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- First Stop-Semarang toll Ungaran/Lamd Cracks Continue Increase
March 16, 2011
http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?p=74370881- Supporting poles Semarang toll road bridge Ungaran KM-20 in Susukan, Semarang regency, Central Java, with unstable soil conditions and ambles easily cracked, as shown, Tuesday (3 / 15). Unstable soil conditions are feared would damage the structure of the bridge that would endanger the safety during use.
- Soil Cracks Continue Increase, Citizens Asked to Beware
March 18, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/03/18/211249/124/101/- KARANGANYAR - MICOM: soil cracks continue to grow in Hamlet Ngledok, Villages Throughout, District Tawangmangu, Karanganyar District, which kept pouring rain triggered in the slopes of Mount Lawu, quite dangerous, so residents are asked to stay alert.
- Residents Victims Unloading Land Fracture
March 14, 2011
http://www.surya.co.id/cetak/jawatimur-cetak/warga-korban-tanah-retak- PONOROGO | SOLAR - Residents Nglumpang Hamlet, Village Jetty, District Sawoo, Ponorogo worked together to dismantle the house belonging to Suwardji (45), one of the local residents, Sunday (3/13). Houses Suwardji dismantled, because the land where the house stood the cracks, to threaten the safety of occupants. Suwardji an umpteenth citizens who are forced to dismantle his house because of the phenomenon of cracked soil. Soil cracks that make the walls of the house Suwardji cracked, and the foundation of the house tilted 10-15 centimeters.
- Cracks in The Rise and Derivatives Ciregol Spreads
March 19, 2011
http://suaramerdeka.com/v1/index.php/read/news/2011/03/19/80686/- Bradford, CyberNews. Public users Tegal-lane road in Navan, still seems to be old to enjoy the road damage in the incline / derivative Ciregol Kutamendala Village, District Tonjong, Bradford. Because the movement of land there still continues to occur. Cracks / road sinkhole appeared about 100 meters back from the first point sinkhole. Location, the body and cause a wave of street crack so it is quite difficult for the rider. Crust soil cracks not only affects the road. Hill above the road has also been split wide as 30 meters stretching to the River Glagah. A number of teak trees uprooted there. Decrease in land that continues to happen to make Ciregol increasingly steep slope conditions. Instead of the reverse direction, the more steep.
- Awash Fields 6 Months
March 23, 2011
http://www.surabayapost.co.id/?mnu=berita&act=view&- Because rice fields submerged in water as high as almost 1.5 meters, for nearly six months, residents of Kupang Kidul District Village Jabon distraught. In order to survive they were forced to become farm laborers in other villages. It's been six months Tohari and residents surrounding rice fields submerged in water as high as nearly one meter. Puddle of which appeared in September 2010 that up to now are also not retroactive. Inundation was caused by flooding rob (the tide) that hit the village.
- Wetland Damage, Farmers Switch So Kuli Building
March 23, 2011
http://www.tempointeraktif.com/hg/surabaya/2011/03/23/brk,20110323-322332,id.html- Based on the monitoring of Tempo, a submerged rice fields that do not allow rice planted can be harvested, occurred in the coastal district Jabon, Waru, Sedati, Buduran, Sidoarjo, and the Temple District. Jabon coastal region is the worst. In fact, a pool of sea water is getting higher and nearly crashing township residents. During heavy rains, water from the river flow can not enter the estuary and the open sea.
- Flash Flood Three Districts in Bojonegoro Landa
March 24, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/03/03/212647/125/101/- Confirmed separately, Head of Section for Disaster and Refugee Management Bojonegoro Regency, Sutardjo admitted with high-intensity heavy rains have flushed the area since Wednesday night. Condition, causing flash floods hit three districts in the region. Meanwhile, to monitor post Karangnongko, District Ngraho - about 70 kilometers from the city center was also an increase trend. Although at this time, still under normal conditions ie, at 27.04 above sea level position.
- Flood, Solo Alert 1
March 24, 2011
http://nasional.inilah.com/read/detail/1353552/banjir-bengawan-solo-siaga-1- Flood disaster is not only experienced by residents in the south, west, and east of the City Bojonegoro. Currently, people residing along the Solo River should also be extra vigilant. Therefore, the increase in Solo since last night is very significant. Bojonegoro Regency has set one for Solo alert for flooding. Water levels could continue to grow due to water transfers from upstream conditions remain high.
- When the Exam, Water Flooded Classroom 30 Cm
March 24, 2011
http://www.suarasurabaya.net/v06/kelanakota/?- Floods as high as 30 cm flooded classrooms SDN Sedapur Klagen Bulurejo Village Benjeng Gresik, Thursday (3/24). Not only flooded classrooms, was also flooded homes after 04.00 pm. And until now the condition has not changed. The rain kept pouring even in some villages the water level reached 50 cm.
- NOTE no rain for past month.
- Increasingly Widespread Flooding in Bojonegoro
March 24, 2011
http://www.solopos.com/2011/channel/nasional/banjir-di-bojonegoro-kian-meluas-90519- Floods that hit parts of Bojonegoro increasingly widespread. Data on Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPDB) Bojonegoro already noted there are 5 District immersed in water. Of all the region, accounting for the existing 115 households (head of household) whose home was submerged in water. In addition, there were 184 hectares of rice fields with rice plants aged 20 to 70 days submerged, villages and roads along the 1150-meter shaft and shaft sub-district road 20 km.
- NOTE As with Gekis, same region, no rain!
- Flash Flood 20 Villages in Bojonegoro Crashing
March 24, 2011
http://www.suarasurabaya.net/v06/kelanakota/?- Flash floods hit 20 villages in the region Bojonegoro, Thursday (03/24), approximately at 01.00 pm. As a result, 115 homes in 5 districts spread over 20 villages, submerged in water.
- 6 Villages in Gresik Benjeng Awash Flood
March 24, 2011
http://kelanakota.suarasurabaya.net/?id=d208cde1c8b0814d60c5e848f721bfed201190517- A total of 6 villages in the district of Gresik Regency Benjeng inundated due to heavy rains flushed since Wednesday (3/23) yesterday. By AHMAD Nurudin Well Head Bakesbang Gresik when confirmed Suara Surabaya on Thursday (3/24), said the chances of a submerged village can grow.
- Soak Eight Times Lamong Village
March 24, 2011
http://regional.kompas.com/read/2011/03/24/12563897/Kali.Lamong.Rendam.Delapan.Desa- Kali Lamong overflowed again on Thursday (3/24/2011), since at 07.00 pm. Lamong Kali river flood submerging at least eight villages in the district Benjeng with a height 60 centimeters to 1 meter. Camat Benjeng Suryo Wibo mention puddle causing 2796 homes and 866 hectares of rice fields submerged. Roads along the 2.5 kilometers and 31.5 kilometers of village roads were flooded. Floods hit village Munggugianti, Sedapurklagen, Deliksumber, Kalipadang, Lundo, Sirnoboyo, Bulangkulon and Bulurejo. Standing water on roads in the 300-meter Kedungrukem swift current. A number of motorcycles broke down and had to be transported by wheelbarrow.
