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- Decrease in Surface Soil in Penjaringan
April 8, 2011
http://www.tempointeraktif.com/hg/jakarta/2011/04/08/brk,20110408-326149,id.html- In the past week, flooding rob a result of high tides and the levees which burst its banks flooding the area and disrupt the activities of residents while the Jakarta government tried to deal with levee improvements. Decrease in surface soil in North Jakarta increasingly alarming. The loss of environmental capacity can be seen from the increasingly massive flooding rob since 2000. In Muara Angke and Kalibaru, for example, around 2000 rob only 40-50 inches tall. But during November-December 2010 was observed to rob point reached 2.5 meters. For example in Marunda whose land is higher and the burden has not been much building. Year 2004-2005 puddle only 5-10 inches, 2010 inundation because rob up to 70 centimeters.
- Floods in Pandeglang not Turned Away
April 1, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201104/327272/banjir_di_pandeglang_belum_surut- Floods in Pandeglang, Banten Province, until Friday (1 / 4) has not subsided. It has been five days due to flooding of two rivers overflow it, soak thousands of homes in seven districts in Pandeglang. Not only that, the main road connecting antarkecamatan also submerged. As a result, residents have boarded a boat to reach other areas. This makes the transportation costs increase dramatically. In addition, floods have also made three thousand hectares of paddy fields threatened with death.
- Flash Flood Ciamis, 3 killed and 1511 Displaced
April 1, 2011
http://news.okezone.com/read/2011/04/01/340/441212/banjir-bandang-ciamis- Flash Flood in District Cihaurbeuti, Ciamis regency, West Java, which occurred on Monday, March 28 last, resulting in three people were killed and 1511 people displaced.
- Soil Keep Moving Relocated Ciregol Line
March 31, 2011
http://www.panturanews.com/index.php/panturanews/cetakberita/3481- The road climbs disappear in Ciregol, Kutamendala Village, District Tonjong, Brebes, Central Java, which cut the highway between Tegal - Navan, ascertained to be relocated. Road Ciregol unstable soil conditions and keep moving. Emergency handling procedures that will be maximized so that when the flow back and forth Lebaran later passable road conditions all vehicles from two-way normally.
- Residents are Encouraged Sendangklampok Unstable Land Clearing
March 31, 2011
http://www.solopos.com/2011/sragen/warga-sendangklampok-diimbau- Camat Kalijambe, Samsuri, appealed to citizens Sendangklampok RT 17, Ngebung, to empty or not build a new building on land that has the potential sinkhole. Appeal called for referring to the results of a survey from the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) in Surakarta, Central Java area of ??land subsidence a few weeks ago.
- CMS Jambatan Closed, Sebahagian Silt and Cracked Highways
April 1, 2011
http://www.theborneopost.com/?p=112249- Jambatan host population identified as 'Jambatan CMS' and merentasi yawn River was closed at 7 am when the highway along 20 meters silt and cracked and may bring danger to the user.
- Relocation of Residents Paran Constrained Land Availability
March 31, 2011
http://www.solopos.com/2011/wonogiri/relokasi-warga-paran-terkendala- Efforts to relocate residents in the hillside that cracked and threatened mudslides in the hamlet of Paran, Dawungan Village, District Jatiroto obstacles. Stakeholders in local government Wonogiri admitted having trouble finding land in a safer location for their new homes. About 30 families in the hamlet of Paran, Village Dawungan, Jatiroto, avalanche danger following the breakdown of land on the hillside where they reside.
- Land Vanish, Six Houses Damaged Weight
April 1, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201104/327374/tanah_amblas- Amblasnya soil surface also resulted in the main road toward the beach tourist area of Anyer and Carita Beach crack.
- Indonesia Cracks: 25th House in Wonosobo Threatened Avalanche
April 1, 2011
http://www.antarajateng.com/detail/index.php?id=41999- At least 25 houses in the hamlet Tripis, Watumalang Village, District Watumalang, Wonosobo regency, Central Java, is threatened by the movement of soil erosion underneath.
- Issues Flash Flood, Hundreds of Panic
April 2, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newscatvideo/nusantara/2011/04/02/125500/- The panic occurred in the Village Padamulya, District Cihaurbeuti, Ciamis, West Java, on Saturday (4/02) morning. Hundreds of residents worried after a flash flood issues aftershocks will occur. Trauma due to flash floods last Monday to make their run to save themselves. Some of them were transported by garbage trucks. Others are using motorcycles to get out of the danger zone.
- Valley Residents Flood Watch
April 3, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/04/02/214874/123/101/Warga- Citizens Lebak regency, Banten, asked to be aware of the possibility of flooding because water comes from a number of river basin overflow due to rain continuously for several days. Until now there is no settlement residents affected by flooding and landslides. However, residents need to be alert to the possibility of disaster because the water comes from a number of watersheds in Lebak regency began overflowing to the river bank. during the week ahead, rain is likely in the morning, afternoon, until evening. Therefore, he says, residents who live near the banks of the River Ciujung, Ciliman, Cimadur, Cilaki, Ciberang, and Cisimeut asked to increase vigilance.
- Thousands of Houses in Pandeglang Awash
April 3, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201104/327553/ribuan_rumah_di_pandeglang_terendam- The floods that hit the seven sub districts in Pandeglang, Banten, the higher. At least 7,000 houses submerged, Saturday (4/02). At some point, the water levels reaching two meters. Traditional markets in Sub Pagelaran also paralyzed by a closed market area puddles. In addition to the high intensity of rain triggered, flooding this time was also exacerbated by the tide. Meanwhile, submerging hundreds of homes flooded in the district and Winongan Grati, Pasuruan, East Java. Water level reached 50 centimeters. Even in some places can reach one meter.
- Lamongan Flood Victims Clean Water Crisis
April 3, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/metromain/news/2011/04/03/47421/Korban-Banjir-Lamongan-Krisis-Air-Bersih- Thousands of flood victims in five districts in Lamongan, East Java, began to clean water crisis. They had to use flood water for their daily needs, such as bathing, washing clothes and dishes. Jero Bengawan River flood submerging five districts, namely Kalitengah, Turi, Karangbinangun, Deket and Glagah. Water level reached 20 centimeters to more than 0.5 meters. Flooding has been going on for two weeks.
- 1000 Hectares of Agricultural Areas in Tuban Still Awash
April 3, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/04/03/214964/125/101/1.000-Hektare- Although the Solo River water discharge is below the screen, but at least 1,000 hectares (ha) of agricultural area in the eight villages in the district Rengel, Tuban, East Java are still inundated with water levels up to 50 centimeters (cm). This condition, making hundreds of farmers in the region complain plant crop failures., You see, the floods have been soaking the land around the last week. Eight villages flooded agricultural areas that include Kanorejo, Karangtinoto, Tambakrejo, Bulurejo, Sawahan, Maibit, Ngadirejo, and parts of Rengel.
- Floods in East Java is Spreading
April 3, 2011
http://news.okezone.com/read/2011/04/03/340/441759/banjir-rendam-jalur-pantura-12-jam- Floods in East Java is spreading. After the Gresik-Lamongan submerged, now turn lane segment-Probolinggo Surabaya coast, suffered a similar fate.
