streaking across the sky low in the horizon.
This will not make the news any more than the other two made the news. I am not sure about the one seen in the Southern part of the state
last week which was also seen here. That makes four.
Jun 14, 2004
I was driving due north from Detroit and saw two huge objects streak across the sky to the NE. I have seen plenty of meteors in my life time
but nothing close to the size of these objects and the trail they left was amazing.
Jul 15, 2004
A red fireball moving swiftly through the night sky, spewing sparks and leaving a trail of vapour before turning white as it entered the
atmosphere, Finnish news agency reported.
Aug 3, 2004
A huge fireball lit up the night sky over Cardiff in Wales UK. Witnesses say the impact lit up the sky and a huge explosion shook all the
houses in the area. Despite an obvious large presence of the local authorities who cordoned off the area, subsequent inquiries to the police
and the fire brigade have been met with denial of any events that night. Police claim that there is no record on their computer of anything
happening that night.
Oct 5, 2004
As I drove to walk my dog along the Columbia River, heading east in the direction of Mt. Hood here in Washington State, I could clearly see
a lighted object on the horizon which was large and unlike anything I had ever seen before.
Does this sounds like increased frequency, and the authorities and media refusing to acknowledge it?
Yup! Zetas RIGHT Again!
Though unexplained in human terms, the methane gas explanation for Tunguska exactly fits!
In February, 1996 ZetaTalk stated that Tunguska was due to methane released during an earthquake.
- ZetaTalk: Tunguska Explosion, written on Feb 15, 1996.
- A source of endless speculation is the wide area of flattened trees, spread outward in a circle, the result of an apparent explosion that
occurred just after the turn of the century in Siberia. No witnesses, radioactivity, or meteor remains seem to exist as pieces toward
solving this puzzle. Nuclear power was not yet in mankind's hands. What occurred?
The Tunguska trees are devastated by an explosion that occurred close to the ground, as evidenced by the butterfly pattern of trees
knocked sideways. It was a huge cloud of well mixed methane and air, equivalent to all the natural gas being piped about in the US at
any given time.
Methane gas occurs naturally, a result of the decomposition of organic materials. Landfills must vent this or experience explosions.
Some humans know they can light and briefly burn their farts. Humus or accidentally buried organic material is a source of methane
gas, and if not vented, will pool if trapped.
Siberia was once lush. Where Siberia may appear to be a frozen wasteland, decomposition of trapped matter, proceeding slowly but
over a long time, can accumulate a large, trapped pool of methane gas. Released due to a shift in the Earth's crust this would explode.
The process was:
1. Methane gas hisses out from under frozen permafrost that had been cracked like a sheet of glass due to earth stress, pre-shock to
the earthquake that was recorded during the Tunguska explosion.
2. Methane gas mixes with the air as it rises, followed by more hissing air, so that a huge cloud of methane has formed in the
atmosphere over Tunguska.
3. A wick of methane that has drifted upward and southeast, driven by the prevailing westerlies, is sparked due to the air movement,
the same process that causes lighting due to rapid air movement during storms.
4. The lit methane burns rapidly back along the wick, the "meteor" that was seen, lights all the gas that is encountered but before all
but the nearest witnesses can see it, an explosive situation occurs.
The explanation that a meteor exploded above ground is an attempt by the establishment to avoid the methane gas, and thus the pole
shift and shifting crust issue. Comets and meteors do not explode when encountering Earth's atmosphere. This is not what your history
or science presents to you!
If they are monstrous, they plunge to Earth and leave a crater such as the Gulf of Mexico off Yucatan. If they are tiny, they burn up in
the atmosphere as shooting stars. If they are midsized, they burn on their periphery but land to be rocks picked up and examined by
your scientists. Meteors leave traces, methane does not.
On July 21, 2001 The Times of London reported that German and Russian scientists had concluded a gas explosion for Tunguska.
- Siberia Blast was "Volcanic Blowout"
The Times, July 21, 2001
- For the past half-century the "Tunguska event" has been explained as an incoming meteorite or comet exploding in the upper
atmosphere with the force of 1,000 Hiroshima bombs. However, it left no cosmic debris or crater, forcing even experts to admit that
its cause was one of the great mysteries of modern science.
17 factors, including the patterns of tectonic faults and fallen trees in the area, suggest that the explosion had nothing to do with outer
space, but was caused by gas forced upwards.
Wolfgang Kundt, Professor of Astrophysics at the University of Bonn, writes in August's issue of the journal Current Science.