- NOTE no rain in Gesik region!
- 5 Village in Mojokerto Inundated
March 24, 2011
http://www.solopos.com/2011/channel/nasional/5-desa-di-mojokerto-terendam-banjir-90492- Heavy rain which flushed northern Mojokerto regency, making time overflowed Lamong. As a result, several villages in the subdistrict of chest-high flooding submerged Dawarblandong adults.
- Kali Lamong Overflow Genang Six Villages
March 25, 2011
http://www.surabayapost.co.id/?mnu=berita&act=view&id- Lamong-overflow river not only inundate parts of selayan Gresik, has also hit six villages in Kec. Ploso Kab. Jombang and in the district. Dawarblandong Kab. Mojokerto, Thursday (3/24). Fortunately, a pool of water as high as 1 meter to 2 meters is fast shrinking.
- 13 Villages In Cerme Gresik Awash Flood
March 25, 2011
http://www.suarasurabaya.net/v06/kelanakota/?id- Number of villages inundated in District Cerme Gresik reached 13 villages. The average height of 50 to 70 cm flood. While the number of heads of families whose homes were submerged, said SUPII, as many as 1192. While the road to total Cerme to Morowudi closed.
- Solo River overflowed, Housing Residents Flooded Start
March 25, 2011
http://us.surabaya.detik.com/read/2011/03/25/131821/1601222/475/- Debit of water in the Solo River in Bojonegoro continued to increase until Friday (3/25/2011) afternoon. As a result, a number of residential and agricultural areas inundated luberan began the longest river in Java. Monitoring at the site, some township residents who began to flood, among others in the village of Ledok Kulon, District Municipality, Bojonegoro. Most severe in RT 5 and RT 7, where water has pooled in the streets and into homes since Friday morning.
- Sidoarjo, East Java
March 23, 2011
http://beritadaerah.com/denyut/jawa/36391/8- A heavy equipment activity on retaining embankments Lapindo hot mud, 21 point edge Porong Jl Raya Sidoarjo, East Java province on Wednesday (3/23/2011). Sidoarjo Mud Mitigation Agency (BPLS), continuous improvement and strengthening of the dike after the landslide some time ago, presumably due to subsident or givermasi land subsidence caused by geological or movement below.
- Besieged Sidoarjo Flood
March 25, 2011
http://www.tempointeraktif.com/hg/surabaya/2011/03/26/brk,20110326-323027,id.html- Five Villages in Sidoarjo flooded with depths reaching an adult's knee on Saturday (3/26). The Fifth District is the District Sidokare, Kauman, Lemahputro and Pucang in the District of the City and Village in District Sepande Temple.
- Road to Lamongan Disconnected Flood
March 26, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/metromain/news/2011/03/26/46593/- Floods cut off road axis Sukodadi to Lamongan district, East Java, on Saturday (26 / 3). Reservoir overflow Gondang also soak residents.
- Flood Gresik Distention
March 26, 2011
http://www.surabayapost.co.id/?mnu=berita&act=view&id- Flooding caused overflowing of Kali Lamong yet to recede on Saturday (26 / 3) this morning floods in three districts in Gresik even gained momentum, reaching its height more than 1 meter. It is estimated that this flood will take a while, because in addition to high rainfall, sea water is currently installed.
- Extensive Flooding 35 Villages in Bojonegoro Rambah
March 25, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/03/25/213070/125/101/- Puddle of flash floods and overflowing of the Solo River in Bojonegoro, East Java, continues to rise on Friday (25 / 3) afternoon. You see, the day before a new flood inundated 24 villages in seven districts. But now, the pool has expanded at least 35 villages in 10 districts in the local district.
- Solo Debit Water Continues to Rise
March 25, 2011
http://regional.kompas.com/read/2011/03/25/22233151/Bojonegoro- Solo Debit water continues to rise. Currently, the city enters standby Bojonegoro II. Residents asked to be alert because on Saturday (26/03/2011) is estimated to increase to alert III status because of the position of water from Ngawi and Madison County are still high and has been overflowing. Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Bojonegoro, Kasiyanto, Friday (03/25/2011) night, said the water level position in Bojonegoro city on board to monitor showed 14.46 at 15.00 meters above sea level, whereas in Karangnongko, Sub Ngraho, as high as 27.59 meters above sea level. Travel distance of water from the Bojonegoro Ngawi Dungus takes about six hours. Currently this overflow Solo began inundating settlements in Ledokkulon and Ledokwetan, Bojonegoro District, and Village Cengungklung, District Kalitidu. Water also began to soak the area of agriculture in Sub Padangan, dander, Kalitidu, Bojonegoro, Cotton, Balen, Kanor, and Sub Baureno.
- Number of Villages in Gresik, Mojokerto & Flood Again, Kali Lamong Overflow
March 26, 2011
http://us.surabaya.detik.com/read/2011/03/26/012442/1601664/475/- According to the Village Head Bayulegi, Zainuri (47) as confirmed said the floods recede just two days ago and height adult only calf, now Kali Lamong again overflowed and the water level again reaches the adult's chest. Is the worst flooding in the village of Balong, the current water levels reached almost adult head. This happens because the floods two days ago has not subsided and now the flood waters come again.
- Reaches a Height of 50 cm
March 26, 2011
http://www.pikiran-rakyat.com/node/139436- At least fifty houses in Kampung Cieunteung RW 20, Kelurahan Baleendah, Kec. Baleendah, Kab. Bandung on Saturday (3/26) re-submerged by the flood of the Citarum River. Flood has started to soak the region since Thursday (3/24) evening.
- Land Subsidence
March 25, 2011
http://blogs.unpad.ac.id/irvansophian/?p=7- Major cities on the north coast of Java are well developed in the estuary area of the river flow. Genetically, in the region spread of sediment material. Sediments result of weathering and erosion by river water carried sediment at the mouth of a river. Characteristics of material making up the region highly dependent on the crushed rock by river. Alluvium is material which widely spread in the major cities north coast of Java such as Jakarta, Semarang and Surabaya. This sediment is sediment that has not terlitifikasi so it is still in the process of consolidation and compaction. The phenomenon of subsidence / land subsidence (land subsidence) frequently occur in this region. Naturally the area experiencing land subsidence resulting from the material properties of the loose sediment. The cause of this decline can be caused by various factors, one due to loads of soil, resulting in a decline in naturally. In a certain period land subsidence is still going to happen in the city of Semarang is especially the northern part (old town) which may result in flooding that should be considered to overcome it.
