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ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for March 7, 2015
Is another attempt to destabilize Russia? In truth, I never heard his name (although I am not particularly fond of politics). After his death, he became more famous. [and from another] I was watching the news coverage about the murder of Netsov in Russia. I suspect there is much more here then we see. I suspect he being loud and public critic of Putin was a ploy. I suspect he was partnered with Putin in some fashion and his criticism was meant to draw out the Russian elite who were operating anonymously from the shadows. I also suspect the Russian elite had recruited him and discovered he was with Putin and knowing too much they murdered him. Would they Zetas care to comment on this event. [and from another] http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-31669061 Russia opposition politician Boris Nemtsov shot dead. A leading Russian opposition politician, former Deputy Prime Minister Boris Nemtsov, has been shot dead in Moscow, Russian officials say. An unidentified attacker in a car shot Mr Nemtsov four times in the back as he crossed a bridge in view of the Kremlin, police say. He died hours after appealing for support for a march on Sunday in Moscow against the war in Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin has condemned the murder, the Kremlin says. President Putin has assumed "personal control" of the investigation into the killing, said his spokesman Dmitry Peskov. Investigators said the murder could have been "a provocation aimed at destabilising the country". The investigative committee said in a statement that several motives for the killing were being considered including "Islamic extremism". Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko described Mr Nemtsov as a "bridge between Ukraine and Russia". "The murderers' shot has destroyed it. I think it is not by accident," he said in a statement published on his administration's Facebook page. In a recent interview, Mr Nemtsov had said he feared Mr Putin would have him killed because of his opposition to the war in Ukraine. [and from another] http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/feb/28/russian-investigators-killing-putin-critic-boris-n/ Russia’s top investigative body said Saturday it is looking into several possible motives for the killing of prominent opposition figure Boris Nemtsov, including an attempt to destabilize the state, Islamic extremism, the Ukraine conflict and his personal life. [and from another] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/russia/11441992/Poroshenko-Nemtsov-planned-to-reveal-Russian-links-to-Ukraine-conflict.html As people in Kiev pay tribute to murdered Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko says he was about to provide "clear evidence" of Russian involvement in Ukraine [and from another] http://www.rg.ru/2015/02/28/provokaciya-site-anons.html#/4221_5d1a8db9/1/ Putin said the murder Nemtsov provocation. The government does not need the death of any political opponents. [and from another] http://www.pravda.ru/politics/parties/other/28-02-2015/1250560-versii-0/ It must be borne in mind that the enemies of our country, all sorts of scoundrels maximum use of in order to destabilize the situation. [and from another] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2973890/Does-young-model-hold-key-killers-Kremlin-Ukrainian-Russian-opposition-leader-gunned-politically-motivated-murder.html Anna Duritskaya, 23, was with the charismatic pro-Western reformer when he was killed in a drive-by shooting in view of the Kremlin as they walked home from a restaurant in Red Square. The girl who accompanied Boris Nemtsov at the moment of his murder is a citizen of Ukraine. [and from another] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/ukraine/11436525/Russia-could-shut-off-gas-to-Ukraine-by-weekend.htm February 26, 2015. Kremlin accuses Kiev of falling behind on scheduled payments for gas and threatens to cut off supplies within days, risking flow of gas to Europe
What does it say when the assassination of Nemtsov occurs the day
after Putin threatens to cut off gas to the Ukraine, “within
days”. This hit the news, printed in
the Telegraph on February 26, and the next day, February 27, Nemtsov
was shot in the back. He clearly did not expect this as he was strolling
past the Kremlin, in a very public place on the open street, with
his girl friend, after a meal in a very public and popular
restaurant on the Red Square. This was of course a setup, arranged so that
a casual read of the shooting would link the assassination with the
Kremlin, and thus the public would hopefully blame Putin.
Putin of course was not involved. Why would he stoop to this, when he was
winning on all fronts in the
Ukraine? The latest attempt by Kiev to shell eastern Ukraine and claim the
rebels were at fault had failed to bring the US or Europe to their aid.
