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Lou Gentile Show (Part 4)
April 29, 2005
Nancy only taped her side of the Interview.
The complete interview is available on the Lou Gentile web site, to subscribed members.
A brief paraphrase of the question or comment made by Lou has been inserted.
The first half of the Interview was discussing the content of the web page prepared for the show, content at the link Lou!
This is a long interview, on more than one web page, continuing links to next page at bottom.
LOU: Well here's a question for the Zetas. 'Zetas, what do you think of Fidel Castros recent, his recent public statements saying that if any
aliens from another planet cross his air space of if they are seen anywhere around Cuba, he will kill them, there's going to be no detentions
or anything else like that.'
NANCY: Here's the Zetas on that:
- Fidel is not the first head of state to consider aliens a threat. The US has considered the aliens a threat since Roswell. Why do you think that so many news casts or TV shows are about mass landings, they're chopping up body parts and putting them in vats. ID-4, showing aliens as wishing this, Signs, with Mel Gibson, wishing to take over the planet, and all of evil intent like eating people or enslaving them or just leaving the planet as a trash heap. As we have mentioned, if this was their intent and they had that capacity, it would be done. It is not the case. But government heads find aliens a threat because people who are contactees reach out and are curious, are giving the Call, and visitations are arranged, and they embrace the aliens presence. They find it fascinating. They find the aliens not unlike themselves, interesting different life form types, and not vicious or domineering, but benign and wanting to be of help and wanting to expand the global consciousness into a universal consciousness. So those who are heads of state find this a terrible threat. They can't keep aliens away, they can't drive them away, they can't stop the visitations, so they get very noisy. They say 'aliens are evil, don't talk to those, don't talk to those aliens'. And they also say 'we have the upper hand'. How often have you heard that, or you can just see it in movies. The upper hand is, ah, in ID-4 for instance, the President of the United States got in a jet plane, went to a mothership, blasted it all to pieces, and came back to Earth. How real is that?
- ZetaTalk
LOU: All right, what we're going to do, we have to take a call before we go on break in about 2 ½ minutes. You're on the Lou Gentile show, what's
your name and where are you calling from.
CALLER: Ray, from Oregon. I have a question for Nancy regarding the Zetas, as to why are they so political. Where I come from, I'm independent
but I voted for John Kerry. But being independent, I don't like nasty talk on either side of the spectrum. The Zetas seem to be totally far left wing. They
even knocked the Pope because when he was a student in school and was studying to be a priest, that school enrolled him into the Nazi youth group
which everyone had to be in. And so they've knocked the Pope, they just knocked the Hell out of, I don't like Bush, but I don't like nasty talk about
him either. I think he's a gentleman, and I think he's a reasonable person, who has a Master's Degree. I don't like any President hardly ever. Why do
you think the Zetas, why would a so-called benevolent race who's trying to help us be so damned political?
NANCY: Good question, I get this a lot. Evil is as evil does. Now, it's called a polarization going into the End Times. We've got 5% that are evil,
sadistic, Service-to-Self, they're called, and the other 95% are leaning toward the Golden Rule, or 30% are solidly Golden Rule and in between we've
got people leaning in that direction. So, the people that try to like claw their way to the top into political power or into the religious hierarchies, are often
these people who want to tell you 'these are the rules' and the rules are kind of cruel and unfair, and they lie like crazy. If you actually examine George
Bush, or even during Reagan's era and the like, what they said they were going to do and what they were about were the opposite of what really took
LOU: 30 seconds.
CALLER: OK, do you think if John Kerry were President, they'd be saying the same nasty things about John Kerry?
NANCY: Probably less so, he's still in hand, but it's not as bad as Bush.
CALLER: All right, I guess I find that hard to believe. I've followed you from the beginning but I don't like the tone. It doesn't sound real, I guess is
what I'm saying. I can't believe a race
NANCY: But look at the track record of what these people have done. What happened during the Clinton era and during the Bush era, the number of
outright lies, and the trends. Evil is as evil does. Look at the action.
LOU: All right, thanks for the call, I gotta take a break. We'll be back to the Lou Gentile show. [Commercial break] And welcome back to the Lou
Gentile radio show. Speaking tonight with Nancy Lieder. Check out her website at ZetaTalk.com and get involved with our chat room. Let's get Nancy
back on the phone, Nancy welcome back. Lets go right to the phones. You're on the Lou Gentile show, what's your name and where are you calling
CALLER: Hey Lou, this is Al, how are you. Hello Nancy. I want to ask you a question. Do the Zetas, what is their philosophical, universal, view.