- Flooding Spreads to the Corner of State
April 01, 2011
http://act.eramuslim.com/berita/detail/765/banjir-meluas-ke-penjuru-negeri.htm- Widespread flooding to parts of the country. Ciamis, Pandeglang, Demak, Tuban, Gresik, Bojonegoro, Gorontalo, West Nusa Tenggara, Papua, and the last field. A number of people killed and missing. Thousands of people lost their homes. Roads, bridges and public facilities damaged.
- Subsidence and Cracks in Hamlet of Paran
April 3, 2011
http://www.solopos.com/2011/wonogiri/diguyur-hujan-kondisi-tanah-paran-makin-parah-91737- The soil in the hillside hamlet of Paran, Dawungan Village, District Jatiroto worse following continuous rain over the last few days. Until Sunday (03/04/2011), the total is seven houses demolished because the ground cracks beneath it threatened to tear down the house.
- Land Broke, Tripis Displaced Residents
April 3, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201104/327607/tanah_merekah_warga_tripis_mengungsi- Villagers Tripis, Watumalang, Wonosobo, Central Java, on Sunday (4/03), the soil displaced by the disaster and moving cracks in their village. This disaster resulted in land subsidence and fissure road until it reaches a depth of five meters. This disaster also made a number of electric poles by the roadside almost collapsed. Inter-village access was cut off.
- Land subsidence, 7 Houses Demolished
April 4, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/04/04/215116/76/20/Tanah- Ground cracks along the 500 meters, with more than 50 cm wide, with depths reaching six meters in the villages of Paran, Dawungan Village, District Jatiroto, Wonogiri, Central Java. It's seven houses are torn down because people feared to threaten the occupants. Cracked soil in the area was not the first incident. Earlier, in the era of the 1970s, it had occurred. Only, this year in addition to soil cracks, people panic because there is also a very deep soil subsidence.
- East Nusa Tenggara
April 4, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/04/04/215237/290/101/Bantuan-Sedikit- 594 victims of flash floods in Belu regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) until Monday (4 / 04) still survive in refugee camps. They rely on bananas as a daily diet because food aid is channeled government is very limited. Meanwhile, the pool of water in the residential population is still about 30 50 centimeters (cm) from the previous 1.5 to 2 meters.
- Flooding Still Flood the Roads and Schools
April 5, 2011
http://liputan86.blogspot.com/2011/04/banjir-masih-genangi-jalan-dan-sekolah.html- Floods due to heavy rainfall in Lamongan yet to subside. Alternative road link Lamongan gresik still disconnected. some schools are still submerged in flood that disrupts the teaching and learning activities.
- It's Two Weeks A Street in Lamongan Awash Flood
April 6, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsvideo/2011/04/06/125753/Sudah-Dua-Pekan- A number of roads connecting the shaft between the districts in Lamongan, East Java are still cut off by flood water from Bengawan posts Jero. It has been more than two weeks, a number of roads connecting the shaft between the District in Lamongan, East Java, is still disconnected and can not be passed by residents due to water overflow from the Bengawan Jero. Roads flooded in the worst segment Ketangtelu Village, Soko, Gempo, Pendowo and Sumberrejo.
- Wet Always Floods, Crop Yields Minim
April 5, 2011
http://www.kebumenberiman.com/2011/04/sawah-selalu-banjir-hasil-panen-minim.html- The consequences are always flooded, farmers in Hamlet orioles, Madureja Village, District Puring, Kebumen, must accept the very low yields. Farmers should also be harvested in the fields still flood thighs. According to Hamlet resident orioles, paddy fields in dukuhnya lower than in surrounding rice fields so that was always flooded. Luckily though receding flood water remains stagnant water. As a result, rice can not grow a maximum because it is always excess water.
- After Bangkong, Floods Soak 400 Houses in West Alas
April 5, 2011
http://gaungntb.com/2011/04/setelah-bangkong-banjir-rendam-400-rumah-di-alas-barat-2/- After Hamlet Bangkong Sub Badas hit by flooding on Thursday (4/01), a similar natural disaster hit the Western District Alas. Two villages were sub-village and village Gontar usar submerged with water levels 1.5 to 2 meters. Allegedly high rainfall which lasted from Friday afternoon until late into the cause of the abundance of water discharge. In addition to the Western District Alas, floods also menggelamkan puouhan home in Orchard Lake Village In Bhakti, and the Village District Gontar Alas. Several homes flooded by water, including public service facilities such as Post Office Branch Alas, Alas sub-district health centers and UPT.
- Flood Flood Six Villages back in Belu
April 7, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/04/07/216069/290/101/- Flood with a height of one meter re-commemorate the six villages in West Malaka, Belu regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Thursday (4/07) morning. The incident forced the residents who previously have returned home, again displaced. Floods in this region first happened in 2000 claimed 54 deaths. The government then built a flood levee along the banks of the river that serves to prevent water entry into residential areas. The broken levee built by the flooding on Monday (3/28)
- Main Line Grobogan Awash-Pati
April 7, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201104/328315/jalur_utama_groboganpati_terendam- Heavy rain which flushed for two hours to make the main point Grobogan-Pati, Central Java, on Thursday (4/07) flood. Poor drainage system makes the water levels continue to rise. The worst affected place in the village of Ketapang, with water reaching a height of one meter. Flooding also soak the highway so that vehicles pass through forced diverted through the village street. Reckless road users crossing, has also experienced a strike.
- Due to Floods, 196 ha in East Java Agricultural Puso
April 07, 2011
http://www.surabayapost.co.id/?mnu=berita&act=view&- The floods that inundated parts of East Java since the last few weeks to make at least 4,000 hectares of farmland submerged. Of this amount, the carrying of which 196 hectares of crop failure alias puso. Besides in Tuban, floods also inundated farmland in Jombang area of and that is submerged about 494 hectares, Gresik approximately 766 hectares, 888 hectares Lamongan and Bojonegoro 1308 hectares. In Tuban alone, the total area of submerged land area of 549 hectares.
- Flood Landa Pamekasan
April 7, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/04/04/216014/289/101/Banjir_Landa_Pamekasan- Floods hit some areas in Pamekasan regency, Madura, East Java, on Wednesday (6 / 4) night led to house residents in the region was under water. Flooding due to overflowing of this river occurred in the Village Gladak Anyar, Sub City, Pamekasan. Current water level reaches one meter in some locations even in villages which reached 1.5 meters. There are currently no signs of standing water will recede even tends to increase.
- Flooded Rice Fields in Indramayu
April 8, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsvideo/2011/04/08/125876/Sawah-di-Indramayu-Kebanjiran- Hundreds of hectares of rice fields in three villages in Indramayu district, West Java, inundated as high as one meter. Flooding also soak the settlement of citizens and public cemetery. Farmers worried about stagnant water immeasurably damaged their paddy.
- Lamongan to Gresik Still Awash
April 8, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/metromain/news/2011/04/08/47967/- River overflowing Bengawan Jero still soaking road axis Glagah District, Lamongan toward Manyar, Gresik, East Java, on Friday (4/08). Water level reached 50 centimeters make the traffic disrupted. It's been three weeks floods submerging roads.
- 3 Weeks Road Lamongan Flooded Shaft
April 8, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsvideo/2011/04/08/125890/3-Pekan- It's been three weeks floods submerging roads.