- Line-Jatibarang Indramayu Awash
March 27, 2011
http://www.jpnn.com/read/2011/03/27/87956/Jalur-Indramayu-Jatibarang-Terendam- INDRAMAYU - yet settled the issue of infrastructure in Indramayu district, now a number of roads damaged but not only inundated. The condition occurs in the segment-Jatibarang Indramayu path that crosses a number of villages in the district of Indramayu. Radar monitoring of Cirebon (JPNN group), Saturday (26 / 3), a pool of water that soak the main highway to and from the city center, is showing that water levels vary. The trigger is nothing but a result limpasnya Sindupraja watershed that extends alongside the highway. From the view of the visible, water runoff that occurred more due to the influence of road surface is lower than the current position and altitude of the river embankment.
- Three Village Awash Flood
March 26, 2011
http://www.jpnn.com/read/2011/03/26/87918/Tiga-Desa-Terendam-Banjir- Described, the floods that overflowed during the night, making people panic and escape the bustle of the brunt of the water. Luckily, there is no village residents who are victims of flooding Benenain.
- Jagir River Overflowed, Flooding the East Wonorejo
March 26, 2011
http://suaramerdeka.com/v1/index.php/read/news/2011/03/26/81296/- Surabaya, CyberNews. Jagir river that overflowed make penduk dense settlements in East Wonorejo, Surabaya digenang flooding. Water level reached half a meter. The river water began to rise since at 13.00 pm, but until 17.30 pm the water was not turned away. According to Chairman of RT 1 RW 7 Wonorejo 7, Triseno, floods submerging 240 houses located at 3 RT. In addition, Seno said, overflow of water in the neighborhood believed a shipment of water from above (Mojokerto), instead of a tidal sea water.
- Baleendah Back Awash Flood
March 26, 2011
http://www.tribunnews.com/2011/03/26/baleendah-kembali-terendam-banjir- Dozens of houses in Kampung Cieunteung RW 20, Kecamatan Baleendah, Bandung regency, again under water. Height of water in a number of houses were flooded on Saturday (3/26/2011), observed between 30 cm - 50 cm. The house is flooded, most is on RT 02 and 03. While on RT 04 just a few houses only, it was only calf-high adults. According to Chairman of RW 20, Jaja, floods began to inundate the region since Thursday (3/24) evening.
- Wonorejo Surabaya East Village Flood
March 26, 2011
http://us.surabaya.detik.com/read/2011/03/26/190204/1601970/466/- Surabaya - East Village residents Wonorejo Surabaya River flooding due to overflowing of Jagir. Water level reached 30 centimeters. From the observation detiksurabaya, Saturday afternoon (3/26/2011), the water rushing into the area residents. Some houses try to stem the use of sand bags. The river water began to rise at around 13.00, but until 17.30 pm still has not subsided.
- Dozens of Houses Flooded Overflow Solo
March 27, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsvideo/2011/03/27/125056/- Solo River overflow submerging dozens of homes in Lamongan, East Java, on Sunday (3/27). Floods hamper access to the villages, residents interrupted activity. In the village Truni, Tripe, for example. A total of 30 houses tergenangi flooding. Height of water about 50 centimeters to one meter. Recognized residents, a pool of come since Saturday afternoon. Not yet subsided as well to this day.
- Five Districts in Gresik Isolated
March 27, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsvideo/2011/03/27/125040/- Residents in five districts in Gresik, East Java, is isolated due to flooding caused several levees in Kali jebolnya Lamong. As a result, the activity becomes disturbed residents. High rainfall flushed the few areas that continues upstream to downstream Lamong Kali Kali allegedly caused river flood Lamong expanded. At least 34 villages in five districts in the southern region of Gresik, inundated.
- Levee Broken, Kian Severe Floods in Pakal
March 26, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201103/326347/tanggul_jebol_banjir- Surabaya: The rain that kept pouring Pakal region, Surabaya, East Java, for two days this makes people more worried, Saturday (3/26). Hundreds of houses inundated due to water-retaining embankment Lamong River burst its banks. The team also put a rope evacuation for residents can cross the region. Until last evening, the flood has not subsided.
- Belawan Hard to Get Out of the Flood
March 27, 2011
http://www.waspada.co.id/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id- Belawan hard to get out of the flood problem, because poor drainage systems and not integrated. According to him, the majority of sewerage or drainage in Belawan and surrounding areas today are not well maintained and is expected to not meet the technical standards, so that every drop of rain and the tide is rising partly Belawan region often hit by floods.
- Bandung
March 27, 2011
http://www.tribunnews.com/2011/03/27/puluhan-rumah-terendam-air- Dozens of houses in Kampung Cieunteung RW 20, Kecamatan Baleendah, Bandung regency, again under water. The rain continued for three days making Citarum River overflowed and flooded the village of subscription flooding. Height of water in a number of houses were flooded on Saturday (3/26) yesterday, observed between 30 cm - 50 cm. The house is flooded, most is on RT 02 and 03. While on RT 04 just a few houses only, it was only calf-high adults. According to the Chairman of RW 20 Jaja, floods began to inundate the region since Thursday (3/24) evening.
- Dozens of Villages in Belu Awash Flood
March 28, 2011
http://www.tempointeraktif.com/hg/nusa_lainnya/2011/03/28/brk,20110328-323364,id.html- As many as 10 of the 16 villages in the subdistrict of West Malaka, Belu regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province (NTT), until Monday (3/28), is still flooded due to overflowing rivers and jebolnya Benenain the river embankment. Floods as high as 1.5 meters have plagued the area since the last two days together with high rainfall.
- Two Villages in Tuban Awash Flood
March 28, 2011
http://suaramerdeka.com/v1/index.php/read/news/2011/03/28/81389/- Two villages in the district Rengel, Tuban, East Java, submerged in water overflowing the river Solo. With a height of between 50 to 70 centimeters. Both villages are in District Karangtinoto Kanorejo and Rengel, the worst affected. Noted, three days, the main road to the two villages could not be passed by vehicles because of the high pool of water.
- Floods 1 meter in Tambakdono Pakal
March 28, 2011
http://kelanakota.suarasurabaya.net/?id- Along the 500 meters road in Tambakdono around SSC Pakal Bung Tomo in Surabaya, flooding as high as 1 meter to 1.2 meters.
- Awash 900 ha Rce Feld, Farmers lost $ 1 Billion
March 28, 2011
http://www.surabayapost.co.id/?mnu=berita&act=view&id- Flooding due to overflowing of the River Cut, River and River Lamong Marmoyo mengakibatnya farmers in the district territory. Ploso (Jombang), Dawarblandong and Kemlagi and Jetis (Mojokerto), a loss of about USD 1 billion. Given a pool of water that hit has made about 900 hectares of agricultural land owned by farmers there alias damaged crop failure.
- Flooding Hampered the Gaza coast of East Java
Monday, March 28, 2011
http://www.suarakarya-online.com/news.html?id=275528- Flow of traffic on some roads north coast (coast) in East Java is hampered flooding after heavy rain. As in Gresik, flooding due to overflowing of Kali Lamong cause congestion to tens of kilometers on Sunday. The floods submerging a number of road with a height of 20 centimeters up to half a meter. It makes passenger cars and other four-wheeled vehicles do not dare to break through the flood. This is seen from the entrance Gresik, Pandananan Village, District Sampeyan Sitting, until the Village Bunder, District Kebomas. Watang Rejo area of the flood inundated Lamong time since Sunday morning. Floods soak the highway that connects to Lamongan or Surabaya.