NANCY: That's pretty broad. There is a God, they don't know what it is anymore than we do. They see an order to the Universe, like an intention, an
order, so they basically see the way Natural Law and the way the Universe is laid out, as an expression of God's intent. We are souls incarnating into
intelligent creatures that are consciously aware of themselves as independent or unique from others, such as humans have souls sparking or incarnating
but dogs and cats and mice don't. They think, but they're not really sure, what God's desire is beyond that, any more than we. Now, they have
mentioned the Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other, that worlds that spark new souls to develop as our Earth is, a kindergarden. That after that there is
an increase in densities where the physical is less heavy, and the spiritual is more dominant so we feel lighter and more intellectually in touch with each
other. Service-to-Other, the Golden Rule practicing 95%, 5% are those guys that go off to reform school. This is universally true as they're aware of.
They're here like a Peace Corps. They have been asked to develop mankind's next leap forward, a hybrid race between humans and Zetas, which is in
process as we speak. Bald, small breasts, large heads, but not the dark colored eyes, more eyes the ours,
LOU: Small breasts, small breasts, what are small breasts.
NANCY: Well, you know, like the French women, where they say what might fit in a wine glass. That kind of thing. They strove for our beautiful hair,
and they wanted big busted women, but it wasn't working out, so they said 'forget the hair, forget the boobs', very skinny but very high IQ's.
LOU: Al, you OK or are you going to have a heart attack listening to this.
CALLER: I think I'm going to have some Zambouka.
NANCY: I'm going to miss singing. They don't really talk, they're so telepathically connected, the Zetas are and the hybrids too. You know, in my
younger days, I sang. I loved it! The whole body became an instrument and resonated.
LOU: You used to sing?
NANCY: Lieder is actually a type of German song. I used to sing, a 4 octave range. But I don't do that now, only in the shower.
LOU: Nancy, do me a favor? Can you please sing for me?
NANCY: No, I'm not going to do it (but sings a few notes running up the scale). I used to go way down and way up where it resonates in the sinuses,
4 octave range. I'm not the same anymore.
CALLER: Just one other question. So what I'm gathering out of this, they have some kind of universal consciousness. Would they prescribe to
NANCY: They point to the Universe and Natural Law as God's Law. And it that equates to pantheism, then yes.
LOU: OK, 866-LOUSHOW. Taking your calls for Nancy Lieder. I guess I'm going to ask a question to the Zetas. Actually I want you to tell me, I
think you've told me this before, but can they understand different languages, and people with different dialects and things like that?
NANCY: Yeah, because, putting, our dialects or our languages are like the final print on the paper, but really the thought in our head is universal. They
listen telepathically to people and they understand the concept. I mean, a mother picking up a child and saying 'poor thing, has a wet diaper', this is a
universal concept however you might term diaper or baby. So, in the telepathic communication that ZetaTalk is, they give me the concept, and I
understand it, and I put English around it, and say it in English. If they were speaking to a Greek person, they would put Greek around it and say it in
Greek. But it's the same concept. So therefore, they are listenting to people in concept, not language.
LOU: OK, so in other words, if someone calls in from Mexico, and talks in Mexican, you can understand it?
NANCY: No, I, Nancy, do not. The Zetas may understand it, but I am their translator, and I am a limited vehicle, like they said last month, they're
stuck with my limitations.
LOU: OK, lets take a call before we explore that further. You're on the Lou Gentile show, what's your name and where are you calling from?
CALLER: Hi, this is Bunny. Nancy, been listening to you for years. I've been the one trying to get you to give us a clue as to the date, when this is
supposed to happen, but you've resisted quite well. My question is, how do you know how many months in advance to schedule your talk shows if
you've no idea when this is supposed to happen?
NANCY: Actually, I take the schedule if it's offered to me, and Lou Gentile's scheduler does offer it to me, I say OK and I book it up. Because I
simply don't know when things are going to accelerate or not. And I have really no clue, I have no instincts myself regarding that, on purpose. The fact
that I'm booked up for Lou Gentile through June is due to his scheduling agent arranging that, nothing more than that. It's no indication when something
is going to happen. That's it.
LOU: The Zetas have not paid me in any way, either.