- Rotting Hundreds Hectares of Rice
April 8, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201104/328516/direndam_banjir_ratusan- Tens of hectares of rice crops in the village of Teguhan, Grobogan, Central Java rot. Since three days, river flood from the River Wono hit the region. The farmers can only clean up their fields and wait until the water completely subsided. Whereas the average age of the rice plant has more than three months and is ready for harvest.
- Bangodua Flood
April 08, 2011
http://www.antarafoto.com/peristiwa/v1302263408/banjir-pantura- A child across a pool of water flooding in the village Tegalgirang, Kec. Bangodua, Indramayu regency, West Java, on Friday (4/08). Flooding from overflowing rivers hentar Cibuaya damaging hundreds of rice fields ready for harvest.
- Floods in Belu Soak Dozens Village
April 9, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201104/328649/banjir_di_belu_rendam_belasan_desa- Floods soak shipment District West Malaka, Belu, East Nusa Tenggara, recently. As a result, 12 villages submerged in floods of North Central Timor and East South Central. John Seran, residents Bicolo Hamlet said, the village worst affected are the Village Lasaen inundated with one hundred and 70 head of the family. Previously, they had sought refuge in West Malaka district office. However advised to return home because there was no help anymore. Currently, the victims suffer again with the coming flood. Some people just can surrender himself in the attic while saving their own homes. They hope soon to get help and assistance.
- Belu Flood Disturbing Residents
April 9, 2011
http://www.penajurnalis.com/banjir-kiriman-meresahkan-warga-belu.html- District West Malaka, Belu, East Nusa Tenggara, Saturday (9/4/11), inundated. As a result some 12 villages inundated part of South Central Timor and East South Central. This flood disturbing residents, since their activities ceased.
- The Northern Gaza Cikamurang Indramayu Awash Flood
April 9, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/04/09/216570/289/101/- Alternative northern Gaza District Cikamurang Filled, Indramayu and also connects to the District Sumedang Subang regency, West Java, the total loss due to flood. Major floods bring blessings to people around because a lot of vehicles damaged by the engine under water, so it can not continue the journey had to be secured in place high enough. Even though wages are given by car owners not determined their income is high because many two-wheeled vehicle or four wheel in need of assistance due to flooding. Floods that swept the main crossing area Cikamurang until now has not receded
- Following Floods Soak Back West Malaka
April 10, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/04/10/216757/290/101/- Floods aftershocks caused overflow Benenain River in southern Belu regency, East Nusa Tenggara province, Saturday (4/09) night, re-soak the subdistrict of West Malaka, thus making local residents remained in shelters. Flooding of the River Benenain shipments began to break through new channels so as to make the region west of Malacca such as the ocean. The siege of flooding at about four meters.
- Flooding Persists Tumaritis
April 11, 2011
http://www.metrobalikpapan.co.id/index.php?mib=berita.detail&id=53708- Zone flooding in the region Tumaritis Kelurahan Batu Ampar North Aberdeen is still not resolved. Residents in this neighborhood urged the municipal government immediately realize its promise and make the area free from flooding Tumaritis.
- Supplementary Flood Surround Belu
April 11, 2011
http://www.tempointeraktif.com/hg/nusa_lainnya/2011/04/11/brk,20110411-326498,id.html- A total of six villages in West Malaka, Belu regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), under siege for flood after flood aftershocks struck the area. Six villagers besieged the village flood Fafoe, Lasaen, Umato'os, Sikun, Oanmane and Motaain. Residents in six villages which are isolated require food assistance. Occurred subsequent flooding twice with a height of 1.5 to 2 meters, while flooding yesterday happened once aftershocks. Flooding that occurred on Sunday afternoon high enough to make people panic.
- Biggest Throughout 30 Years
April 11, 2011
http://www.sapos.co.id/index.php/berita/detail/Rubrik/9/16446- The foundation of these three classes of schools were destroyed. The swift flood currents also make this school the concrete fence collapsed. Head SD 017, Slamet Riyadi, say, the school will vacate the three classrooms of teaching and learning activities. When used feared his condition got worse and endanger students. He also was horrified to see the condition.
- Sampang Madura Flood, Five Villages Isolated
April 11, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsvideo/2011/04/11/126070/- Heavy rain which flushed the City Sampang Madura, East Java, day and night causing flooding and submerging homes in five villages. Floods caused by overflow of Kali Myrtle. Five villages were isolated due to flooding. The five villages are Banyumas Village, Tanggumong, Myrtle, Mount hymn, Pasean, and the Village Stage. The average water level is about 80 centi-meters. Besides submerging homes, dozens of hectares of planted rice paddy fields are also submerged. Even the road transport Sampang - Omben, especially in Stage Road - Mount Maddah drop due to high water.
- Hundreds of Homes in Lamongan Flooded
April 12, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsvideo/2011/04/12/126096/- Hundred homes in three villages located in the District Babat, Lamongan, East Java, submerged. Based on the observation Metro TV on Monday (4/11), the water level reached 40 centimeters. Flooding was caused by overflow of Kali Konang, which could not accommodate the high rainfall during the two hours. In addition to soaking the house, flooding also closed the access roads and disrupting the activities of local villagers. In Sampang, Madura, East Java, Myrtle Kali river flood has been soaking five villages. Myrtle times overflowed after a flood levee burst.
- Flood Landa Sampang City
April 11, 2011
http://www.antaranews.com/berita/253759/banjir-landa-kota-sampang- Floods struck the town of Sampang, Madura, East Java, and causing hundreds of houses of residents in the area were flooded. Floods caused by overflow of river Kalikemuning is struck from around 07.00 pm and until Monday night puddle higher. Besides inundating homes, flooding in Sampang, Madura is also inundate a number of buildings are also educational institutions of government offices. AFP journalist reported in Madura, until around 19:20 pm there was no sign of the flood will recede, even the higher tends to puddle.
- Hundreds of Houses in Sampang Awash Flood
April 12, 2011
http://www.zonaberita.com/jawa-timur/ratusan-rumah-di-sampang-terendam-banjir.html/- If rain does not stop, certainly will increasingly rising water depth, especially in pemukimana population residing in the lowlands.
- Dredging River Flood Juwana yet Can Overcome
April 12, 2011
http://www.kabarindonesia.com/berita.php?pil=8&jd=Pengerukan+Sungai+Juwana+Belum- Pati Floods that hit the region so far, community leaders and fishermen still a matter of debate that is still no solution from local governments to cope. Repeatedly expressed this issue to the House of Representatives, but only considered the storm is passed it. Meanwhile the central government had disbursed Rp. 4.6 Billion for dredging the mouth of the river, have not been able to overcome floods in the region Pati.
- Sidoarjo Hospital Flooded Water
April 13, 2011
http://nasional.inilah.com/read/detail/1412342/rsud-sidoarjo-tergenang-air- Sidoarjo District General Hospital stagnant flood water. Water flooded the particular part of ward until ankle. Meanwhile, Public Relations Sidoarjo Hospital Ahmad Zainuri claimed not to know the number of stagnant water in hospitals Sidorajo and there has been no report about the stagnant water. He said, if rain occurs, usually there never was a pool of water that enters the room.
