2027 Confirmed
We have a Tibetan
Monk’s prophecy stating that the next passage of Nibiru
would occur in 2026-2027, confirmed by Tibetan
records and the Zetas, and now
we have Saint Malachy’s prophecy making the same statement. As
the Earth Wobble gets more violent and the signs in the sky more
obvious, don’t
say you weren’t warned.
- Secret Vatican Book with
1,000-Year-Old Prophecy Reveals when Judgement Day will
March 4, 2025
- Saint Malachy is credited with the
12th-century text, 'Prophecy of the Popes,' which contains
a series of cryptic Latin phrases believed to describe
every pope, beginning with Celestine II in 1143 and
concluding with the current leader of Church, Pope
Francis. Pope Sixtus V took the helm 442 years after
the first leader and with the text suggesting he is the
middle of the prophecy, the end of the world would come
442 years later - 2027.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
3/5/2025: In
2021 we confirmed the Tibetan
Monk’s prophecy that the next Nibiru Passage would occur in
2026-2027, and in March of 2025 we
confirmed the source of this Monk’s prediction. Now yet
another source has emerged in an interpretation of Saint
Malachy’s Prophecy of the Popes which pinpoints the 2027 year
for the End Times. Thus you now have agreement from the Buddha
monks, Catholic saints, and ZetaTalk. What this means is that
mankind will soon have to prepare for survival of another
crustal shift or prepare to die. Given the ZetaTalk Accuracy,
we suggest following our advice.
Are the signs in the skies increasing? We have photos of
Nibiru’s Dominant Moons creating a Double Helix in the tail out
of the Red Dust and Petrol and Debris that follow Nibiru, but
now we also have this debris forming a Tail Helix in the skies
above Earth. Hello, anyone down there paying attention?
ZetaTalk Confirmation
3/5/2025: Light
rays form Helix Tubes and
Nibiru’s tail forms a Double Helix behind Nibiru via its two
Dominant Moons. This is a common particle flow pattern which
forms as a result of the tendency of like particles to want to
group together but also to push against crowding. We have
explained that this is God’s way to keep things in motion and
to prepare an interesting environment for young souls who are
learning how to interact with each other. The helix
starts during a Repulsion Force
push and goes in the direction of least resistance, and once
started continues in that direction of spin.
As the tail of Nibiru wafts
toward the Earth it brings Petrol and Debris and Red Dust
Earthbound, which can form into a cloud of dust or congeal
into a blob of Petrol or be Minor Moons that form into any
number of String of Pearl arrangements. Earth bound Debris
that forms into a Helix Tube arrangement will retain that
arrangement until it hits the Earth’s atmosphere or is
distracted by a gravity tug from a large object such as the
Earth or Earth’s Moon or Nibiru itself. The skies will get
increasingly interesting as the hour of the Passage
ZetaTalk Confirmation 4/30/2021: Nibiru’s
two dominant moons cling close to Nibiru, forming the Double
Helix that trails behind Nibiru when it is traveling out in
space. These can at times be seen in recent photo captures,
large and very close to Nibiru. This should be considered
confirmation that the larger object is indeed Nibiru.
Is any of this making the establishment nervous? It is certainly
making the Nibiru Coverup nervous. The banking establishment in
particular wants their mortgage holders to continue to live on
the coast and make their payments. And if the general public
goes into a panic at the thought of a giant planet that caused
the Jewish Exodus 3,600 years ago making another pass, that too
worries the establishment. This issue might be forced into the
public arena by the end of March, given the pace of Nibiru’s 270
Roll. And President Trump is giving hints. There is a palpable Sense of Urgency.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
2/28/2025: Why
the urgency? There is a palpable sense of urgency as
President Trump almost frantically signs Executive Orders and
Homan and Musk plunge forward aggressively to complete their
missions to Deport all illegals and create an efficient
federal government with DOGE. The first 270 Degree Roll of
Nibiru repositions Nibiru to point its N Pole outward from the
Sun, turning it toward the hapless Earth. This is to allow
Nibiru to eventually cross the Sun’s Ecliptic and align with
the Sun’s N Pole. In the meantime, Nibiru is announcing
itself. The first 270 Degree Roll projects a stream
of debris and Petrol toward the Earth, and accentuates the
Daily Earth Wobble. Awareness of Nibiru and panic
awaits with many countries thrown into Martial Law, so to
ease the burden on overextended military forces, both
President Trump and Putin are stepping up to discipline
Zelensky and his backers, who are endlessly extracting funds
from the West for their power plays.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
3/10/2025: During
a CSPAN interview President Trump stated that his Ukraine Deal
with Russia will occur because of a “different way, a way that
only I know”. It is clear that Ukraine will cooperate with
President Trump else US support for Ukraine defense will be
canceled. This threat is already evident via cancelation of
promised weapons and blocking of shared intel passed to the UK
and France. But details on the Russian Deal have not been in
the media and are not known.