- It She Transfers the Northern Gaza in Lamongan
March 28, 2011
http://news.okezone.com/read/2011/03/28/340/439550/ini- Anticipating congestion on the northern route, Gresik, Tuban, East Java, which is getting worse, the flow of traffic on the northern axis Lamongan diverted through the three points. Although already anticipated, but bottlenecks due to river flood Lamong River is already snaking into Lamongan. The increased pool of water on roads caused by heavy rainfall in recent days. In addition, the condition of sea water was high tide so the water can not flow smoothly into the sea.
- Four Districts in Pandeglang Awash
March 28, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201103/326555/empat_kecamatan_di_pandeglang_terendam- Thousands of homes in four districts in Pandeglang district, Banten Province, on Monday (3/28), inundated. Water overflow from the River Ciliman and Cilemer. Some residents fled to higher ground. They worry that the water transfers from the two rivers upstream exacerbating flooding. In addition to houses and access roads, water as high as 1.5 meters also inundating hundreds of hectares of paddy crop.
- Pantura Flood Spreads
March 28, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/03/28/213570/125/101/Banjir-Pantura-Meluas- Floods in north coast region extends to the north and began approaching urban areas. Puddle of water coming from the flow times Lamong overflowed. Access road-Lamongan Gresik, East Java, is now a long jam.
- Survive in the Midst of Flood Rob
March 28, 2011
http://regional.kompas.com/read/2011/03/28/13180440/Bertahan.di.Tengah.Banjir.Rob- Dirt due to flooding or high tides rob. Every morning, they have to mop the floors are flooded with sea water and waste brown pile of water-borne soil. Flooding rob every day. Sea water rose in the middle of the night and then subsided in the morning. Hundreds of other residents fared better because their house is only submerged when the tide is really high. The lowest Kusni house, near the estuary mouth.
- Floods in Source Rejo not Turned Away
March 28, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201103/326567/banjir_di_sumber_rejo_belum_surut- Floods in Source Rejo, Kecamatan Pakal, Surabaya, East Java, Monday (3/28), still has not subsided. Water levels at several main roads close to one meter.
- Soil Cracks-Dozens of Homes in the Threatened Collapse Jatiroto
March 28, 2011
http://www.solopos.com/2011/wonogiri/tanah-retak-puluhan-rumah- About 31 units of houses owned by residents in the Hamlet of Paran, Dawungan Village, District Jatiroto, Wonogiri threatened with collapse as the land below the slopes of hills that form longitudinal cracks up to 500 meters.
- Besieged East Java Floods
March 28, 2011
http://us.nasional.vivanews.com/news/read/211872-jawa-timur-dikepung-banjir- Due to rain which flushed a number of areas in East Java since yesterday, a number of areas inundated. In Bojonegoro, flash floods submerging not only the residents' houses, also resulted in landslides and five bridges over 25 meters in length ambrol. Five bridges is the bridge Jintel, choosed, Drokilo in District Kedungadem and bridges Kaliombo, Purwosari and bridges in District Kedungsumber Temayang.
- Two Village Hit by Flash Flood Severe Damage
March 29, 2011
http://www.pikiran-rakyat.com/node/139735- The two hamlets in the village of Padamulya, District Cihaurbeuti, Kab. Ciamis suffered severe damage due to hit by flash floods. Houses belong to the population and there are many public facilities damaged. Most of the residents forced to flee to a safer place. Meanwhile, the access road to the District Cihaurbeuti little choked up because people are clustered. Vehicles are also quite dense for many people who use means of transportation to evacuate.
- Again, Flood Crashing Belu
March 29, 2011
http://www.tempointeraktif.com/hg/nusa_lainnya/2011/03/29/brk,20110329-323562,id.html- At least 469 people or 117 households (HH) in the District of West Malaka, Belu regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) fled to the local district office, after floods hit parts of their return. "Today's flood was greater, compared to yesterday," said village chief Lasaen, Bernadus Nakseran the contact Tempo in Kupang on Tuesday (3/29). High floods that hit the area about 2 meters or as high as a house.
- Levee Breached, Thousand Houses Awash
March 29, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201103/326693/tanggul_jebol_ribuan_rumah_terendam- Thousands of houses in nine villages in West Malaka, Belu, East Nusa Tenggara, on Tuesday (3/29) flood. This caused jebolnya Benanain River water retaining embankments. Floods which previously only hit in seven villages too, now extends to nine villages.
- Thousands of Houses and Rice in Flooded Pandeglang
March 29, 2011
http://www.suarapembaruan.com/home/ribuan-rumah-dan- Thousands of homes and rice fields in five districts Pandeglang flooded due to overflow and Ciliman Cilemer River, following heavy rain which flushed the region over the last few days. There are 6762 houses and 2680 hectares of rice fields are flooded. The five districts that is District Picung, Munjul, Patia, Sukaresmi and Sindangresmi. In addition to houses and rice fields, a number of public facilities, as well as connecting roads between villages and cut off antarkecamatan also hit by flooding.
- Rivers Overflowed, District Six Awash
March 29, 2011
http://www.radarjogja.co.id/berita/utama/15366-sungai-meluap- Continue pouring rain since Sunday afternoon tails flooding in six districts in Pandeglang district, Banten Province, yesterday. Initially Floods inundate Picung District, Sindangresmi, Patia, and Munjul yesterday spread to Labuan and Exhibition District. In Labuan, floods inundating three villages. Namely, the Gulf, Kalanganyar, and Labuan. Meanwhile, in District Exhibition inundation areas are still being recorded.
- Flood and Blessings Attractor Cart
March 29, 2011
http://regional.kompas.com/read/2011/03/29/08324147/Banjir.dan.Berkah.Penarik.Gerobak- For residents of Jakarta and surrounding areas, and Ciledug like Bekasi, Tangerang, the scene is happening in the Village Ploso, Kecamatan Karang Tengah, Demak, it's not unusual anymore. River which empties into the northern coast of Java, it has experienced high sedimentation and is unable to accommodate shipments of water from the region and Salatiga Semarang regency. According to the local village head, Muhajir, sludge-borne sediments from the headwaters of the river causing the river downstream tuntang narrowed. When the river elevation tuntang rose sharply and high rainfall upstream, the river could not hold water. As a result, water overflowed into the village and into the residential population as well as flooded streets of the village.
- Flooding Spreads, 38 Water Village in Lamongan Awash
March 29, 2011
http://news.okezone.com/read/2011/03/29/340/439950/banjir-meluas- Flooding that hit Lamongan, East Java, until this morning continued to expand. Heavy rain still occur resulting in increased water discharge Lamong River. Worst flooding in the last 3 months continued to expand inundating 38 villages in five districts in Lamongan.