- Floods Soak Hundreds of Houses in Kediri
April 12, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201104/329292/banjir_rendam_ratusan_rumah_di_kediri- Hundreds of homes in the Village and Coral Mojosari Talun, District Hardware, Kediri, East Java, damped flooding, on Tuesday (4/12). Adult knee-high flooding was due to overflow of river.
- Awash Flood Ready Rice Harvest
April 13, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201104/329315/padi_siap_panen_terendam_banjir- Heavy rain which flushed the area of Malang, East Java, resulting in tens of hectares of rice lands in Kalipare inundated following heavy rain which flushed the region. Immersion flood damage to rice plants.
- Belu government Provide Rubber Boat
April 13, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201104/329360/pemerintah_belu_sediakan_perahu_karet- Local governments also have provided a raft of Youth Disaster Preparedness to evacuate residents who will move like the market and school. Not yet known how long the flood will subside given the rainfall there is still quite high. Until now, the water levels still reach one meter.
- Some flooding in Sumedang Village
April 14, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/ekonomi/news/2011/04/14/48582/Banjir-Melanda-Sejumlah-Perkampungan-di-Sumedang- Dozens of homes submerged. Flood water in some villages was as high as an adult thigh. Flood-affected villages were Kampung Cipada most severe and Cangkudu. Village residents claimed that their territory Cipada been our subscription flooding if heavy rain. And this time somewhat more severe flooding. Areas that usually never flooded, now the same as others sent a flood.
- Flood Tagana Down to Belu
April 14, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsvideo/2011/04/14/126261/Tagana-Banjir-Turun-ke-Belu- Rivers overflow Benanai very disturbing activities of local District West Malaka Bersikama, Belu, East Nusa Tenggara. Flood flows as high as 50 centimeters to one meter profusely. The local government has not got a solution to overcome the impact of the dike burst.
- Polonia Airport Area Inundated
April 1, 2011
http://www.waspada.co.id/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&- Air Force military housing located behind the Polonia Airport, Medan submerged. Based on observations to date, at the airport, the water level rises progressively. One of the residents, Hendra, said the water started to get into their house at around 04.00 pm. Until 0915 GMT, the water is getting higher. Until now, according to the water had reached waist Ardi.
- The Roof-High Floods in Medan
April 1, 2011
http://nasional.kompas.com/read/2011/04/01/11304436/Banjir.di.Medan.Setinggi.Atap- Thousands of homes submerged by floods that hit the seven districts in Medan on Friday (4/01/2011) early days as seen in the area of Kuala Bekala, Medan Johor, Medan.Curah rains since last week believed to be the cause of flooding in areas upstream side has gundulnya Medan city and urban planning that does not conform with the flow of water. A number of houses of residents in the city of Medan, on Friday (4/01/2011), submerged up to the roof. Flood rain begins on Thursday afternoon until the evening. High water inundation also occurred at Jalan TB Simatupang Gang Self, District Medan Sunggal that reached above the window to the roof of the house. According to records, flooding in the city of Medan, the rain started on Thursday afternoon until the evening had been soaked at least seven of 21 subdistricts in the area. The seven districts that each Tuntungan Medan, Medan Selayang, Medan Polonia, Medan Baru, Medan Petisah, Medan Johor, and the Medan District Maimun.
- The Roof-High Floods in Medan
April 1, 2011
http://news.okezone.com/read/2011/04/01/340/441216/galon-air-mineral-selamatkan- Floods that hit the city of Medan, North Sumatra, since early this morning, resulting in hundreds of homes submerged in water up to 2 meters. Some residents simply resigned to seeing their precious treasure sank slowly drifting even flooding. In some houses people are also still looking motorcycles and electronic goods.
- Landa Great Flood Field
April 2, 2011
http://www.analisadaily.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&- Regions Gubsu housing and human settlements inundated when immortalized from the air with the Mayor of Medan Drs Rahudman Harahap helicopter ride, Friday (4/01). It is very frightening, if look at some predictions for Indonesia in connection with the increase of sea water kept rising. Two thousand islands predicted discharged in 2030, Ban also predicted virgin Jakarta submerged and hundreds of square kilometers of land area of Java and Sumatra will disappear.
- Extensive Flooding in Three Districts in Aceh
April 02, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/04/02/214865/126/101/-Banjir-Meluas-di-Tiga-Kabupaten-di-Aceh- Due to heavy rain, the five districts in Aceh since the five-day siege last flood. Three districts tendam floodwaters that are in part of West Aceh, Nagan Raya, Aceh Jaya, Aceh Selatan and Aceh Singkil. In West Aceh district, for example, at least 100 villages inundated in the local area ranged as high as 50 cm-2.5 meters. While in South Aceh, flood struck the village of Beutong, District of the City of Joy. Vice Governor Muhammad Nazar said, at least there are two causes of flooding in Aceh. The first result of deforestation is severe enough, then karean many rivers flow in Aceh has been shallow and clogged.
- Road-Main Street of Medan Awash
April 01, 2011
http://regional.kompas.com/read/2011/04/01/11381414/Jalan-Jalan.Utama.Kota.Medan.Terendam- The main streets in the city of Medan submerged due to the widespread flooding that occurred in the city of Medan. Mansour Street, for example, submerged up to waist adults. A number of people reporting high water on the road in front of Mansour North Sumatra University (USU) have reached an adult's chest.
- Flash Flood Lunge Medan
April 2, 2011
http://www.seputar-indonesia.com/edisicetak/content/view/390535/- Photos from the air showed that soaking the flood area of Medan's Polonia Airport, yesterday. The height of the water does not soak the runway so the plane was not delayed the scheduled departure time. The reason, the bridge connecting out stagnant water as high as two meters. In the vicinity of Police Station Assistant Police Delitua, the water reached chest height adults. As for access via the Garden Bekala terputus di Jalan Cengkehdan Jahe where the water level reaches 1 meter more. Flooding also inundated two villages in the subdistrict of Labuhan Deli, namely the Dead and Martubung Sei. Hundreds of houses are occupied by 3000 households (HH) is submerged.
- Flooding and High Waves Threaten Aceh
April 3, 2011
http://www.waspada.co.id/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&- The wave height in the waters of south-western Aceh is about 2.5meters.
- 183 Families in Tangse Must be Relocated
April 3, 2011
http://regional.kompas.com/read/2011/04/02/22000766/183.Keluarga.di.Tangse.Harus.Direlokasi- A total of 183 flood affected families in Tangse should be relocated. Their house is now destroyed and mostly located in the path Tangse-prone river. Saturday, the renewal period in Tangse emergency has ended. Currently the provincial government of Aceh and Pidie regency government will still be discussing whether the emergency response needs to be extended again.
- Deli Serdang Flood Alert
April 3, 2011
http://www.waspada.co.id/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&- Regent of Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, Amri Tambunan, instructed the local district government officials alert to the threat of flooding due to relatively extreme weather over the last few days in the area.
- Pemko no Major Flood Response
April 3, 2011
http://www.waspada.co.id/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&- Medan government deemed not responsive to the natural warning. As a result, communities in 11 districts in the great flood inundated the city of Medan.
- Dike in North Sumatra Collapses, Flooding More Homes
April 03, 2011
http://www.thejakartaglobe.com/news/dike-in-north-sumatra-collapses-flooding-more-homes/433183- As floods plague parts of Sumatra, Java and Papua, a river bank in North Sumatra has collapsed, flooding hundreds of homes with hundreds more facing potential flooding. The dike on Cucukan River in Tanjung Putus village, Padang Tualang sub-district, collapsed last night, village head Erdiyanto said on Sunday. He said damage to the river dike became worse in the morning due to strong river currents due to constant "heavy downpours" over the last couple of days.