Two costly expeditions by the University of Bologna since the Soviet collapse have focused on meteorites. They claim to have found
microscopic traces of space dust in spruce resin to support the view that the blast was caused by a stony meteor 200ft wide
approaching at a 45-degree angle and exploding four miles above the Earth.
However, such a meteorite cannot account for 12 conical holes in the ground near the epicentre and would have felled the trees in a
parallel pattern, Professor Kundt insists. Andrei Olkhovatov, a Russian scientist who supports many of his findings, says that a meteor
200ft across would have left at least 100,000 tonnes of debris along its approach path. But where are the remnants? Nowhere, nothing
after decades of detailed research.
So were the Zetas right in 1996 when they said it was methane gas?
Indeed, Zetas RIGHT Again!
But the meteor theory is still floated about as correct, despite being disproved.
Solar Magnetic Alignment
Another staunch human theory was also countered, and proven incorrect, by the Zetas.
Prior to July, 1995 in explaining the process of the Pole Shift and man's theories about Polar Reversals,
the Zetas always described this as Planet X interacting with a Sun that had a STATIC magnetic alignment.
- ZetaTalk: Pole Shift, written prior to July 15, 1995
- When the giant comet positions itself exactly between the Earth and its Sun, things change. The Earth then has its greatest advocate
for its previous alignment, the Sun and its magnetic alignment, negated. The Earth hears only the magnetic voice of the giant comet,
so to speak, which stands between the Earth and its former magnetic commander, the Sun.
This is documented also in the ZetaTalk on polar reversals, asserting a continuous magnetic alignment for the Earth.
- ZetaTalk: Pole Reversals, written on Jul 15, 1995.
- Do the Earth's poles ever suffer a reversal during a pole shift? No. The Earth's polarity, where the magnetic North Pole points
consistently in one direction as though focused on a distant point in the Universe, does not change, ever.
This is a hypothesis that humans have concocted to explain what they find in the Earth's crust. In this hypothesis, they are assuming
that the Earth's crust does not move about, but it does. A human could only assume that the poles had moved, rather than the crust.
NASA and human scientists have always asserted that the Sun's polarity switches about every 11 years, the Sun's poles flipping.
In the middle of the last solar cycle, the Ulysses probe passed both the Sun's poles, North and South, and found them pointing N/S in the same
direction as the Earth and Mercury.
Based on their current theory about the Sun flipping magnetic alignment every 11 years,
they expected this to reverse at the end of 2000, and announced that this had occurred.
Then Ulysses, their own probe, made another pass, and guess what, the magnetic alignment HAD NOT CHANGED.
- JPL Press Release
September 9, 2001
- This will be Ulysses' second pass over the Sun's north pole. It completed a circuit of the Sun in 1996 ... In 1995, Ulysses saw strong and
simple magnetic fields at both poles of the Sun. ...
As Ulysses passed by the south pole of the sun a few months ago, scientists expected to find that magnetic lines were pointing outward,
because observations from Earth show that the magnetic field has already reversed at the Sun's surface. Instead they found that the
Magnetic lines were still pointing inward, just as they had been throughout solar minimum.
Discombobulated by this evidence, NASA scientists tries to theorize that the Sun might have, on occasion, two South Poles, a completely illogical
And despite this evidence, NASA continues to assert that the Sun's poles flip every 11 years.
But the evidence shows, big time, Zetas RIGHT Again
Solar Rotation
On Jan 15, 1997 ZetaTalk stated that planetary or solar rotation did not occur because of Centrifugal Force, but due to attraction and repulsion of
various components in the core.
In other words, the Sun rotates because it is pulling toward various attractants in the Universe around it, and because it rotates, it pulls all the planets
along with it.
- ZetaTalk: Centrifugal Force, written on Jan 15, 1997.
- Motion is not a thing, immutable, unchangeable, eternal, once born at the start, as during a big bang or whatever, never to go away.
Motion is not a thing, it is a result, a reaction, and as such it changes. Human astronomers explain orbits as a balance between a
straight line motion tangental to the sun and a gravity tug to the side, and assume that the forward motion is translated into a
centrifugal force that never erodes as it is a thing.
This looks good on paper, but examine the reality a bit closer and the contradictions and inadequacy of that argument emerge. There
is erosion in the forward motion, which is not a thing but a reaction. In order to keep the planet continuously revolving, there must be
a push, and a push there is.
