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- 15 Villages in the City of Bima Awash Flood
Yadin (Media Nusantara)
http://medianusantara-mn.blogspot.com/2011/02/15-kelurahan-di-kota-bima-terendam.html- City Bima (West Nusa Tenggara)-To kalikedua Bima city-region of NTB Province was flooded. The incident was estimated at 05.00 pm, Wednesday (2/10) early morning. Flash floods expected shipments from the mountains Jatibaru, Bima city and surrounding districts Wawo penggunungan Bima district. Direct observation MN-almost all houses of residents in the town of Bima districts inundated. Location of the worst neighborhoods such floods submerged in the village of West Rasanae Sarae district, municipality Jatibaru, Malay Asakota district. Meanwhile, in the heart of Bima, around shops, did not escape flooded knee-deep in adults.
- Indonesia: Pati Floods(Update)
February 12, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsvideo/2011/02/12/122343/Sudah-Sepekan-Pati-Terendam- Floods inundate extensive areas in Pati, Central Java, until Saturday (2/12). Height of water in the village of Banjarsari reach more than one meter. Residents on the move using a boat. About 300 houses are still beating the floods.
- West-Surabaya Floods
Feb 11, 2011
http://lazismusurabaya.blogspot.com/2011/02/lazismu-serahkan-bantuan-untuk-korban.html- The floods that struck the district of West Surabaya Pakal early February 2011 it had flooded two villages in the municipality Source Rejo especially in ds Sumberlanggeng. Hundreds of houses inundated by water as high as 50 cm to 1 meter. Flooding has occurred for 2 this year when the rainy season.
- Flooding Back Soak District Glagah
February 15,2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201102/320505/Banjir_Kembali_Rendam_Kecamatan_Glagah- Floods hit back Sumberejo Village, District Glagah, Lamongan, East Java, on Tuesday (2/15). Floor of the house that was dry two days re-immersed in water as high as 30 centimeters. Floods which had previously been more a week have affected the health of soaking. Not a few who began to develop hives.
- Indonesia Flood Victims Demand Government Attention
February 16, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201102/320668/Korban_Banjir_Tuntut_Perhatian_Pemerintah- Cirebon, Indonesia: Hundreds of residents from the village of Rawa Urip Block Kalibangka, Japura Kidul Village, and Banyan Village, Wednesday (16 / 2), demonstrating in the District Office Pangenan, Cirebon, West Java. They demanded the government to pay attention to their fate. People's homes are damaged and collapsed. In his speech, asked the government to pay attention to the fate of the masses of flood victims Cimanis River. Since the embankment of the river burst its banks, flooding often submerging residential areas. As a result, houses in the vicinity of the river was severely damaged. For that, Camat Pangenan Nana promised to immediately repair the damaged dikes and burst its banks.
- Rob and Floods Inundate Still North Pekalongan District
February 18, 2011
http://www.radiokotabatik.co.cc/2011/02/rob-dan-banjir-masih-menggenangi.html- Rob, to the still flooded hundreds of homes in the northern districts of Pekalongan, rob who comes in the night and morning to make aktiftas residents disturbed. Standing water is still soaking rob RW region 4, RW 5, and RW 6 with his height reached about 10 centimeters. Rob increasingly receded after resident stem with a pile of sandbags. Puddles caused by water channels.
- Indonesia: Lamongan Besieged Flood
February 20,2011
http://liputan86.blogspot.com/2011/02/persiapan-try-out-terganggu-banjir.html- Third-grade students sma khozinul this ulum, was forced to prepare for the exam try out in the middle of the flood. Seama last month, their school tendam tributary river flood water solo. During the learning process, students had to use sandals as footwear because their classrooms calf-high water submerged adult. Teachers in schools located in the beautiful village of district kalitengah Bojo, forecast the value of their students will go down as the impact of the floods that have been soaking the school since a month ago.
- Indonesia: Floods Soak Rob Tens of Houses in Sikka and Lebong Floods
February 23, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/02/23/205380/129/101/-Banjir-Rob-Rendam- Flood water tide (rob) submerging dozens of houses in the village Wolowarang, District of West Alok, Sikka District, East Nusa Tenggara. Rob wave caused by a retaining wall built along the coast have long been broken. Flooding is considered more severe this time due to the rising sea water onto land until a radius of about 200 meters, from the usually between 100-150 meters.
