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I would like to know if the Zetas would like to comment on the NDE of Lou Famoso. To me the archangel michael is showing him the account of the coming of Planet X, the events leading up to it, and the aftemath. Lou's NDE happened in 1963, well before Sitchin's revelation.
Nancy is certainly not the only person to receive a vision of the coming times, as there are numerous individuals in every culture around the world receiving such visions. The intent? To have the person communicate their vision, in a firm and determined manner! Nancy and this gentleman are two such examples, both a success. Most such visions and intentions of the soul to have a role during the coming times do not succeed in this manner. It takes courage, and a firm commitment to the truth.
Then it seemed that I had become a part of each of these visions. There were scenes of men in uniform killing other men in uniforms. I recognized some of the insignias and some were from the USA. There were also thousands of them not in uniforms killing even more thousands not in uniform. It was like looking at toy figures moving on their own, mowing down other figures, different countries, different nations, different religions, different weapons, different decades, but always resulting in hundreds of thousands dead and dying. I wanted out of there. I could feel the pain these people were suffering.
I asked the being, "Why was this and how long was this to go on?"
The being said, "Man will prey on man until man will pray for man."
The next vision was of floods - many of them spilling across the earth on different continents in different seasons. I am again walking among it, feeling the force and taking in the smell of death. Hundreds of lives and acres upon acres of crops were lost as well as hundreds of stock and wild animals floating away into the abyss.
Then I was watching volcanoes from around the world erupting, first one then another. The molten lava burying whole towns and villages and the people and animals within them. I gazed among the ruins and saw little left of what once stood there.
The last vision I saw in the screen were of earthquakes destroying sections of almost every continent. One was a massive one in America - most others were in Europe and the Orient. Again, thousands are killed. Structures are crumpled. The landscape leveled. I turned again to the being and he said, "There will not only be more of what you have seen but there will come a time when it will all happen at the same time and it will come at the same time of mans' greatest sins."
A large mass passed me, larger then any of the planets known to me, and as it passes, I see the earth wobble wildly as would a top toward the end of its spin. The rotation stopped and slowly started again but it was tilted now and I was drawn in closer like the zoom of a lens.
The ash clouds that had engulfed the earth thinned, and like a tack welded piece of metal being dismantled, I could see the ocean bodies starting to rise - first the Pacific along the "Ring of Fire", then the others, synchronistical.
As the waters shifted upon the landmasses, the landmasses started to sink under the waters added pressure upon it. When the pressures equaled out, to the spin of the changing axis, the earth no longer looked as it did moments before. It was newer, cleaner, more beautiful with darker greens and lighter blues. Some of the new landmasses looked similar to a few of the other planets I had recently visited with Michael.
People were upon this earth and appeared happier and more content although seemingly living like the native populations of old.
Cities, built by the Ancient Ones, that were buried beneath the oceans, were now being populated by the surviving people in this new world. I saw tribes joining tribes and small nations forming, but it was what I didn't see that made my heart burst. There were no more wars. True peace and happiness had finally befallen on humankind.
Gabriel now tells me that this is his message that I must take back, to let others know that there is little to fear, for the earth will go on forever as did all the planets I had visited. I am to tell the world to look to ORION and they will know when the new world will come upon them.
I ask him, "What of the others there on earth during the change?"
Gabriel tells me that all will be lifted. Some will be lifted higher then others and no longer enjoy the physical realm, while some will be left on the earth to replenish and rebuild the physical. They too will be of a higher elevation then any that are living there now!