It is caused by the swirling matter in the sun's core, which creates fields of influence such as magnetic fields that affect the orbiting
planets to varying degrees depending upon their composition. Why do you suppose that planets orbit all in the same direction? Is it by
accident that this same pattern presents in all solar systems?
On March 31, 2000 the Associated Press reported science findings supporting that Zeta statement.
- Researchers find that layers of sun rotate at different speeds
Associated Press, March 31, 2000
- Parallel layers of gas deep within the sun rotate at different speeds, an action that may explain the formation of sunspots and solar
flares, new research shows. Using data collected from a sun-watching satellite and from six solar observatories on Earth, Stanford
University scientists spotted two layers of gas deep within the sun that slow or speed up in an opposite, but synchronized pattern.
"It's not what we expected at all," Stanford research physicist said. "It comes totally out of the blue." The researchers said that the
difference in rotation rate occurs above and below at a subsurface layer which separates two major gas areas of the sun, the
convection zone near the surface and the radiative zone, which includes the core. Parts of the solar sphere spin at different rates.
Does this sound like centrifugal force is running things, or part of the Sun reaching toward things it is attracted to, creating rotation?
Note the Zeta statement in January 1997 was proven correct by Stanford University on March 2000.
Zetas RIGHT Again!
Earth Rotation
In addition to statements about the Sun's rotation, the Zetas have made a similar statement about the Earth's rotation.
On Dec 15, 1995 ZetaTalk stated that the Rotation of the Earth and other planets with a liquid core was driven by the core.
- ZetaTalk: Rotation, written on Dec 15, 1995
- Rotation is due to a mobility difference between the core of a planet and the surface, and for lack of a better analogy we relate this to
a dog chasing its tail. The core of the Earth is liquid, and mobile, and has a mind of its own. As the Earth moves in its orbit around the
Sun, the relationship of the core of the Earth to surrounding influences changes.
A child standing on a merry-go-round and wishing to face his mother must himself turn a complete circle in order to do this. In like
manner, the heavy Core of the Earth moves to face or escape magnetically related forces in the Universe about your Solar System,
dragging the surface with it.
The core is not homogeneous everywhere and thus parts of it are strongly attracted or repulsed to this part or that of the Universe
about it, so motion in the core is constant. No sooner does a part of the core move to the far side of its liquid tomb, then it finds itself
presented with its old problem again, and sets into motion once again. Round and round, like a dog chasing its tail.
On July 18, 1996 the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory findings were published in news articles showing that the core of the Earth turns faster than
the crust, thus driving the process.
- Core Spins Faster Than Earth, Lamont Scientists Find
Columbia University, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
- The inner core rotates in the same direction as the Earth and slightly faster, completing its once-a-day rotation about two-thirds of a
second faster than the entire Earth. Over the past 100 years that extra speed has gained the core a quarter-turn on the planet as a
whole, the scientists found.
Such motion is remarkably fast for geological movements -- some 100,000 times faster than the drift of continents, they noted. The
scientists made their finding by measuring changes in the speed of earthquake-generated seismic waves that pass through the inner
Does the Columbia University data, available on July 1996, validate the ZetaTalk statement made a half year earlier on December 1995?
Yup! Zetas RIGHT Again!
Deflecting Asteroids
In June, 1996 ZetaTalk stated that Deflecting Asteroids with nukes would be ineffectual.This met with vehement objection when debated on the
sci.astro Usenet boards.
- ZetaTalk: Deflecting Asteroids, written on Jul 15, 1996.
- Does mankind now have the means to deflect such large, rapidly moving objects? Such a deflection would require a precisely placed
explosive device of sufficient strength to vaporize the asteroid. Disintegration would be required because deflection is not possible in
A nuclear explosion set off on the surface of an object in space would have minimal effect, as the explosion can expand in all
directions at once. All parts of the explosion move rapidly out into space, and thus the asteroid is safely away before the nuke really
gets going. And the asteroid proceeds on its way, having only momentarily stepped aside to avoid mankind's silly experiment.
In June, 1998 a computer model on nuking asteroids showed this to be the case.
- CCNet DIGEST 4 June 1998
Nukes May Not be Enough to Save earth from Asteroids
Press Agency News
- In the rubble pile model, the impact shock wave died out quickly leaving a large crater in one spot, without disturbances to the rest of
the asteroid. At the opposite extreme, a solid rock asteroid may shatter into many smaller pieces when blasted. The pieces form a
family of smaller asteroids, or come together to form a rubble pile.