- Floods Soak Hundreds of Homes in North Aceh
February 15, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/02/15/203371/126/101/Banjir-Rendam-Ratusan- About 300 homes in the District Matangkuli, North Aceh District, Aceh was inundated in the last three days. Hundreds of homes were scattered in the village of Lawang, Alue Thoe, Tanjoeng Tengku Ali, Tanjoeng Haji Muda, Tengku Tanjoeng Cloud, Siren, Village and Village Ceubrek Hagu. Monitoring Media Indonesia, Monday (2/14) water level ranging from 30 cm-1, 5 meters. In the village of Lawang hundreds of residents forced to flee into the embankment of irrigation and village halls. In the village of Alue Thoe, besides submerging homes flooding also commemorate the road that connects the Sub-District Matangkuli Pirak Timu with a height of about 40 centimeters.
- Tribune Correspondent Reports Lampung, Gilang Setiawan
February 16, 2011
http://www.tribunnews.com/2011/02/16/ratusan-kendaraan-terjebak-banjir-di-jalan-ke-bandarlampung- Heavy rain which flushed Gedongtataan region, Pesawaran District for two hours on Wednesday (2/16//2011) result in a number of roads in the area flooding. The condition is exacerbated because the overflow of water from rice fields located on the right Jalan Ahmad Yani, Bandarlampung path, overflowing. As a result, hundreds of four-wheeled vehicles and two wheel long stuck in traffic due to poor drainage on the road. As a result of stagnant water such number of vehicles were damaged by even a car or motorcycle engine submerged in a pool of water as high as more than one meter. Until now, traffic congestion continues to occur, on the other side of the overflow of rain water does not go low tide because of heavy rain continued to occur.
- Floods Struck Rob Network
22 February 2011
http://www.waspada.co.id/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=176386:- Ocean tides recent times getting worse. The condition has been ongoing since last year and likely will get worse if not dealt with seriously and prevention efforts. Causes of flooding rob, he said, occurred tides and the position of the moon that causes the earth's gravity so that the sea level rise. In addition, the burden of existing land use on the coast and taking excessive ground water caused a decrease in surface soil. Rob Floods also hit the coastal areas of Coal. Pairs originating from the sea occurred in the Malacca Strait last three days flooded the settlement in inland sea lane.
- Wilderness Residents Surprised Sekampung Attacked Flood Rob Night
February 21, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsvideo/2011/02/21/122912/Warga-Rimba- Hundreds of houses in Rimba Sekampung, District of West Dumai, Dumai, Riau, submerged in flood water or flood tide rob. Floods rob normally flooded homes in the morning, this time coming in the evening. Besides inundating hundreds of homes, flooding rob also soak all main roads in these villages, such as Jackfruit Road, Jalan Budi glory, and street similar to jackfruit. Many vehicles can not pass and even strike in the middle of the road. Floods rob at night this is the first event in the city of Dumai. Water levels vary from 30 centimeters to 60 centimeters. Residents are now increasing vigilance for fear of flood elevation increases rob again.
- Medan Floods
February 2011
http://www.waspada.co.id/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&- The city of Medan is the third largest city in Indonesia after Jakarta and Surabaya. Medan City is still mempuyai problems in dealing with flooding problems. The reason, every rain fell almost all the main streets in the flooded city of Medan. Little direct rain flood. It can be seen the number of stagnant water in urban areas.
- Indonesia Mendahara: Floods Caused by Overflow of Seawater
February 23, 2011
http://www.jambi-independent.co.id/jio/index.php?- Houses Awash, Residents Not Displaced
Floods caused by overflow of seawater. The water reached knee height of people today. Until yesterday (2/22) height of the water has not receded. Roads and most homes already submerged. Especially houses located alongside a river. Seasonal flooding is always often the case today. But flooding this time is quite alarming. Sea water overflowed and swept along the river.- Lebong Floods
February 23, 2011
http://www.bipnewsroom.info/index.php?_language=Indonesia- Heavy rain which flushed Lebong Regency especially in District of North Lebong, resulting in hundreds of homes in the village of Kampung Muara Aman inundated, even at least 30 houses owned by 150 families in the village submerged by the water level reaches 1 meter.
