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- Indonesia Trengalek: Mysterious Tremors Still Continues
February 24, 2011
http://besteasyseo.blogspot.com/2011/02/fenomena-2011-dentuman-trenggalek.html- Thunderous boom is heard in seven districts. Sounds similar to fireworks tube, the explosion in the bowels of the earth who was gentle and big. There is a boom or a rumbling sound coming from under the ground in the southern province of East Java's. Boom is heard in seven districts But according to the investigation could have been the cause of Terri's mysterious explosion originated from shallow earthquakes that occurred. As revealed from the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, ITB, which examined the report based on its characteristics occur mysterious booms, such as ground shaking, vibration in the ground, follow the carrying tool Climatology Meteorology and Geophysics Agency for local as earthquakes.
- Dozens of homes in Kupang Floods
February 24, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/02/24/205731/129/101/Puluhan-Rumah-di-Kupang-Tergenang-Banjir- Dozens of houses in the village of Oebelo, Kupang District Central, Regency Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, inundated as high as 20 to 30 centimeters. On Thursday morning, Kupang and surrounding areas only rain of moderate intensity.
- Dozens of House Awash Flood
Feb 27, 2011
http://www.balipost.co.id/mediadetail.php?module=detailberita&kid=2&id=48735- The coastal area labih Beach, Gianyar, submerged in water. Residents in coastal areas created panic. As a result of the settlement areas around the coast under water. Water soaking dozens of homes and shops in the vicinity of the beach has not receded and residents are still disturbing activity. Villagers suspect that puddle of water due to tidal beach at night. Apparently, a pool of water caused by heavy rain that lasted all night.
- Indonesia: Purworejo Floods
February 26, 2011
http://suaramerdeka.com/v1/index.php/read/news/2011/02/26/78891/Puluhan-Rumah-Terendam-Banjir- Jali River overflowed. Overflow of rain water that pooled a number of roads in the District Ngombol and Purwodadi. In fact, dozens of homes owned by residents that was once under water. In addition to homes, hektaran rice ready for harvest in the two districts were also not spared from the flood water inundation. Farmers threatened the owner of the rice crop failure. Flood first began to inundate the township residents in the morning while residents slept.
Probolinggo Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7e1DK4G336s&feature=player_embedded- Rain One Hour, A Flooded Road
February 28, 2011
http://suaramerdeka.com/v1/index.php/read/news/2011/02/28/79048/Hujan-Satu-Jam-Sejumlah-Jalan-Tergenang- Heavy rain which flushed Solo City this afternoon for an hour, causing a number of roads were flooded. Vehicles have to walk slowly through puddles in some places as high as the dry bones of adults. Shin-high water to flow with the current swift enough to the east.
- Due to Floods and Landslide, Residents Purworejo Natural High Cost
February 28, 2011
http://suaramerdeka.com/v1/index.php/read/news/2011/02/28/79039/-Akibat-Banjir-dan-Longsor-Warga-Purworejo-Alami-Kerugian-Besar- Bad weather and rain that occurred 3 days in a row in Purworejo regency, resulted in the river overflowed and caused flooding and landslides in two districts and one district each other. The two districts hit by flooding, including District and Sub Ngombol Purwodadi. And one districts were hit by landslides Bagelen District. The height of the water even reaches the adult knee.
- Residents Fear Flooding Supplementary Purworejo
February 28, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201102/322139/Ratusan_Rumah_di_Kulonprogo_Terendam- The victims of flooding in the District Ngombol and Purwodadi, Purworejo, Central Java has not dared return home. They worry that aftershocks more severe flooding than before. They chose to flee to a safer place despite the shrinking pool of water.
- Flash Flood lunge Three Villages in Tuban
February 28, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/02/28/206621/125/101/Banjir-Bandang-Terjang-Tiga-Desa-di-Tuban- Around 150 houses in three villages in the District Cross, Tuban, East Java, were flooded due to flash floods. Three villages flooded up to the level of a 50 centimeters.