Two years before the computer model proves them right, the Zetas described what would happen.
Zetas RIGHT Again!
Earthquake Reporting
On Mar 15, 1999 ZetaTalk stated in the 1999 Predictions that the increasing earthquake frequency and severity will be under-reported in the media, a
coverup in place to dampen panic.
- ZetaTalk: 1999 Predictions, written on Apr 15, 1999
- You're going to have increasing earthquake tremblers. There has been a tightening up of the plates against each other that has not
even appeared in your media, thought the information is available and has been documented on the Troubled Times website. This will
be defused by the media which will fail to report them. Some earthquakes in remote places will not be reported at all, but nevertheless,
word will get around.
Under-reporting was evident, by 2002, as noted by people keeping their eye on the trend.
Get this: On March 26, 2002 ABC News reported that the March 3 earthquake in Afghanistan registered a huge 7.9. But back
on March 3, the U.S. Geological Survey called it a 7.2, a major difference given the logarithmic Richter scale. They now call it
a 7.4.
And on March 26, 2002 the USGS listed that day's largest Afghan earthquake as a 6.0, which they've now upgraded to a 6.1.
Meanwhile, the BBC said that quake registered "about seven" National Public Radio also reported that large swaths of trees
were knocked to the ground. If news reports claim there are 5,000 people feared dead and no standing homes now in the
vicinity of Nahrin, Afghanistan, my limited knowledge of earthquake reporting says this is more consistent with a 7.0 than a
Also, the USGS has upgraded the March 5th earthquake in the Philippines from a 7.2 to a 7.5.
By 2002 the tend of under-reporting was evident, as a dramatic increase had been occurring.
I took a snap shot from the National Seismic System comparing Sep/Oct in 2001 to the same period in 2002.
In 2001 there were, during Sep/Oct:
3 Quakes 7+ Avg 7.17
22 Quakes 6+ Ave 6.36
227 Quakes 5+
In 2002 there were, during Sep/Oct:
4 Quakes 7+ Ave 7.65
42 Quakes 6+ Ave 6.36
244 Quakes 5+
An increase in number and intensity.
Under-reporting in the media? Yes indeed.
Increase in quakes, steadily? Yes indeed.
Zetas RIGHT Again!
Domino Quakes
On Mar 15, 1999 ZetaTalk stated in the 1999 Predictions that domino quakes would begin, where tightly locked plates would bump one another.
- ZetaTalk: 1999 Predictions, written on Apr 15, 1999
- Deep Earthquakes have skyrocked at an exponential rate since the mid 1980, and this indicates a tightening up of these plates. Where
this has not translated to surface quakes, it soon will, and you will find that because these deep plates are locked in that a quake in one
place transmits to another, and you will have what Nancy has been referring to as domino quakes. Rather than months going by before
a repercussion is felt in another part of the world, repercussions will happen almost instantaneously.
By June, 2000 Reuters had noted this.
- Quakes Strike Asia But Are They Linked?
Reuters, June 9, 2000
- The earth moved in Asia Thursday as powerful aftershocks rocked the west coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island, and a series of
earthquakes jolted China, Myanmar and Japan. Experts said last Sunday's quake in Indonesia's Bengkulu province, measuring 7.9 on
the Richter scale.
The Bengkulu earthquake, which appears to have occurred after a rupture between two key plates - the Pacific and Indian plates -
may have triggered a chain reaction of seismic activity along the circum Pacific and Eurasia belts. China's State Seismological Bureau
said the Sumatra, Myanmar and China quakes all occurred along the Eurasia seismic belt stretching from the Mediterranean sea
through the Himalayas to Indonesia.
But if the Zetas had predicted this in April, 1999, I, Nancy, already had noted domino quakes.
They were evident following the Aug 17, 1999 Turkey 7.4 quake, where the Prior Year were random.
I documented this on the Troubled Times web site, comparing the two week period after the 7.4 quake to an identical two week period the year
During the Turkey quake, and following, quakes moves West to East, pushing around the globe, but the year before had been utterly random.
By the Nov 3, 2002 Alaska 7.9 quake, a pattern was evident.
We find there is an almost instant reaction, within the same day, for deep quakes on one side of a plate to push to a strong surface quake on the other
side of the plate or abutting plate.
Domino quakes, predicted ONLY by the Zetas!
Zetas RIGHT Again!