- The Rivers That Really Angry?
April 3, 2011
http://www.analisadaily.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&i- It should be free from flooding Medan. In addition to geographically located an average of 25 meters above sea level, there are five rivers in Medan can accommodate all the water turn into water either from upstream or from Medan own. Why, then, until the floods.
- Flood, 47 Schools Not Effective Learning
April 4, 2011
http://www.jpnn.com/read/2011/04/04/88624/Banjir,-47-Sekolah-Belum-Efektif-Belajar- The previous day, Friday (4 / 01) recorded 11 sub-districts from 21 districts in the city of Medan flooded due to overflow of the River Deli and River Babura. Some of these Districts namely Tuntungan Medan, Medan Selayang, Medan Polonia, Medan Baru, Medan Petisah, Johor, Medan Barat, Medan Helvetia, Medan Maimun, Medan Belawan and Medan Labuhan. Some point the highway entrance to the city of Medan was also stagnant water such as Way Mongonsidi Medan, Jalan Adi Sucipto Polonia, Jalan Jamin Ginting, Jalan Pattimura, Jalan S Parman, Elephant Road Madha, Jalan Iskandar Muda near Pringgan. Then Dr. Mansour Road, Jalan Wahid Hasyim, Jalan Sriwijaya, Jalan Ngalengko, Jalan Medan Sunggal, Jalan TB Simatupang, Water Street to Jalan Titi Board. (Saz)
- Tangse Emergency Extended
April 4, 2011
http://www.waspada.co.id/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=185461:- Sigli - flash flood disaster that struck 11 villages in the District Tangse, Pidie district on March 10, 2011 still leaves a number of jobs that have not been addressed despite already exceeding 2x12 days during the emergency. Based on conditions on the ground, it was decided during the emergency third period, 3 to 14 April 2011.
- Leaking Levee, Settlement Flooded
April 4, 2011
http://www.hariansumutpos.com/2011/04/3628/tanggul-bocor-pemukiman-tergenang.htm- Leaking levee in the area of ??trench cucukan PTPN 2 Sub Padang Tualang, making residents Hamlet Village Tanjung Karang Sari Disconnect and school buildings submerged. Although there are no residents who fled, but the condition is alarming, if not corrected. In District 500 units Percut Seituan home residents in the village of Sei Rattan and Village East Sambirejo stagnant water. Floods caused by heavy rainfall, and not inability to accommodate water drainage.
- Meluap, Hundreds Home Awash Citizen
April 4, 2011
http://regional.kompas.com/read/2011/04/03/19583426/Terkait.Banjir.PDI-P.Sesalkan.Walikota- According to Hashim, currently not the time to blame the shallowness or constriction of the river, but how to cope with and anticipate the possibility of a similar catastrophe in future. He further said the exact steps to be taken Medan city administration is urging North Sumatra provincial government allocated a budget to do the dredging and widening of four rivers in the city, Babura River, Deli, Sunggal, and the River trail.
- Belumai River Overflowed, Hundreds of Houses Residents Awash
April 4, 2011
http://www.jpnn.com/read/2011/04/03/88590/Sungai-Belumai-Meluap,-Ratusan-Rumah-Warga-Terendam- Tanjung Morawa - a fairly heavy rainfall the region menguyur Deli Serdang, Friday (4/01) evening, at around 23:00 pm, causing hundreds of houses located in Taman Sari Permai Housing in Hamlet XII, New Sari Wake Village, and Lake Village Sari who are Gang Madrasah, Tanjung Morawa district was flooded. Water levels were reached 1 meter. In Housing Taman Sari Sari Permai Build New Village, approximately 200 houses flooded, while in the village of Telaga Sari approximately 78 houses inundated.
- Hundreds of Flooded Homes in Langkat
April 4, 2011
http://www.waspada.co.id/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=185358:- River embankment in the district of Padang Tualang, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra leak, mengakibatka hundred community-owned homes under water. River embankment in the village of Tanjung Cucukan Disconnect, Padang District Tualang leaking since last night. He said that growing dike leaks during the morning, because of the swift flow of sungain cucukan, which overflow after rain since last few days.
- Hundreds of Homes in Tanjungmorawa Awash
April 4, 2011
http://www.analisadaily.com/index.php?option=com_content- Volunteer Team of the Red Cross helps people to evacuate to the people's belongings, in New Bangunsari Village Sub District Tanjungmorawa Deliserdang, Sunday (4/03). While the Housing Taman Sari Sari Permai Build New Village, approximately 200 homes affected by flooding, in the village of Telaga Sari approximately 78 houses.
- Thousands of People Displaced Due to Flooding
April 04, 2011
http://www.suarapembaruan.com/home/ribuan-masyarakat-mengungsi-akibat-banjir/5231- Some of the districts and cities in North Sumatra (North Sumatra) experienced flooding due to heavy rains. These conditions create a community of thousands have been displaced. Flood-affected areas include the Deli Serdang regency, Langkat, Medan, Binjai and High Cliff. Not only the residents on the outskirts of the basin (watershed) areas are displaced Babura, thousands of people in the region Sunggal, Tanjung Anom and society Gang Pasir area Jl S Parman and Labuhan Deli, also was forced to leave their homes due to flooding.
- Floods in East Aceh Damaged Public Facilities
April 6, 2011
http://www.analisadaily.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=91313:- Then, in the village of Alur Drien, flooding made roads in the rice fields that stretched nearly broke. In the village of Castle, the head of the bridge damaged. Likewise, the suspension bridge on the Mount Seulemak. In addition, the dike surrounding watershed Krueng jebolnya Langsa also worsen flooding in areas adjacent to East Aceh, especially Birem Bayeun.
- Flooding Back Landa Some Regions in Medan
April 05, 2011
http://eksposnews.com/view/2/22140/Banjir-Kembali-Landa-Beberapa-Kawasan-di-Medan.html- Current conditions, according to Defand, flooding was already receding. But in some locations, the remnants of the flood is still clearly visible. A few days ago, heavy rains caused flooding in seven districts in Medan. Worst flooding occurred in the region Simalingkar Housing Complex, Medan District Tuntungan with water levels more than two meters. Not only that, the flooding also occurred in the town of Binjai and Deli Serdang regency. Even Polonia Airport was not spared from flooding, although still can be operated.
- There Is No Death Toll, Altitude Air Already fading
April 7, 2011
http://www.analisadaily.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article- Even large-sized trench approximately 4 meters wide with a depth of 3 meters that extends from Batangkuis to Pantailabu look full even spill into the residential community after the previous day had more height. Floods submerging hundreds of homes of its citizens now have started to recede and approximately 3 hectares of crops damaged public property.
- Hundreds of Homes in Langkat Re-submerged
April 7, 2011
http://www.waspada.co.id/index.php?option=com_content&view=article- Floods submerging hundreds of homes back in District Wampu and Padang Tualang, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra, due to overflowing of rivers following heavy rains that occurred in the area. Some people entered the house with water up to waist height.
RAIN in region, .51" for the past week.