- Flood Landa Kulonprogo
February 27, 2011
http://kulonprogonews.wordpress.com/2011/02/27/banjir-landa-kulonprogo/- Heavy rain which flushed Kulonprogo yesterday has resulted in dozens of homes in District of climbing and Lendah submerged. The floods also inundated a number of schools, and office complex and dozens of hectares of paddy fields. Although there were no casualties, but damage was estimated to reach tens of millions of dollars. But the water is usually only commemorate rice fields and not to go into the yard. This flood was the biggest in over five years.
- Indonesia: Kulonprogo
February 28, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201102/322139/Ratusan_Rumah_di_Kulonprogo_Terendam- Three consecutive rainy days in Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta causing river water to overflow. Hundreds of homes in District and Sub Lendah Pajatan, Kulonprogo inundated. As high as 40 centimeters of water flooded the houses of community members. Flooding also soak tens of hectares of paddy fields ready for harvest in two sub-district.
- Tuban Floods
March 1, 2011
http://www.lihatberita.com/2011/02/lima-jam-hujan-3-desa-terendam.html- After the rain which flushed in a number of districts located in Tuban for 5 hours more, making dozens of houses located in 3 villages are located in the District Cross, Tuban inundated. It happened because the overflow of river water that flows in the third village. Besides submerging dozens of homes, flooding is also soak a number of road that connects the three villages, until the water reached knee-height adults.
- Solo River overflowed, Dozens of Houses Flooded
March 1, 2011
http://news.okezone.com/read/2011/03/01/340/429947/bengawan-solo-meluap-puluhan-rumah-tergenang- The rain that fell since last Monday, making the Solo River overflowed. As a result, dozens of homes in District Jebres, stagnant water.
- Floods Soak Thousands of Houses in Pandeglang
March 1, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201103/322361/Banjir_Rendam_Ribuan_Rumah_di_Pandeglang- About a thousand houses in several villages in the district Pagelaran, Patia and Sukaresmi, Pandeglang regency, West Java, inundated since yesterday until Tuesday (third) this morning. Height of water in the settlement residents around one to two meters. Some villages in the District of Patia and Pagelaran even isolated. Because roads also submerged. River flooding due to overflowing of this Cilemer Ciliman and also soak hundreds of hectares of rice crops, a number of school buildings, mosques and markets in the District Exhibition.
- Bali Floods
February 28, 2011
http://channel6newsonline.com/2011/02/tens-of-houses-flooded-due-to-heavy-rains-in-indonesias-west-sumatra/- Last week, at least 475 houses were submerged due to the severe flooding that hit the Indonesian Island province of Bali. Tinga-Tinga, Celukan Bawang, and Pengulon villages were truck by heavy rains that began on Tuesday and ended. In Pengulon, 108 houses were submerged. A 1.5 meter-high flood water covered 47 houses in Tinga-Tinga village. The Celukan Bawang village was the most affected as 320 houses were inundated and one house was buried due to a landslide. The flooding also destroyed a 10-meter-long bridge and disrupted transportation between Pengulon and Patas villages.
- Flood Impact More Extensive DIY
March 1, 2011
http://regional.kompas.com/read/2011/03/01/21130164/Dampak.Banjir.DIY.Semakin.Meluas- If the affected area two days ago reached 645 hectares of land now submerged plants that grew 126 hectares. Within two days, the area of agricultural land in Kulon Progo increased flooding submerged 120 hectares. The most severe area was submerged in the District of climbing, Kulon Progo. In Bantul, Bantul Regent Sri Suryawidati said the government is ready to provide assistance and onion rice seeds to farmers experiencing crop failure.
- Thousands of Houses Awash Flood
http://www.indosiar.com/fokus/89687/ribuan-rumah-terendam-banjir- Due to the overflow of three major rivers namely Sungai Cilemer, Cidurian and Cipunten Supreme simultaneously, thousands of homes in 9 districts in Banten Pandeglang inundated. Especially in District of Patia Pagelaran and here the water level reaches 1 meter.