- Flooded Classroom, Elementary School Students Still Learning at Lamongan
March 29, 2011
http://us.surabaya.detik.com/read/2011/03/29/112240/1603501/475/ruang-kelas- Flooding is still soaking some areas due to overflowing creeks Lamongan Solo. In addition to houses and rice fields, a number of primary schools also affected. One of the places that flooded education is SDN Tiwet, District Central time. Floods in the school yard range 40 cm height was also reaching into the classrooms. Although inundated, but the teaching and learning activities are not excluded. As a result, the students learn in the midst of siege water. Of course, these conditions are very disturbing.
- Rob Landa 80 cm of the North Coast in Central Java
March 29, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/03/29/213853/124/101/Rob-Setinggi- Flood tides (rob) re-soak some coast region of Central Java. Unloading activities at the port of Tanjung Emas again disturbed. Demak began preparing to evacuate residents. Monitoring the Media Indonesia on coast, on Tuesday (3/29) flood tides (Rob) re-soak some coast areas such as Pekalongan, Batang, Semarang, Demak and Jepara with water level 20-80 centimeters. Floods rob in Pekalongan resulted largely submerged District North Pekalongan. In fact, flooding has penetrated up to a radius of three kilometers from the shoreline as Kandangpanjang Village, Krapyak, Wetan Long, Long Kulon, New Long, Slamaran, Tirto until the water reaches a height of 50 cm.
- Extensive Flooding in Belu
March 31, 2011
http://www.tempointeraktif.com/hg/nusa_lainnya/2011/03/31/brk,20110331-324107,id.html- Floods that swept Belu regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) since last week continued to expand. Even to this day flood has hit at least 17 villages spread over five districts.
- Floods Soak Dozens of Schools in Lamongan
March 31, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201103/327087/banjir_rendam_puluhan_sekolah_di_lamongan- The spirit of learning students Tiwet State Primary School, Central time, Lamongan, East Java, remains high even as high as 15 inches of water flooded their classrooms on Thursday (3/31). They seem still studies hard. Even so, they eventually learn concentration disturbed also because the rising puddles. In Turi, a madrassa ibtidaiyah even forced vacated because of water inundation as high as 50 centimeters never subsided. Until now the flood has not subsided.
- Land Subsidence Shifted One Meter
March 30, 2011
http://harianjoglosemar.com/berita/tanah-ambles-bergeser-satu-meter-40098.html- Head Irrigation Office of Energy and Mineral Resources Arso Utoro reveal cracks and landslides in the hamlet of Paran, Village District Dawungan Jatiroto have links with similar incidents in the 1970's past. It is based on inspection staff then compared with existing data.
- Soil Cracks Sidorejo Increase
March 31, 2011
http://suaramerdeka.com/v1/index.php/read/cetak/2011/03/31/141785/Retakan-Tanah-Sidorejo-Bertambah- High rainfall which flushed Purworejo District in recent days, resulting in a natural phenomenon that occurs in soil cracks Sidorejo Village, District / County Purworejo continues to grow. Conditions that lead to people living in the area around ground cracked increasingly anxious. Moreover, in some places the soil cracks had entered the yard, even into the house.
- Floods Hit West Aceh, Thousands Displaced Residents
March 30, 2011
http://www.suarapembaruan.com/home/aceh-barat-dilanda-banjir-ribuan-warga-mengungsi/5061- Heavy rains that hit some of the province of Aceh in the past week led to a number of areas in District Ceureumen Pante, West Aceh district on Tuesday (3/29) nights of the great flood. As a result, thousands of people panicked and ran to save themselves when the flood came suddenly. So also in Singkil, the fishermen have a few days can not go to sea for four days the storm had happened there.
- Extensive Flooding in Lamongan, 3200 House Awash
March 30, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsvideo/2011/03/30/125278/Banjir-di-Lamongan-Meluas-3.200-Rumah-Terendam- Floods are soaking Lamongan, East Java, is spreading in seven districts. At least 3200 homes flooded as high as one meter, on Wednesday (3/30). The number was increased compared to yesterday which only 2600 houses in five districts.
- Rain Showers, Kupang Flooded Road Flooding
March 30, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/03/30/214146/129/101/Hujan-Lebat-Ruas-Jalan-di-Kupang-Tergenang-Banjir- A number of roads in the city of Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, on Wednesday (30 / 3), stagnant water after heavy rain which flushed the area since the afternoon. Stagnant water due to very poor drainage system. Floods that occurred in Jalan Sudirman a shipment of Oepura village located at high altitudes.
- Seven Districts in Lamongan Awash overflow Bengawan Jero
March 31, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/03/03/214141/125/101/Tujuh_Kecamatan_di_Lamongan_Terendam_Luapan_Bengawan_Jero- Flood overflow Bengawan Jero hit seven districts in Lamongan, East Java, which triggered heavy rainfall in the local district in the past week. As a result, 3300 houses were flooded and 34.6 kilometers of road inundated with height reaching 40 centimeters (cm). The floods also inundated a number of public facilities including five village hall, 35 school buildings, and 6 places of worship. In fact, the floodwaters from tributaries also have been soaking Solo 7310 hectares (ha) and 20 ha of rice crops. Not only that. Floodwaters also soak the area covering 7310 ha of fish ponds and paddy crops at least 20 ha. Puddle worst in three districts covering Glagah, Kalitengah, and Karangbinangun.
- Tsunami 'Threatens Small Coastal Residents of North Jakarta
March 22, 2011
http://www.bataviase.co.id/node/612245- The threat of flooding, including Rob or frequently known tidal wave of water that residents perceived coastal area of North Jakarta. Although it does not rain, it's no surprise that most of North Jakarta area was flooded. Worryingly, the threat of land subsidence in the Jakarta area continues to occur. Seeing these conditions, DKI Jakarta Provincial Government plans to build a Giant Sea Wall or a giant dam in the Bay of Jakarta.
- Almost Marunda Levee Collapse
March 25, 2011
http://www.beritajakarta.com/2008/en/newsview.aspx?idwil=0&id=18460- Resident Who is living in Marunda Pulo, RW 07, Marunda, Cilincing, North Jakarta, recently began to fidget with levees Marunda conditions in coastal areas. It is necause the dike that separates beach residents with settlement is in poor condition and in danger of bursting. In Some parts of dike looks vanish. If this condition continues to be left, of course, residents will from some flooded house.
- Huh 75 Percent of Drainage Area South Tangerang Severe Damage
March 25, 2011
http://www.berita8.com/read/2011/03/25/2/40354/Huh..-75-Persen-Drainase-di- Department of Highways and Water Resources of South Tangerang City, Banten, said about 75 percent water or drainage channels in the region does not function causing flooding.
- North Jakarta-Land that is Experienced Down the Slope 10 to 15 cm.