- Failed Harvest, Flood Victims Need Food
April 6, 2011
http://regional.kompas.com/read/2011/04/06/17013510/Gagal.Panen.Korban.Banjir.Butuh.Pangan- The government needs to think about food reserve for people who are victims of flooding in Belu regency, East Nusa Tenggara. Maybe there are only a dress on the body because of all their possessions, livestock and plants they had brought floods destroyed.
- Floods Soak Beans Dozens of Hectares of Fields, Farmers Hundreds Million Loss
April 7, 2011
http://aswdindonesia.blogspot.com/2011/04/banjir-rendam-puluhan-hektar-ladang.html- Flooding that hit Deliserdang District, has been soaking the beans at least tens of hectares of farm fences in the village of Jati Subdistrict Lubuk Pakam. This condition has been detrimental to farmers hundreds of millions of dollars. The bean crop is now no hope for harvest. Because so many have rotten.
- Awash Flood Ready Rice Harvest
April 8, 2011
http://www.hariansumutpos.com/2011/04/4056/padi-siap-panen-terendam-banjir.htm- At least 400 acres of rice ready for harvest in the village of Karang Gading, District Secanggang, Langkat inundated since Monday (4 /04). As a result, residents have difficulty doing the harvesting and drying their own rice. Rice that is ready to harvest submerged in water
- Floods Destroy 200 ha Wetland Tangse
April 9, 2011
http://www.waspada.co.id/index.php?option=com_content&view=article- Wide 200.86 hectares of paddy fields in District Tangse, Pidie district was severely damaged, due to natural disaster flash flood occurred recently. Excess of the damage to the land, thousands of farmers in the area is threatened not.
- Search Houses Free Flood
April 10, 2011
http://www.analisadaily.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article- At least 14 districts and 40 villages in the flooded city of Medan on Friday (4/01). Based on the observation analysis, flooding occurs in Medan Marelan, Medan Deli, Medan Labuhan, Medan Helvetia, Medan Sunggal, Medan Selayang, Tuntungan Medan, Medan Medan Johor to the West, Petisah Medan, Medan Baru, Medan Polonia, Medan and Medan Maimun Sandpaper. Floods do not only occur in densely populated settlements along watershed areas (DAS). Flooding also inundated several housing complexes in Medan, call it Flamboyan Island Complex, Jalan Flamboyan Raya, Tanjung Medan Congratulations. Including Housing Taman Sari Permai, Tanjung Morawa Medan. Residential Rambung Village, South Binjai, the height of the water even reaches the roof of the house.
- Flooded Agricultural Land
April 10, 2011
http://kampungmediasareindai.wordpress.com/2011/04/10/banjir-lahan-pertanian-tergenang/- Water began to bubble up around 15:00 pm, rapid flow of water caused several rivers bursting point cliffs. Torrent keeps crashing and inundating farmland citizens. Currently, agricultural land is generally planted with rice and still a few days old. As occurred in the District of Belo, Saturday (4/09).
- 1102 Ha Rice Plants in Flooded Tanjungpura
April 11, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/04/10/216789/126/101/1.102- Wide 1102 hectares of paddy crops which are in Sub Tanjungpura, Sei Lepan, Hinai, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra, floods inundated due to rainfall is quite high-in the area. Of rice farmers affected by floods, to the region lies in the village Tanjungpura Yellow Baja area of 20 hectares. In addition, in the Village area of 209 hectares Cengal Pematang, rural area of 196 hectares Like Forward, and the village area of 660 hectares Pekubuan.
- Bangkinang Flooded
April 11, 2011
http://www.riauterkini.com/lingkungan.php?arr=35980- Floods that swept Wisma New Bangkinang the first time this has happened. Floods that swept Wisma New Bangkinang the first time this has happened.
- Floods in Serdang Bedagai Soak Hundreds of Houses
April 12, 2011
http://cybernews.cbn.net.id/cbprtl/cybernews/detail.aspx?x=Regional&- Medan - Heavy rain which flushed since Monday (4/11) night until Tuesday (4/12/2011) morning resulted in hundreds of homes in Serdang Bedagai (Sergai), North Sumatra (North Sumatra) flood. Height of water in residential citizens reach one meter. Worst flooding occurred in the Village Store and Village Damar Bandar Utama, District High Cliff. Water levels in area residents to reach one meter. Not only does soaking the hundreds of homes, flooding dozens of schools also soak.
- Border-Tapanuli Sibolga Awash Flood
April 12, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newscatvideo/nusantara/2011/04/12/126145/- Heavy rain which flushed Sibolga and Central Tapanuli, North Sumatra, resulting in cross-border road the two cities were inundated. Traffic was disrupted and many vehicles are on strike. Activities of citizens so disturbed because the water reaches a height of an adult knee.
- Floods Soak Dozens of Houses
April 13, 2011
http://www.hariansumutpos.com/2011/04/4419/banjir-rendam-puluhan-rumah.htm- Floods soak the school in the School Road Kaften Tandean Dipanegara. 19 classrooms can not be used. Submerging hundreds of homes flooded residents in five villages.
- Tarutung Sisingamangaraja Road Flood
April 14, 2011
http://nababan.wordpress.com/2011/04/14/jalan-sm-raja-banjir/- The flooding caused by drainage in the area was too small. So when heavy rain, water channels are not able to accommodate the water that fell from the upper road.
- Rain Four Hours, Pekanbaru Awash Flood
April 14, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/04/14/217824/126/101/Hujan-Empat-Jam-Pekanbaru-Terendam-Banjir- Heavy rains that occurred in the past week in the city of Pekanbaru also make the Siak River water discharge continues to increase. But the condition is still not dangerous, although the area along the banks of the Siak River in District Rumbai, Pekanbaru is prone to flooding.
- Note: Elevation in Pekanbaru is 33 meters (99 feet), and only .03 cm rain in the past week.
- Paniai District
April 2, 2011
http://www.suarapembaruan.com/home/kondisi-korban-memprihatinkan/5211- The condition of flood victims in Lake County Paniai due to overflow of Paniai, following heavy rains in the last month in the region is very alarming. Approximately 7 out of 10 districts in Paniai District inundated.
- Economic Activity Still Paralyzed
April 4, 2011
http://www.suarapembaruan.com/home/aktivitas-ekonomi-masih-lumpuh/5230- Mains in the City Pier Enarotali, the capital of Paniai, badly damaged and not functioning due to flooded to a height of two meters. Airport runway Paniai also flooded along the 100 meters, although the water began to recede. Flooding also has killed 13 people and damage to public facilities and 782 houses damaged citizens. While about 6,000 people were displaced in desperate need of assistance.
- PMI Distribute Aid to Papua Paniai
April 5, 2011
http://news.okezone.com/read/2011/04/05/340/442720/pmi-distribusikan-bantuan-ke-paniai-papua- Until now, Papua is still kept busy with the problem of refugee needs pascabanjir flash which hit the region on March 11, 2011 last. Three-meter-high flood.
- Flood Wetland Areas in the Village Rabakodo and Risa
April 13, 2011
http://jompambojo.blogspot.com/2011/04/banjir-genangi-areal-sawah-di-desa.html- Heavy rain which flushed Woha District and surrounding areas last few days, resulting in overflow of water in the villages and rice fields. Reportedly, some tens of hectares of farmland are ruined by the swift water.