- 914 Houses in Lebak Awash Flood
March 2, 2011
http://www.berita8.com/read/2011/03/02/2/39225/914-Rumah-di-Lebak-Terendam-Banjir- Houses belong to 914 households scattered in 10 villages in the District Banjarsari, Lebak District, Banten Province, due to overflow of river inundated Ciliman after several days heavy rain. More severe flooding in the village of Bojong Juruh and Bannerman Jaya to a height of two meters. The number of residents affected by floods recorded 914 households or 3354 people spread over 10 villages in the region.
- Solo River overflowed, 232 House Awash
March 2, 2011
http://regional.kompas.com/read/2011/03/02/08330415/Bengawan.Solo.Meluap.232.Rumah.Terendam- Heavy rain which flushed more than six hours causing Solo River overflowed and soak in bantarannya 232 homes. In Kulon Progo and Bantul, the government is still counting losses due to overflow of the soaking Progo 771 hectares of paddy fields. In addition overflow Solo, the Solo also occur landslide on the banks of Kali Pepe, who is the son of Solo. From Yogyakarta reported, based on recent data, agricultural land area affected by Progo river flood increased to 771 hectares from the previous 645 acres.
- Tens of houses flooded due to heavy rains in Indonesia's West Sumatra
February 28, 2011
http://channel6newsonline.com/2011/02/tens-of-houses-flooded-due-to-heavy-rains-in-indonesias-west-sumatra/- Last week, at least 475 houses were submerged due to the severe flooding that hit the Indonesian Island province of Bali. Tinga-Tinga, Celukan Bawang, and Pengulon villages were truck by heavy rains that began on Tuesday and ended. In Pengulon, 108 houses were submerged. A 1.5 meter-high flood water covered 47 houses in Tinga-Tinga village. The Celukan Bawang village was the most affected as 320 houses were inundated and one house was buried due to a landslide. The flooding also destroyed a 10-meter-long bridge and disrupted transportation between Pengulon and Patas villages.
- Flood 30 Cm, Avoid Mangga Dua
February 28, 2011
http://us.metro.vivanews.com/news/read/206836-genangan-air-dan-macet-jakarta-pagi-ini- Until late morning, congestion is still plagued Jalan Sudirman. Heavy rain occurring also causes puddles. From the information Traffic Management Center (TMC) Polda Metro Jaya, there are about four point locations puddles. Puddle with a height of 15 inches occurred in front of gas stations Cilincing. With the same height, a pool of water also occurs in the area of the motor depot Penjaringan. Standing water high enough in front of the WTC Mangga Dua, about 25 centimeters, and at Jalan Besar Rice Industry as high as 30 centimeters.
- Pandeglang Floods
March 1, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201103/322426/Banjir_di_Pandeglang_Meluas- Flood overflow and Cilemer Ciliman River extends to six districts in Pandeglang, Banten. At least 1500 homes submerged, even in some residential water level reached four meters. Activity was also disturbed by the way citizens participate submerged to a height of two meters.
- Sea water overflowed in North Jakarta.
March 2, 2011
http://www.investor.co.id/pages/videos/?id=2049- Flood tide water still soaking the house or rob people in the region warehousing Marina Road, Muara Baru, Penjaringan, North Jakarta.
- Thousands of Flood Victims in Clean Water Difficulties
March 3, 2011
http://www.indosiar.com/fokus/89704/ribuan-korban-banjir-kesulitan-air-bersih- The consequences of floods submerging thousands of homes in Pandeglang, Banten, transportation routes to this area lost a total so that the residents were forced to use boats to travel. Meanwhile, the flood victims also begin to clean water shortage, because the springs that they use from wells and jetpam can no longer be used as part submerged.
- Indonesia: Sudden flooding in Jantho
February 24, 2011
http://www.waspada.co.id/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=176958:jantho-banjir-bandang&catid=13:aceh&Itemid=26- BANDA ACEH - Village Well, Jantho City hit by flash floods. Currently, the water entering the township population has reached a height of one meter. Residents do not know the water comes, because there was no rain, suddenly the water was as high as one meter.