March 25, 2011
http://www.beritajakarta.com/2008/id/video_play.asp?vid=2727- Home office of Mayor of North Jakarta has decreased the soil surface. Land that is experienced down the slope 10 to 15 cm, This is really worried the officials who worked in the Office of the Mayor of North Jakarta. Watchlist beritajakarta.com Friday (3/25), the slope of the land pages mayor's office looks at a flag pole and support buildings.
- North and Sei Tualang Raso,the Location of the Worst Hit by High Sea Tides
March 22, 2011
http://www.waspada.co.id/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id- Network - City Government (City Administration) Network was asked to find solutions to overcome the flood tide rob or water that has been soaking hundreds of homes in some areas. Therefore, the impact of a devastating flood rob the residents. Since the floods struck rob, residents whose homes were flooded trying to find a solution by way of elevating their home floor. He mentions, the high tide water is not just soak the public roads and houses that residents in two districts, but also rob floods submerging highways at some point the City Council's core, like the church and Jalan Jalan Sudirman, the tide even soak the bird Coast region.
- Tangse Isolated Vehicles
March 23, 2011
http://www.waspada.co.id/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id- Flash floods that devastated 12 villages in the District Tangse, Pidie district, causing a number of isolated villages, aka confined for 10 days more, now successfully penetrated.
- Tribune Correspondent Reports Lampung Dedi Sutomo
March 26, 2011
http://www.tribunnews.com/2011/03/27/hujan-deras-macetkan-bandar-lampung-pringsewu- Heavy rains also caused overflow of water that flooded the streets to a height of 50 centimeters. According to Andrew, residents around, overflow of water that flooded the road due to clogged drains, because there are water-borne waste.
- Four Districts in Aceh Floods Hit
March 31, 2011
http://www.suarapembaruan.com/home/empat-kabupaten-di-aceh-dilanda-banjir/5115- Heavy rains that hit Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) last few days led to four districts affected by floods since Wednesday (3/30) to Thursday (3/31) with the water level reaches 1 to 2.5 meters. The most severe was the West Aceh. As a result, 7291 people in several villages have been evacuated to safer place.
- Widespread Flooding in Singkil
March 31, 2011
http://www.waspada.co.id/index.php?option=com_content&- Flooding that hit Aceh Singkil, the more widespread. Almost all regions subscription flooding, such as Sub Suro, Simpang Kanan, Gunung Meriah, North Singkil, and Singkil whose village was impassable rivers, flooded. It was triggered by the arrival of a shipment from river flooding in Subulussalam, Aceh Tenggara, and West Pakpak which empties into the sea Singkil. Even the government offices, and the Inspectorate on the island BPMD Sarok also flooded up to the floor.
- Floods Soak Three Meter Manado
March 20, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201103/325354/Banjir_Tiga_Meter_Rendam_Manado- Hundreds of homes in the Village and Village Tanjung Wawonasa Ternate, Manado, North Sulawesi, inundated with a height reaching two to three meters, on Sunday (3/20). Floods caused by heavy rains that hit the area. According to residents, since they were last week flooded three times the shipment of the City of Tondano. Citizens expect the government to build levees on the outskirts das prevent any future flooding in every rainy season.
- Flash Flood Hundreds of Houses Damped Lunge Poso
March 24, 2011
http://www.tempointeraktif.com/hg/nusa_lainnya/2011/03/24/brk,20110324-322559,id.html- Flash floods hit region Tenaggara Pamona Subdistrict, Poso District, Central Sulawesi province, since Wednesday night until this Thursday (3/24). As a result hundreds of residents terdendam home. Flooding also soak thousands of hectares of cocoa plantation owned by residents. East Pamona sub-district head, Rama Tandawuya, say, the village worst hit by flooding is Korobono village. In these villages inundated hundreds of houses as high as two meters. Floods this time, he said, is the worst. He did not want to speculate on the cause of flooding forest karean pegunngan Korobono have a lot to bare.
- Flood Lunge Gorontalo District Three
March 25, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/03/24/212795/128/101/Banjir-Terjang-Tiga- Rain for several hours in the area of Gorontalo, on Thursday (3/24), resulting in floods in three districts namely Sub Patudaah, Bongomene, and Tabongo. Between observations, the rain also caused rivers and Alale Paguyaman overflowed and caused dozens of homes under water. Besides submerging homes, flooding also hit hektaran of rice, and various office buildings both private and government.
- 500 Evacuated in Kedah and Perak
March 24, 2011
http://komunitikini.com/perak/floods-500-evacuated-in-kedah-and-perak- Floods in the Kerian district in Perak have forced the evacuation of 340 people. 500 evacuated in Kedah and Perak. Their Villages Were flooded to a depth of 0.5 meters and Between one meter Following the release of water from the Bukit Merah Dam as a result of heavy rain over the past three days.
- Houses Collapsed due to Flash Floods in the River Terap, Kedah
March 24, 2011
http://komunitikini.com/north/rumah-roboh-akibat-banjir-kilat-sg-terap-kedah- Flash floods, 20 houses in the vicinity of the flooded river banks up to one meter due to heavy rain since yesterday at 5 pm to midnight today. Houses in the area just waiting to collapse because of soil erosion seringberlaku every time the river overflow in the event of heavy rain.
- Flash Floods in Kota Belud, Malaysia
March 25, 2011
http://www.dailyexpress.com.my/news.cfm?NewsID=77488- Ten villages within the Tempasuk area were hit by flash floods due to heavy rain, here, for the first time on Sunday. Six vehicles were swept away by flood waters but no casualties were reported and no villagers were relocated. State Food Industry and Agriculture Assistant Minister Datuk Musbah Jamli said Kota Belud had never been hit by flash floods and the sudden natural disaster had caused villagers to suffer losses.
- Floods Cause RM16,000 Loss to Farmers
March 30, 2011
http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2011/3/30/nation/8377832&sec=nation- The floods that came with heavy rain over the past few days have destroyed farm crops in Kampung Chek Long here, causing more than RM16,000 in losses to 12 vegetable farmers in the village.
- At Pattaya Storm Hit. On Samui - Downpour
March 18, 2011
http://www.nr2.ru/thai/324686.html- Came to Pattaya strong tidal wave, and the island of Koh Samui struck a powerful downpour. The resorts expect further deterioration of the situation. Earlier, on March 15, the water has moved from the coast of Pattaya, so far as the ships at the pier lay on the bottom. And now tourists and locals are watching her swift return, accompanied by squally winds. Bad weather also struck the island of Koh Samui, where the incessant downpour is powerful, and tidal waves overflowed coastal restaurants.
- Sudden Occurrence Ground Subsidence-Lean Without Earthquake
March 18, 2011
http://manager.co.th/Local/ViewNews.aspx?NewsID=9540000034827- Rating shocked inhabitants soil subsidence crack house two villages -Lean without earthquake. Nan - a sudden occurrence ground subsidence. In Sub-Pua. Resulting in two villages damaged 12 houses after people Pp. Expected due to sudden weather changes. And ground subsidence hollow. A village in the municipality Pua. The houses that people Prang developed in house 2 Moo 8, after the hiatus of six floor tiles hall has come off several points in a row. Wall crack length is scratched. Antenna home base is different from the same fault.