- Village Flood Victims Lasaen, NTT Cooking with turbid water
April 13, 2011
http://www.republika.co.id/berita/regional/nusantara/11/04/13/ljkv4e-duhkorban-banjir- It's been almost two weeks, our neighborhoods flooded so we had to boil the bananas with mud (muddy water mixed with soil).
- More People Evacuated In Flood-hit Perlis
April 1, 2011
http://www.bernama.com/bernama/v5/newsgeneral.php?id=575402- The number of flood evacuees in Perlis rose by 198 to 4,230 overnight as floodwaters continued to rise in some areas. He also said that floodwaters rose in the southern part of Kangar last night but receded in the northern part. He said he had been informed that some people living by river banks were reluctant to move, thinking that the floodwaters were receding.
- Floods Displace Thousands in Northern Malaysia
April 1, 2011
http://www.monstersandcritics.com/news/asiapacific/news/article_1630084.php- Floodwaters have forced more than 4,000 people to leave their homes in Malaysia's northern state of Perlis. A total of 4,230 people were sheltering at 32 makeshift centres across the state.
- 255 Moved in Hulu Terengganu
April 10, 2011
http://teganuku.blogspot.com/2011/04/banjir-255-dipindah-di-hulu-terengganu.html- He said, several roads in the area also closed to all vehicles when riding the water as deep as 0.5 meters up to 1.3 meters. Those affected roads are Jalan Kuala Beaver to FELDA Mengkawang in Smart Village, Jalan Kuala FELDA Mengkawang Beaver to be near Kampung Kuala Lubuk pot and Beaver Street to be near Kampung Kuala Sungai Tong Ping.
- FLOOD Trengganu 255 Moved
April 11, 2011
http://abnnasution.blogspot.com/2011/04/banjir-trengganu-255-dipindah.html- Continuous heavy rains since morning causing a number of areas in Hulu Terengganu flooded. According to local police spokesman tersebu, until 6 pm, a total of 255 flood victims tekah transferred to four flood relief centers in the area. Several roads in the area closed to all traffic after flood waters rose to between 0.5 and 1.3 meters. The roads are Jalan Felda Mengkawang highway to the village Pain, Jalan Felda Mengkawang highway to the nearby village of Lubuk Mine Road and the highway near Kampung Kuala Sungai Tong Ping.
- Heavy Rain Wreaks Havoc in Sabah
Apr 13, 2011
http://www.asiaone.com/News/AsiaOne%2BNews/Malaysia/Story/A1Story20110413-273335.html- Heavy rain in the past week wreaked havoc in several districts with floods inundating five districts and a landslide, which cut off the main road link between the east and west coast of Sabah. In Tawau, 1,242 people were evacuated from their homes in Kalabakan.
- 18 Kundasang Homes are Hit by Landslides
April 12, 2011
http://www.dailyexpress.com.my/news.cfm?NewsID=77673- Agricultural crops in the villages were also destroyed and the floodwaters caused the main road of the villagers to Kundasang and a nearby school to be cut off.
- Kinabatangan
April 12, 2011
http://www.malaysiazoom.com/banjir-13-keluarga-dipindah/- Total of 13 families from Kampung Pangkalan Bukit Garam, moved here due to floods, while nine other villages are now in a state of alert because it is involved in natural disasters. The families involved are from Kampung Pangkalan Bukit Garam and four villagers were made Ria Lake, Remove Unfortunately, Rain and New City. Recent reports showed that the water level at the base of Bukit Garam had risen to warning levels of 9.75 meters at 12 noon, yesterday.
- 36 Points Hit by Flood in Batam
April 11, 2011
http://riaupos.co.id/news/2011/04/36-titik-terkena-banjir-di-batam/- Torrential rains that fell on Sunday (4/10) at around 16:00 pm yesterday made a number of areas in Batam flooded. Although only briefly, but the rain this time directly create flooding in a number of points. Monitoring of RPGs, flooding occurred in several major roads, especially the lower location. Because, he said, when the number of points assessed new flood prone totaled 16 points. But lately the number of flooding points in Batam was already increased to 36 points.
- Not Able to Absorb Water Trench, North Ungar Flood
April 12, 2011
http://batamcyberzone.com/2011/04/parit-tak-sanggup-tampung-air-ungar-utara-banjir/- Due to heavy rain which flushed Pulau Kundur, since Sunday (4/10) night caused the River Village Ungar, again under water. Even a pool of water had entered some houses. Water began to rise from 05.00 pm, after the morning prayer. Currently the water level reached 30 cm. Allegedly due to poor flood ditch and sluice gates that can not accommodate the rainfall, so the surge of water flooded the garden and yard.
- 6-story Home Collapsed Between Hanoi
March 31, 2011
http://tintuc.xalo.vn/00-1946903543/Sap_nha_6_tang_giua_Ha_Noi.html- About 16 hours on 3/31, 6-storey house (No. 49 Huynh Thuc Khang, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi) begins to tilt. About 30 minutes later, the building collapsed completely made all those present shocked, scared.
- Appear Subsidence, Cracking the Longest Avenue Vietnam
March 31, 2011
http://www.webtuyensinh.vn/tin-tuc/van-hoa/xuat-hien-lun-nut-tren-dai-lo-dai-nhat-viet-nam.html- Subsidence is the most serious wounds, cracked about 5-6 cm wide and 20 cm deep in Km9 +780. Thang Long Avenue, long considered the most modern and Vietnam have appeared more wound subsidence extends tens of meters deep.
- Viet Nam: Hanoi Houses Collapsed in the Earthquake is Due?
April 02, 2011
http://thethaovanhoa.vn/132N20110402083146382T0/nha-sap-o-ha-noi-la-do-dong-dat.htm- An official of the Dong Da district (Hanoi) has confirmed, the 6-story collapse in Hanoi may be due to aftershocks of the earthquake in Hanoi recently. According to residents, 6 storey building has a land area of about 80m2 at the edge of Lane 49 Huynh Thuc Khang street was built around 1995.
- Surat's Flood Crisis Phunphin Car Does not Run Through.
April 2, 2011.
http://www.muansuen.com/2011/04/02/- The amount of water is increasing continuously. Although rainfall is less even. The latest find that (41) over 18 km Phun Phin, Surat Thani district has a high flood cars can not pass through, including the bridge over the river Tapi. In the municipal port Kham Phunphin various water still flows into some of the flood water level flooded up to 3 meters and then. People living near coastal areas are heavily affected. The water level is rising rapidly.
- Trang Flood Water is 1-2 Meters High.
April 8, 2011
http://www.ryt9.com/s/bmnd/1125462- Trang has been reported that the area and district, Muang District, Trang Kantang than 500 homes were flooded after a 1-2 meters high, especially in the Trang River plain. The water level higher than 3 meters, people must also take the boat ride to enter - the villages of Tambon Bang Rak brimming river, Trang, a bank 1 m above the water level of the currents flowing to the homes have been damaged almost all back. And even though today will not rain falling. But the water level in the second district continues to be influenced by sea water. River embankment overflow condition, and Trang. North of the water runoff from Thung Song district, Nakhon Si Thammarat. Expected for about a week if no rain falls in the water situation will unravel. Because sea water the domestic rice farmers and palm oil. Still awash. Combined with flood water detention for a long time.