We implied in February that
the sense of urgency
President Trump is displaying is due to both he and Putin
partnering to allow awareness of Nibiru, ostensively by the
end of March. This is driven by the 270 degree roll, a pace
known by Earth scientists who can measure the increase in
Magneton flow coming from Nibiru’s N Pole. What “different
way” could President Trump be alluding to other than a change
in status for Russia as a result of Quid Pro Quo on
information to be made public? The US admits Nibiru, Russia
stops their Ukraine war.
Russia wants Nibiru admitted
so they can begin moving their citizens from regions destined
to be flooded, and into the Far East which Russia has been
aggressively developing. The US has not yet admitted Nibiru’s
existence or pending Passage. President Trump was declining
media questions about details but he clearly took Russia’s
side in the Oval Office with Zelensky. This is the only
“different way” he will provide to the media until they can
connect the dots. Rather than blame Putin as has been the
norm, he plans to partner with him. For now, this equates to
being fair to Russia if Russia backs off the Ukraine war.
Nibiru’s Touch
The Daily Earth Wobble is on the increase, changing the weather
while Nibiru is still being denied by the establishment. EMP is
on the rise causing blackouts and bringing down planes, while
Nibiru is again still being denied. The Plate Movements
predicted by the Zetas are occurring, but once again Nibiru is
not named. Within days of each other, we had a sloshing accident
in the North Sea and a manhole explosion in Lubbock, Tx emitting
green smoke, once again a “mystery” that cannot even address the
possibility of Nibiru as the cause.
- Arrested Container Ship Captain That
Hit US Tanker Is Russian National
March 12, 2025
- The captain of the container ship
that collided with a U.S.-flagged tanker
carrying jet fuel for the U.S. military off the coast of
England has been identified as a Russian
national and taken into custody over suspicion
of gross negligence manslaughter. Maritime experts
are searching for answers to how the Portuguese-flagged
Solong container ship, equipped with modern navigation
equipment, failed to avoid U.S.-registered tanker Stena
Immaculate off the East Yorkshire coast.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
3/13/2025: We
have detailed the tsunami to be expected during the New Madrid
Adjustment as the Mainland Portion of N America separates at
the border with Eurasia in the N Atlantic. A Void will open
there, allowing water to plunge in and rebound toward Europe.
The slosh that developed in the N Sea, causing two ships to
collide, is a precursor to the sloshing to be expected at some
point. Plate Movement was present causing a 6.5 Magnitude
Quake in the deep water in the Greenland trench, and the
stress on the Mainland showing on the NOAA GeoElectric map at
that time indicates that a tussle was in process.
- Shadow of Ezra
- Adding to the mystery, eerie green
flames have been seen shooting from a manhole. Officials
have confirmed they are responding to multiple fires,
forcing nearby buildings to be cleared as the situation
unfolds. What the hell is going on underneath there?
- Texas Tech Forced to Cancel Classes
Days before Spring Break as Neon Green Manhole Explosions
Knock Out Campus Power
March 13, 2025
- An explosion on the Texas Tech
University campus in Lubbock set off fires and power
outages Wednesday, leading school officials to issue
evacuation orders for several buildings and cancel classes
for the rest of the week. An alert sent to the campus
community around 8:45 p.m. described the explosion as
occurring at a substation but a later update said it was
at a manhole. It wasn’t clear what might have caused the
ZetaTalk Confirmation
3/13/2025: Lubbock,
Tx is on the Mainland Portion of N America which is at present
aggressively dropping to the SW as the New Madrid Fault Line
separates along the Mississippi River. This separation gives
the Mainland freedom to slide into the Pacific, which can be
shown on the NOAA GeoElectric map showing electronic screech
in the rock. Since this is a stretch action, normally silent,
there are few quakes in the region but Lubbock did have one at
that time. With an electronic attractant below and increasing
EMP from Nibiru above, it is no wonder that a massive
electronic fire developed, melting the copper wire in
abundance nearby.