- Almost week Mendahara Kelurahan Ilir Awash Sea Water Place
February 24, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/02/02/205648/126/101/Hampir_Sepekan_Kelurahan_Mendahara_Ilir_Terendam_Air_Pasang_Laut- Mendahara Kelurahan Ilir, East Tanjung Jabung, Jambi, ocean tides inundated for several days. The flooding that occurred nearly a week flooded the homes of a village with a height of nearly one meter. In the past, one year at a time. It was not as severe as it is today. Currently flooding is more frequent and increasingly high-alone.
- Floods Hit Aceh Jaya
February 26, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/metromain/news/2011/02/26/43718/Aceh-Jaya-Dilanda-Banjir- Seven villages in the district Teunom, Aceh Jaya, Aceh province hit by flash floods. Floods occurred after heavy rains drenched the region since yesterday. Hundreds of homes were flooded. The water began to inundate houses and schools early this morning. Until this afternoon the water was still knee-deep in adults.
- Floods Soak the Seven Villages in Aceh
Feb 27, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201102/322045/Banjir_Rendam_Tujuh_Desa_di_Aceh- Adult knee-deep floods also soak schools, rice fields, and existing state roads. Residents worry the water levels continue to grow. Almost every rainy season, flooding is always coming. During the year 2010 alone, floods have six times the soak region.
- Surround Floods Again West Aceh-Aceh Jaya
February 27, 2011
http://www.hinamagazine.com/index.php/2011/02/27/banjir-kepung-lagi-aceh-barat-aceh-jaya/- Several large rivers in West Aceh and Aceh Jaya overflowed again led to some areas in two districts neighboring again surrounded the floods. In West Aceh district, as many as 4200 people from 18 villages in the subdistrict of East Woyla, some Kaway XVI, and the District Meureubo since Saturday afternoon cooped up yesterday reported a flood. The accident was due to overflowing of the two major rivers in the region, namely Krueng Woyla and Meuereubo. Though rainfall in Aceh Jaya since the last two days is still within normal limits. You could say this flood due to heavy rainfall in upstream.
- Floods Soak Dozens of homes in West Sumatra
February 28, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/02/28/206586/126/101/Banjir-Rendam-Puluhan-Rumah-di-Sumbar- Dozens of homes in Pasa Durian Kenagarian Manggopoh, District Lubuk cone, Agam regency, West Sumatra flood. Torrential rains flushed since (2/26) resulted in Sungai Batang Antokan Pasa Durian overflowed.
- Tens of houses flooded due to heavy rains in Indonesia's West Sumatra
February 28, 2011
http://channel6newsonline.com/2011/02/tens-of-houses-flooded-due-to-heavy-rains-in-indonesias-west-sumatra/- Indonesian authorities on Monday informed that tens of houses were flooded due to heavy rains during the weekend in Agam District in West Sumatra, the Antara news agency reported. In addition, the Batang Antokan River located in Pasa Durian began to overflow. The floodwaters reached a height of 50 centimeters.
- Drainage Conditions in the city of Jambi Still Ambush
March 1, 2011- Condition draenase (ditch water) in the city of Jambi is still unorganized. Even when it rains, puddles of water appear evenly across the street even to trading centers and settlements. Until now the government does not fix the city of Jambi in Jambi draenase bad.
- Indonesia Samarinda Seberang: It's time to evacuate!
February 26, 2011
http://www.sapos.co.id/index.php/berita/detail/Rubrik/18/14669- Mining activity in the vicinity of residential areas back to haunt some residents who live nearby. When the rains come, some homes had flooded due to the excavation. It was not without reason, that the earth's absorptive capacity is less a result of these activities make a direct rainwater towards environmental citizens. So the flood can not be avoided. Even according to the RT 37 Samuel narrative, the flooding of the environment had an adult chest height. It's time to make a number of residents to evacuate because of the high flow of water that flooded the environment in the region.
- 30 Houses in Tual Awash Install Sea Water
February 27, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsvideo/2011/02/27/123249/30-Rumah-di-Tual-Terendam-Pasang-Air-Laut- Flood tide soak about 30 homes in Complex Fidabo, Tual, Maluku. Water levels in the homes of about 50 centimeters residents. Residents said they resigned because the position of the house which is adjacent to the beach. Citizens expect government help to cope with the tide flooding problems by creating a dike retaining higher.