- Floods Continue to Affect Four Provinces in Thailand.
April 9, 2011
http://www.easydestination.net/blog/index.php?itemid=1752- Floods continue to affect four provinces in Thailand. These provinces are Nakhon Si Thammarat, Phattalung, Surat Thani and Trang. While situation is improving in 6 provinces - Phangnga, Narathiwat, Satun, Chumphon, Songkhla and Krabi. The Nakhon Si Thammarat airport is also operational after being closed since last Monday. Thousands of tourists were stranded due to closure of the airport. These tourists were forced to spend several nights at the airport.
- High Flood in 3rd District, Phatthalung
April 11, 2011
http://www.thaimuslim.com/readnews.php?c=1&id=13419- Water level in the third district, Phatthalung Province. Flooding around the lake water is still high. Because sea water. Combined with flood water detention for a long time for many ripples from the end of last year. From the stress victim. And boredom.
- Flood Situation in the South Began After the Lower Water Continuously
April 11, 2011
http://www.chaoprayanews.com/2011/04/11/- Currently, the flood situation in four provinces include Nakhon Si Thammarat, Phatthalung, Trang, Surat Thani and 136 Sub-total 16 districts 1395 villages. People have suffered. 191,506 Households 461,794 people.
- 5th District, Nakhon Si Thammarat. Still Awash
April 10, 2011
http://www.ch7.com/news/news_thailand_detail.aspx?c=2&p=376&d=136125- In the district Phanang, Chian Yai, Hua Sai, Cha and Honor. That there is flooding. In the area of Ban Mai, Koh Thuat, Hu, Cha Mao, Klong, Klong Buffalo and less flooding approximately 1 to 1.5 meters of water trapped by the basin area there is a problem with water draining into the sea.
- Authority Accelerated Irrigation Drainage Flooding.
April 12, 2011.
http://www.ch7.com/news/news_thailand_detail.aspx?c=2&p=376&d=136233- Villagers in Tambon Koh Tuat, Tambon Ban Mai and Cha Mao District Phanang, Chian his district. Chian Yai district. And Poon Thang. Water irrigation officials dam to drain water trapped in the flooded area for more than two weeks into the sea due to several areas that flood water level was down. However, such areas are still flooded.
- New Roads Corrected Potluck
April 4, 2011
http://www.metrobalikpapan.co.id/index.php?mib=berita.detail&id=53345- This road is frequently flooded, flooding is no longer the fresh-water flooding but sea water, because the road is quite low even at high tide sea water soaking the streets of this New Nature.
- Torrential Rains
April 9, 2011
http://www.tempointeraktif.com/hg/nusa_lainnya/2011/04/09/brk,20110409-326261,id.html- Torrential rains that struck Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur, on Saturday (9 / 4), caused floods in some residential areas. Also suffered from flooding roads connecting Samarinda - Bontang in East Kalimantan, as well as in the northern region, with a depth of one meter. Due to flooding traffic Jalan Poros Samarinda - Bontang was impassable. Congestion is inevitable.
- East Kalimantan
http://www.tribunnews.com/2011/04/09/kendaraan-sulit-melewati-persimpangan-vorvoo-samarinda- Heavy rain, which broke out in Samarinda, East Kalimantan, and the surrounding areas on Saturday (04/09/2011), has caused floods in almost all corners of the city.
- Difficult Past Vehicles Crossroads Vorvoo Samarinda
April 9, 2011
http://www.tribunnews.com/2011/04/09/kendaraan-sulit-melewati-persimpangan-vorvoo-samarinda- Heavy rain which flushed Samarinda City and surrounding areas since Saturday (4/09/2011) at 05.00, making the flooding in nearly all corners of the city. One of them at the intersection Vorvoo Sutomo-Jl Jl Dr Mal Lembuswana Supaman WR. Agency flooding closed roads as high as 50 centimeters.
- Flash Flood 3 Desa lunge at Kukar, Hundreds of Houses Awash Water
April 9, 2011
http://us.detiknews.com/read/2011/04/09/155323/1612527/10/- A number of villages in the subdistrict of Muara Badak, Regency, East Kalimantan, hit by flash floods. Hundreds of houses inhabited by a thousand heads of families submerged to a height of 2 meters. Flood came suddenly. In the meeting, we find out and trace the causes of flooding. In the village of New Rhino, this flood is the first time.
- Closed Roads/West Malaka
April 10, 2011
http://www.sapos.co.id/index.php/berita/detail/Rubrik/18/16440- Heavy rain which flushed Samarinda for several hours on Saturday (4/09) yesterday, making the most of the area in the subdistrict of North Samarinda and Sungai Pinang flooded. One of the worst flooding was in Jl Pemuda, Kelurahan Temindung Permai, Sungai Pinang subdistrict. Watchlist Sapos until 17:00 o'clock pm, the flood that flooded up to the resettlement of residents in the surrounding Jl Pemuda and still has not subsided, even gradually rising. Latest info from residents on Jl Pemuda 1 and 3, the water has not receded. On the contrary at this time still show flood volume increases.
- Large Landslides-Cut off the Road Ranau-Kundasang
April 10, 2011
http://komunitikini.com/news/tanah-runtuh-di-jalan-ranau-kundasang- The main road connecting the Ranau - Kundasang currently disconnected after a major landslide occurred afternoon about 7 kilometers away from Kinabalu Park.
- 9 RT at Lempake Awash Flood
April 11, 2011
http://www.sapos.co.id/index.php/berita/detail/Rubrik/18/16486- Torrential rains and floods that occurred on Saturday (4/09) and, also soak hundreds of houses and the road environment in the Village Lempake, North Samarinda.
- Floods Soak 18 Villages in Nunukan
April 11, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/04/11/217114/127/101/Banjir-Rendam-18-Desa-di-Nunukan- Floods submerging 18 villages in the District Sambaliung, Nunukan district, East Kalimantan. Of the 18 villages submerged in floods, the worst condition with the water levels up to three meters in the four villages, namely Tagul, Lubakan, roof, and the village of Fence. According to him, flooding due to overflowing of the River Pensiangan does happen every year. But this time the worst, because it soak all the villages in the District Sambaliung with water levels reaching one to three meters.
- Floods Soak Five Villages in Muara Badak
April 11, 2011
http://www.kutaikartanegara.com/news.php?id=3248- There were no fatalities from the worst flood events during the last 20 years in the oil and gas producing region. But thousands of homes submerged in water with a height between 0.5 to 2.5 meters.
- Overcome Floods in State Road, Central Kalimantan Layang Build Bridges
April 14, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/04/14/217908/127/101/Atasi-Banjir-di-Jalan- Ben adds this overpass is very urgent to be built because the road is now very vulnerable to flooding when water overflowed Kahajan and a number of roads are now many are damaged.
- 19 houses in two villages hit by landslides in Kundasang, Borneo
April 13, 2011
http://www.theborneopost.com/?p=119788- Three houses were destroyed while 16 other houses were badly damaged in two separate landslides in Kundasang. The first incident, which happened in Kampung Mohimboyon, about 34 kilometers from Ranau town, saw two houses destroyed and 10 other houses damaged. A stretch of the main road link between Kg Mohimboyon and Kundasang was hit by flood and rendered impassable.