- Dozens of Homes in Bone Awash Flood
February 13, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newscatvideo/nusantara/2011/02/13/122410/- Bone: Dozens of homes on the main road Watampone City, District of Bone in South Sulawesi, inundated. As a result activity disturbed residents. Dozens of homes in two villages in Bone, the flood inundated to a height of 60 centimeters.
- Rain Showers, Gorontalo City Flooded
February 16, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201102/320507/Hujan_Lebat__Kota_Gorontalo_Tergenang- After about two hours of torrential rain, floods again hit parts of the city of Gorontalo, on Tuesday (2/15). In fact, water has flooded some streets. Although the new water level reached 25 centimeters, the existing residents in the region have started to clean up.
- Floods in Gorontalo
February 17, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/02/17/203877/128/101/Banjir-di-Gorontalo-Meluas- Floods which occurred in the city of Gorontalo and surrounding widening since Wednesday night to Thursday morning (2/17) Initially flooding caused by overflow of drainage, but since Wednesday night, the flooding began to spread to Wartabone Nani Street, Panigoro, Ahmad Yani, and department stores in the city of Gorontalo. Heavy rain which flushed the area, resulting in water levels continue to grow to 35 centimeters.
- Flash Flood Damaged Dozens of Homes in the City of Gorontalo
February 17, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/02/02/203923/128/101/- Flash floods hit several homes in the District of Bone Bolango and the city of Gorontalo, Gorontalo Province, since Wednesday (2/16) night. The worst affected place in the Village Panggulo, District Botupingge, Bolango Bone regency.
- Indonesia: Gorontalo and North Pekalongan Floods
February 18, 2011
http://www.bipnewsroom.info/index.php?&newsid=72072&_link=loadnews.php- Flood emergency response period in Bone regency and city of Gorontalo province Bolango Gurontalo set for seven days. Because the level of rainfall is quite heavy at that time resulting in flooding in the city of Gorontalo, then within a few hours a flash flood occurred in Bone regency Bolango.
- Indonesia: Mamuju hit by the Wave
February 20, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201102/321149/Kota_Mamuju_Terancam_Banjir_Rob- Hundreds of meters of dike retaining waves along the coast in the region Mamuju, West Sulawesi on Sunday (2/20), burst its banks hit by the wave. These conditions make Mamuju and several other areas threatened flood rob. In Sub Simboro, damage to the embankment to make a burial site and residents were destroyed. The highway at this location are now impassable vehicle. Despite bad weather dangerous voyage, some fishermen still desperate to sea. They have long argued are unemployed and do not earn a living. This step had to be taken to support his children and wife at home. Citizens expect government to act. Levee and road repairs are absolutely necessary for Mamuju avoid a more serious disaster.
- Manado Floods
February 21, 2011
http://www.tribunnews.com/2011/02/21/banjir-dan-longsor-kembali-terjang-manado- The intensity of rain that rises a few days later in the city is a major factor in the occurrence of the disaster. Water due to seepage from the rear sangai settlements reached adult thigh.
- Thousands of Houses Awash Water
February 23, 2011
http://www.indosiar.com/fokus/89589/ribuan-rumah-terendam-air- Heavy rains continued pouring Manado city since last Monday caused some re-flooded areas. Thousands of homes in five districts inundated by water that reached one meter height. Besides being located in the lowlands, the site was also located on the outskirts das Tondano ever overflowed due to heavy rainfall. Besides inundating homes, flooding also shut down several major roads in the city center of Manado, causing traffic jams.
- No Rain, No Noise But Flood
February 11, 2011
http://kebangkitanjebat.blogspot.com/2011/02/tiada-hujan-tiada-ributtapi-banjir.html- Flooding from Felda Tenang, Segamat. Segamat flood water to down toward Pagoh. With his quiet jugak floods hit the area Pagoh, Muar. Pagoh week x rain. Closed, continue to flood. Actually coz first time Umah flooded.