- Stadium Area Flood Mattoanging Makassar
March 1, 2011
http://makassar.tribunnews.com/2011/03/01/kawasan-stadion-mattoanging-makassar-banjir- Stadium Mattoanging Andi Mattalatta Makassar was also not spared from the flood. The area around the stadium is the pride of citizens of South Sulawesi floods to the knee man, woman. The road was closed by the residents for road users is not trapped flood. The reason is many road users that the vehicle broke down due to exposure to water. Climatology Meteorology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Region IV Makassar inform, the rain that occurred on Tuesday (3/01/2011) today still in the medium category. However Makassar already flooded everywhere.
- Gara-Gara in STIMIK Flood Loss
March 1, 2011
http://makassar.tribunnews.com/2011/03/01/gara-gara-banjir-macet-di-stimik- Torrential rains that lashed the city of Makassar since last night has resulted in stagnant water and floods in almost all corners of the city of Makassar. Puddles of water re-occurred in front of the campus. As a result of stagnant water such vehicles pass heading towards the Power experiencing congestion due to fear of a strike due to a waterlogged engine. Flooding and stagnant water are abundant to the highway is also sweeping housing and Bung Permai Jl Racing center and the front office of Governor of South Sulawesi.
- Hundreds of homes in Gowa Flooded
March 1, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/metromain/news/2011/03/01/44013/Ratusan-Rumah-di-Gowa-Kebanjiran- Hundreds of homes in Gowa, South Sulawesi on (1 / 3) flooded. Water level reached 50 centimeters. He added that the area has long been subscribed flooding. However, this year the water flow is much higher than the previous.
- Hundreds of Meters of Dike Retaining Mamuju Waves Along the Coast are also Getting Damaged.
March 3, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201103/322679/Meski_Cuaca_Buruk__Nelayan_Mamuju_Nekat_Melaut- Bad weather continues to hit the Gulf waters are not only membuatkehidupan Mandar fishermen tight. Hundreds of meters of dike retaining Mamuju waves along the coast are also getting damaged. Hundreds of meters of whom threatened to burst its banks to flood rob all the time.
- Malaysia: Flash floods hit Kuala Lumpur
February 25, 2011
http://muslimeen-united.blogspot.com/2011/02/kuala-lumpur-dilanda-banjir-kilat.htmlHeavy rains in the capital this afternoon caused some major roads flooded due to overflowing water from several rivers such as Sungai Gombak and Sungai Bonus. Following the flash floods as high as about 0.7 meters, a lot of light vehicles were trapped in several major roads in the capital.
- Leading Indonesian island of Threatened Drowning
February 28, 2011
http://www.republika.co.id/berita/breaking-news/nasional/11/02/28/166553-pulau-terdepan-indonesia-terancam-tenggelam- Stone Island Chain, which is the leading island Republic of Indonesia and located in the administrative area of Batam in Riau Islands Province, nearly drowned. The island was only there at low tide. While the tide, the island was sinking. The island is one of the three outer islands bordering the waters of Singapore. It was only three to five kilometers from Singapore.
- Vietnam: Seawater floods roads
February 26, 2011
http://en.baomoi.com/Home/society/vietnamnews.vnanet.vn/Seawater-floods-roads/115291.epi- Numerous roads in Nha Mat Ward in southern Bac Lieu Province are under water. Seawater has swept through dykes leading to heavy flooding and land erosion. Hundreds of families have had their houses flooded.
- Floods Threaten Some regencies in Central Kalimantan
March 1, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/03/01/207065/127/101/Banjir-Ancam-Sejumlah-Kabupaten-di-Kalteng- A number of districts in Kalimantan Tengaj (Central Kalimantan) is threatened by floods in March to April, due to high rainfall in the region. The district is threatened flooding worse than a similar disaster in November and December 2010 were all situated in the are in the Watershed (DAS), Barito, the District Joyless Kingdom, North Barito, and South Barito.