Chickens and Eggs
They go together. Get your own flock and you will have eggs.
The current egg
shortage is due to flock culling over bird flu fears, and
price gouging by retailers, but why wait! Spring is arriving and
this is the time when brooding hens hatch their chicks.
Hatcheries will be taking orders and a flock can be started by
placing an order and promptly tending to the chicks when the box
arrives. Keep them warm and out of drafts. Baby chicks learn to
drink from the mama hen, so as just hatched you
will have to show them how to drink. Seriously. Take each chick
to the drinking bowl and dip its beak into the water.
Chickens will eat almost anything. You can toss them a melon
rind and they will consume the whole thing. If allowed to free
range they will clean bugs out of the garden. Make friends very
early with your rooster babies so they think of you as a friend,
as being attacked by a rooster is no joke. Chickens need little
else but a safe place to roost, free range to find the bugs and
worms that is their diet, and a touch of Sun for their Vitamin
D. Toss the egg shells back as they consume those too, for the
- Chickens As Pets: An Urban Farmstead
December 5, 2008
- Erik Knutzen and Kelly Coyne
started keeping chickens in their Echo Park backyard a
little more than a year ago. The two are co-authors of
"The Urban Homestead," a handbook for city dwellers who
want to live off the land as much as possible, and the
couple were interested in taking their urban farming
experiments a step beyond harvesting artichokes,
blueberries and zucchinis. So last summer they purchased
four chicks, and now they are obsessed. Any urban dweller
interested in living green has good reason to keep
chickens. They reduce garbage by eating your leftovers
mixed in with their feed, and they will pick off those
irritating caterpillars destroying the vegetable garden.
Their poop is an excellent composting aid, and they will
even trim your grass and weed for you, if you let them.
Added benefits: farm-fresh eggs right from the backyard.
ZetaTalk Suggestion
12/2003: Chickens
eat bugs, forage for themselves, and come home to lay their
eggs if given a safe and private roost. Ducks likewise eat
whatever grows in or around ponds, which will be numerous in
the drizzle, and don't require a dry spot to roost. Goats,
which eat anything, can likewise be kept within limits if the
surrounding country can sustain them.
Goats are so omnivorous they are known to eat poison ivy, and as
herds have the advantage of bonding with their herdsman and will
follow him or her anywhere. Their manure is ideal, as manure
goes, little pellets easily gathered and transported. Goat milk,
and goat cheese, are second to none, superior to cow's milk and
cheese in many respects. Goats are great jumpers and can thus
jump out of a pen. The mother may abandon a twin, so check the
woods after a birth.
- Goat Keeping
- Why goats? Manure that is easily
managed is just one of the many gifts provided by these
wonderful creatures. Fresh milk, cheeses, yogurt, meat,
skins, and fiber produced at home without the antibiotics,
hormones, and dyes sometimes present in the commercial
stuff are a few other benefits. Goats are easy to care
for: chores take only about 20 minutes morning and
evening. These very hardy animals give birth with ease,
usually have multiple births and have very few health
problems. They can be kept on a small acreage and they are
economical: you can keep six to eight goats for the same
amount of feed it takes to keep one cow, and you'll get
twice the milk. The cons? Goats will eat your garden and,
given half a chance, will bark your fruit trees and eat
your neighbor's roses, so good fences are a must. You will
have to be dedicated, especially if you are milking:
usually, it's required every 12 hours. You will need a
shelter for your goats, in the form of a shed, stable or
I've often noted how much grazing land is wasted along roadways,
where mowers cut down the tall grass and weeds and there it
lies, going to waste. After the pole shift, when cars will lack
gas and roads are heaved and broken, lawns and roadsides will
become pasture land. Cattle are not as efficient as goats, and
sheep require grasslands where goats prefer shrubbery and brush.
Overgrown former pasture land will thus be ideal for goat herds.
You will need to have your garden fenced in any case to keep out
any deer or wild rabbits.