- Malaysia: Johor Floods
February 12, 2011
http://www.wowberita.com/2011/02/459-mangsa-banjir-johor-dibenarkan.html- 4.736 people than 1.057 families are still deployed in 19 displacement centers in Muar, Batu sculpting, Ledang and Segamat. 4.140 seramai people than 921 families are still stationed at the Stone sculpting, Muar. Tekam Pogoh Road Section 1-Section 3 (Chodan to Tekam) in Segamat are still closed to all vehicles one meter deep water about one kilometer.
- Malaysia: Ampang Point Floods
February 16, 2011
http://pulautalang.blogspot.com/2011/02/ampang-point-banjirbila-hujan-5-minit.html- Kuala Lumpur: It was not until five minutes of rain, was enough to sink the road near the pedestrian bridge at the mall Ampang Point from the city center since two days ago. Consumers are caught in flash flooding claimed that overcrowding is believed to result from clogged drains as before, the road has never flooded.
- Malaysia: Bintulu Floods
February 17, 2011
http://melanaublogger.blogspot.com/2011/02/gambar-banjir-kilat-di-bintulu.html- Asyakirin Village Phase I and II was hit by flash floods last night, after heavy rain started at about 2 pm Tuesday caused some houses flooded three feet deep. Abu Bakar said the village heads, the water began to rise rapidly at about 7 pm. Rarely is the water rose as high. This is the first time.
- Singapore: High tides up to 3.3m expected
February 18, 2011
http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC110218-0000428/High-tides- Weekend flash flood warning
19/2/2011 3.3m 1131hrs
20/2/2011 3.3m 1216hrs
21/2/2011 3.3m 1305hrs
High tides of at least 3.3 metres are expected from Feb 19 to 21, according to the PUB. Heavy afternoon showers with thunder can be expected in the next few days. During this period, heavy rain coinciding with high tides could lead to localised flash floods, especially in low-lying areas such as Lorong Buangkok, Jalan Seaview, Meyer Road, Changi Lorong 101 to Lorong 106 and Everitt Road North.
- Indonesia Jolo.
February 11, 2011
http://www.pia.gov.ph/?m=1&t=1&id=16663- The flashflood that happened in Jolo is the first time ever in the history of its existence.
- Floods hit Caraga Anew
February 17, 2011
http://www.philstar.com/Article.aspx?articleId=658634&publicationSubCategoryId=200- Several areas in Caraga Region were flooded anew following days of continuous rains, destroying two bridges in the area. Thousands of residents in Agusan del Sur were evacuated to safer grounds as rains continue to pour today, damaging the Javier Bridge in Surigao del Sur and the Taktaraok Bridge in Agusan del Sur. The local disaster risk reduction management councils in the area were already activated to address the needs of affected residents. Bad weather also forced Cebu Pacific airlines to cancel its inbound and outbound flights in Butuan City. In Surigao del Sur, a road section in Barobo town is not passable due to floods.
- Philippines: Floods force Evacuation in Mindanao
February 23, 2011
http://www.gmanews.tv/story/213710/ndrrmc-floods-force-evacuation-in-mindanao- Predawn flash floods forced the evacuation of over 800 families in Misamis Oriental and Sarangani provinces in Mindanao. The houses of around 103 families (or 515 people) were either partially destroyed or completely damaged. The victims include: three families (15 people) in Pangyan town, and 100 families (500 people) in Burias. Flash floods also hit Lagonglong and Medina towns in Misamis Oriental due to continuous heavy rains. Some 60 families or 300 people were affected, including: 10 families (50 people) in Cabug village in Medina; and 50 families (250 people) in Dampil village in Lagonglong.
- Vietnam: Flood-tide water levels to rise higher in southern provinces
February 17, 2011
http://www.saigon-gpdaily.com.vn/National/Society/2011/2/89715/- The Southern Hydro-Meteorological Station predicted the flood-tide water levels would continue to rise higher in the coming days in the southern provinces. By February 18, the flood-tide water levels at the Phu An pumping station (Sai Gon River) are expected to be 1.34 metres. The flood-tide waters are rising dangerously high due to a current of cold air which is moving from the north to the south because of strong north-easterly winds which push the sea water inland. The outskirts and surrounding areas of Ho Chi Minh City will probably suffer flooding which will affect the livelihood of locals. The center has also asked local authorities to be vigilant of high-rising flood-tide waters which may overflow the banks of dykes.