- Road Leabklongcholpratan Pahan line - some of Dua
February 21, 2011
http://www.siamdriving.com/424/- Ayutthaya. Based on review of Rural Road canal irrigation Pahan line - some of Dua. Range, 6 miles Moo 2, Tambon Bang Pahan Pahan. Asphalt is the asphalt road 6 meters wide fell more than 2 meters deep to a distance of 100 meters longer than the car can not all be traveling back and forth.
- Five Southern Provinces Flooded
March 26, 2011
http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/local/228789/five-southern-provinces-flooded- Flash floods have already hit Nakhon Si Thammarat, Phatthalung, Surat Thani, Trang and Chumphon. Torsak Wanitkhachorn, director-general of the Meteorological Department, said a cold air mass has moved down from China to the northern and northeastern parts of Thailand lowering temperatures and bringing rain that started yesterday and is expected to last until tomorrow. Residents in the southern provinces from Surat Thani to Narathiwat, especially those living near mountainous areas, should be cautious about flash flood. In Phatthalung, nine districts are flooded, affecting about 38,000 families and 60,000 rai of farmland. Ferries to Samui, Phangan and Tao islands have ceased operations as waves in the Gulf of Thailand off Surat Thani have reached three to four metres high.
- South Warned to Brace for Prolonged Flooding
March 28, 2011
http://www.bangkokpost.com/lite/topstories/228913/south-warned-to-brace-for-prolonged-flooding- Southern residents have been warned to prepare for heavier flooding as severe rain is expected to continue in the region until Friday. Heavy rain storms over the past few days have caused flash floods in Nakhon Si Thammarat, Phatthalung, Surat Thani, Trang and Chumphon provinces. The deluge has crippled roads and railways and yesterday forced the closure of Nakhon Si Thammarat airport and the suspension of all flights in and out of the province. Airport director Nisit Sombat said the runways were about 30 centimetres underwater. Officials confirmed at least three people have died in Nakhon Si Thammarat _ the hardest hit among the five affected southern provinces, where more than 61,500 people in 34 districts have been affected by the flooding.
- Severe Floods in Southern Thailand
March 29, 2011
http://vovnews.vn/Home/Lu-lut-nghiem-trong-tai-mien-Nam-Thai-Lan/20113/170485.vov- Nakhon Srithammarat heavy with 3 people dead, 60,000 affected people, flooding 19 districts over 2m. Many roads submerged in sea water, 24.000ha farmland damaged by floods completely. Initial damage estimates of about $ 10 million. The provincial government has evacuated people, especially the sick, elderly, disabled, pregnant women and children to safety. Date 3/27, the provincial airports closed, flights canceled due to flooding of the runway.
- Severe Floods Batter Southern Provinces
March 29, 2011
http://www.mcot.net/cfcustom/cache_page/187880.html- Nakhon Si Thammarat Governor Theera Mintrasak said all 23 districts have been designated disaster zones to speed up assistance to flood victims. He said strong wind and heavy rains since Monday night led to the falling trees and landslides which blocked the Lan Saka- Chang Klang road in Lan Saka district, impassable for all vehicles. The main road between Nakhon Si Thammarat and Surat Thani at Sichon district was impassable. Seawater also overflowed and submerged the Pak Phanang-Hua Sai Road causing difficulties for motorists. Villagers in Lam Talumphuk in Pak Phanang, a seaside district, were evacuated due to strong wind and waves 2-3 metres high.
- Surat Thani
2.60" on 3/29
4.86" on 3/28
0.67" on 3/27
6.48" on 3/26
1.21" on 3/25
0.83" on 3/24- Wild Weather Grips the Nation
March 29, 2011
http://www.bangkokpost.com/lite/topstories- A crocodile is captured by zoo workers yesterday at Suan Somdej Phra Sri Nakharin Park, where Nakhon Si Thammarat municipality's zoo is located. It was one of 11 crocodiles that escaped the flooded zoo. Zoo staff shot dead one crocodile and caught three others. Seven remain at large. Two bears also escaped. Roads in the densely populated tourist areas of Chaweng and the fishermen's village of Bophut are submerged under nearly a metre of flood water. More than 268,000 households have been affected by severe floods covering Nakhon Si Thammarat, Phatthalung, Trang, Surat Thani, Chumphon and Songkhla. The amount of rainfall in Nakhon Si Thammarat during the past week was higher than the province's year-long average of 200mm.
- Southern Thailand Flood Worsening
March 29, 2011
http://www.bernama.com.my/bernama/v5/newsgeneral.php?id=574732- Narathiwat became the latest province being flooded apart from seven other provinces - Nakhon Si Thammarat, Surat Thani, Phattalung, Trang, Chumporn, Songkhla and Krabi. a total of 979,665 people from 2,763 villages were affected by the flood that hit southern Thailand.
- Thailand Floods UPDATE-Nightmare Sslands
March 30, 2011
http://news.asiaone.com/News/Latest%2BNews/Asia/Story/A1Story20110330-270823.html- Nearly a million residents living in flood-hit areas in the South have been left stranded with no access to land and air transport, even as the number of deaths increased to nine, with the grim prospect of heavy rains pounding many of the areas for the next few days.
- Earth Split Et Length 15 Meters
March 30, 2011
http://hilight.kapook.com/view/57554- Length is 15 meters long space under a house and people gather around to see out the steel probe into more depth 1.-1.5 meters. Why the fear of land subsidence. Caused by the earthquake or the tsunami wave feel.
- Road Ayutthaya Fell 3 Meters
March 29, 2011
http://hilight.kapook.com/view/57524- Road subsidence was 3 meters deep in Ayutthaya and recently completed a two-month forecast contractors working non-standard. Road, Moo 1, the area fell more than 3 meters deep into a long distance over 100 meters, for unknown reasons. Both recently completed the construction of approximately 2 months.
- Navy Races South to Aid Victims
March 31, 2011
http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/local/229361/navy-races-south-to-aid-victims- The navy has sent the country's only aircraft carrier Chakri Naruebet and two frigates to lead relief efforts in the South as more storms aggravate the flood crisis in many areas. Four-metre waves strike the beach along Talumpuk Cape in Nakhon Si Thammarat's Pak Phanang district yesterday. High waves have damaged coastal fishing communities in the area. The HTMS Chakri Naruebet left Sattahip naval base in Chon Buri yesterday and is expected to arrive at Koh Tao in the Gulf of Thailand this morning to help evacuate tourists and local people stranded there. Island mayor Ramnet Chaikwang said soldiers have been asked to deploy military boats to rescue people, especially in the densely populated areas of Chaweng, Lamai and Maenam. He said floods have risen to waist-level, making it difficult to reach and move people out of affected areas.
- Southern Thailand: Mudslide Kills 10 and More than 300 Missing
March 31, 2011
http://www.monstersandcritics.com/news/asiapacific/news/article_1629621.php/- Mudslide on Wednesday killed at least 10 people in southern Thailand, which has been battered by heavy rains, floods and high seas since the weekend. Khao Panom village in Krabi province, 628 kilometres south of Bangkok, was hit by a mudslide triggered by the collapse of a reservoir on top of a nearby hill. It was odd that the La Nina weather phenomenon, first noted in the region last year, was still active.
- Floods in Banjar Increasingly Pervasive
March 30, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201103/326939/banjir_di_banjar_semakin_meluas- Floods that swept in Banjar regency, South Kalimantan, on Wednesday (3/30) is increasingly widespread. Flooding has inundated four districts namely Astambul District, District Martapura City, District and Sub Pengaron Tabuk River, with water levels reaching a half to one meter. The worst affected place in the City and River District Martapura Tabuk. Thousands of homes and public facilities, too submerged. Floods that have occurred since four days ago was also soak thousands of hectares of rice fields, residents and dozens of schools. The students were forced to closed because the road to join their school flooded.
- Leyte, Bohol Village Under Sstate of Calamity; Toll Rises
March 18, 2011
http://www.mb.com.ph/articles/310182/leyte-bohol-village-under-state-calamity-toll-rises- A state of calamity has been declared in Leyte and a village in Bohol due to flashfloods that hit parts of the Visayas and Mindanao that has killed at least 11 people and forcing more than 14,000 people to flee their homes. Aside from Leyte, more than 13,000 people have been displaced, also placed under a state of calamity was Balbalan village in Dimiao town. Reports said the village remained submerged in floodwaters as of press time. brought about by continuous rains being experienced in the Visayas and some parts of Mindanao had affected 3,130 families or 15,398 people, out of which 2,878 families or 14,138 people are now temporarily housed in different evacuation centers. Reports reaching the NDRRMC operations center in Camp Aguinaldo listed the affected provinces as Bohol, Eastern Samar, Leyte, Southern Leyte, Western Samar, Misamis Oriental, and South Cotabato.
- 7.5 " rain in last 5 days http://www.wunderground.com/history/station/98550/2011/3/18/MonthlyHistory.html
- Relocation of Tacloban Residents Sought
March 30, 2011
http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/nation/regions/03/29/11/relocation-tacloban-residents-sought- More than 2,000 residents of Barangay 3 Upper Nula-Tula in this city needs to be relocated. 90% of the land in Upper Nula-Tula is not safe to reside. There are already cracks in most portion of the area so our geologist confirmed that it is not anymore safe for the people to stay.
- Volcanic Mud Pit on Farmland in Ninh Thuan Province
March 17, 2011
http://laodong.com.vn/Tin-Tuc/Ho-bun-phun-trao-tren-dat-ruong/36532- To date, a total of five mud pit, mud pit in which the largest diameter of about 2m2 and 1m2 on the smallest area about 2 acres of rice fields of the local population. Through monitoring, the mud pit is sprayed onto the ash-gray, odorless nothing special, normal temperature. Around the eruption point, pastes and land subsidence phenomenon, spreading gradually.
- High Tide Floods City in Dry Season
March 19, 2011
http://en.baomoi.com/Home/society/www.saigon-gpdaily.com.vn/- The peak of water level on Saigon River may reach 1.42m-1.45m and high tide appears every morning and evening, approximating to the historical tides in 2008. District 12, Binh Thanh, Thu Duc, Go Vap and Cu Chi are the tide-affected areas. There were some cases of broken dykes in the city last year as tide reached record high and suburban city was plunged into water, which caused damage at many flower farms and orchards. The record high tide in 48 years occured in 2008 when its peak reached 1.50m.
- High Tide Causes Inconvenient Flooding in HCMC
March 21, 2011
http://www.saigon-gpdaily.com.vn/Hochiminhcity/2011/3/90628/- The high tide has risen over the last few days and is expected to continue to do so for the next three days in the low lying sections of the Saigon- Dong Nai River. The city Steering Committee for Flood and Storm Prevention and for Search and Rescue has ordered rescue forces to stand by ready to cope with the flooding in the highly prone areas in districts of 12, Thu Duc, Binh Thanh, Go Vap and Cu Chi.
- New Urban HN Higher Risk of Subsidence
March 22, 2011
http://www.baomoi.com/Do-thi-moi-HN-nguy-co-sut-lun-cao/148/2844399.epi- Subsidence problems often related to geology, the movement of the earth's crust. What areas are often young sedimentary subsidence risk. Hanoi area has been classified in the geological subsidence of high risk, due in the delta area, newly formed in the Quaternary sediments
- Viet Nam Sinking: Land subsidence Occurred More in HCM City
March 22, 2011
http://www.chaobuoisang.net/360/113854/nuoc-ngam-sut-giam-tu-2-3mnam- The decline in groundwater levels and HCM City have begun to present a number of areas where speeds drop from 2 - 3m/nam, there is risk to the penetration salinity in the aquifers is very high. According to experts, due to falling groundwater levels have caused the phenomenon of deformed terrain (land subsidence), caused severe flooding when the rains and tides.
- Bac Lieu has been Under Unusual Flood from Sea Water Spreads
March 25, 2011
http://www.tuoitrenews.vn/cmlink/tuoitrenews/society/bac-lieu-under-flood-water- The coastal Bac Lieu city in the Mekong Delta province Bac Lieu has been under unusual flood water from Wednesday after sea water spreads over an under-construction dike. Different residential quarters and government offices in the city have become isolated by flooded water as bikes and cars couldn't work on inundated streets. Unusually rising sea water has also caused erosion, especially along the concrete-built dike in Nha Mat ward, and caused heavy damages to Cao Van Lau street - one of the main roads in the city. It is predicted that the flood in these three days has resulted from a coincidence of the periodic peak of tide and recent turbulence of strong winds and other weather phenomena in East Sea.
- Abnormal Sea Levels in Bac Lieu
March 28, 2011
http://www.vea.gov.vn/VN/hientrangmoitruong/quantracmt/- Consecutive recent days, unusually high sea levels, plus strong wind, big waves as landslides threatened Resort Nha Mat and many roads in the town of Bac Lieu. Date 3/24, in the seaport of the Mat (Bac Lieu town), high water flooded the resort of Nha Mat, plus high waves as dikes and sea embankments serious landslides. At the bridge leading to the Bac Lieu restaurants, food court Street Sea waves were strong, as the fall of the bridge abutment. High tides make it difficult for other vehicles, many cases passing vehicles were swept away by water. Daily life of residents living along the sea border is being turned upside down.
- Viet Nam Cracks: A series of Flawed People in Quang Ninh
March 30, 2011
http://www.cand.com.vn/vi-VN/xahoi/2011/3/146813.cand- Recently, the province Halong City (Quang Ninh), in Cao Xanh Ward, Cao Thang, Ha Khanh, numerous homes have been sinking, and at risk of collapse at any time; pulse around this problem is many different opinions cause concern for local residents; are needed in the government and relevant agencies to investigate as well.