Their attempts to grab the Russian oil and gas fields lying just over the
border had repeatedly failed, and now they were once again left only with
the gas bill. Those who would shoot down MH 17 in an attempt to induce
others to fight their war for them would of course not hesitate to shoot a
man in the back. This too will fail as it is intuitively obvious that
Putin is winning and would have
no reason to pull such a stunt. But the thugs in Kiev clearly would do
I couldn't help but wonder if this expedition was to actually gauge the condition/development of the progression of plate movements in the area,kind of like the James Cameron exploratory mission. [and from another] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2978855/Legendary-Japanese-battleship-3-000ft-Pacific-Microsoft-billionaire.html Microsoft billionaire finds wreck of legendary Japanese battleship Musashi. Musashi, the Japanese Navy's biggest battleship, was sunk in 1944. It lay undiscovered on the floor of the Sibuyan Sea for the past 70 years. Billionaire Allen has now used his personal submarine to find the ship. Discovery brings to an end Allen's eight year search for the Musashi. Allen and his research team had used the historical records of four different countries in order to pinpoint the location of the ship. For Seattle-born Allen, 62, who founded Microsoft with Bill Gates in 1975, the discovery of the Musashi is a thrilling moment. Allen, the 51st richest person in the world with a net worth of $17.5billion, according to Forbes Magazine, is known for his love of history - and also his generosity with the Octopus to help other exploration missions. The Octopus has also collaborated on Google Earth’s 'Explore the Ocean' feature, and has helped the Discovery Science Channel capture footage for a documentary to study the effects of nuclear detonation on the marine environment. Director James Cameron has also used it, for a seven-hour solo journey to the earth's deepest point back in 2012. The American is also working on a project called Stratolaunch, which aims to put 'cost-effective' cargo and manned missions into space. He launched SpaceShipOne, the first privately built craft into suborbital space in 2004.
Was multi-billionaire Paul Allen really on a hunt to find the Musashi, a
World War II Japanese boat sunk in the Philippines? Hardly. Is he
Japanese? Is there any doubt where it went down? Is Allen part of the
ultra-wealthy looking to escape the Earth during the forthcoming Pole
Shift? Clearly. James Cameron’s dive to the bottom of the Mariana Trench
resulted in ZetaTalk commentary, as it came after the much publicized
ZetaTalk 7 of 10 predictions that the trench would be closing up during
the Mariana and Philippine Plate folding. Cameron’s dive ended
abruptly, cut short by hours, as it was indeed not as deep as
What was Paul Allen seeking, in the deep amidst the Philippine
islands? As the Philippine Plate tilts, only the northern half of
the northmost island, Luzon, is pushed down by the tilt. The rest of the
Philippines lie on the Sunda Plate, and are in fact rumpled upward and
toward the west during the Philippine
Plate tilt as they ride atop the Philippine Plate as it shoves under
the plate border. If Cameron went to check on the Mariana Plate tilt,
Allen has gone to check on the Philippine Plate tilt, as it is clear from
earthquake charts that this region is being battered. On the excuse of
looking for an old sunken ship, the submarine could cruise all around, and
did so extensively.
Any comment on this? [and from another] http://endtimeheadlines.org/2015/01/another-dead-nasa-scientist-74-scientist-dead-2-years/ Another Dead NASA Scientist, 74 Scientists dead in 2 years. NASA Scientist Alberto Behar died in a plane crash on Friday in Los Angeles – making a total of 74 Scientist dead in 2 years. Alberto Behar had helped to prove that there had once been water on Mars, having worked on two missions to Mars. He was also a robotics expert who researched how robots function in harsh environments (such as under water or inside volcanoes). The unusually high number of scientist deaths in recent years has made people question whether this death was suspicious or not. [and from another] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2905123/Pilot-killed-small-plane-crash-NASA-scientist.html Alberto Behar, 47, of Scottsdale, Arizona, died instantly when his single-engine plane nosedived shortly after takeoff Friday from Van Nuys Airport. The cause of the crash remains under investigation.
Working on projects that are either dealing with national security
secrecy issues or under an ongoing cover-up has always been risky. The
cover-up over the existence of Nibiru, its arrival in the inner solar
system in 2003, and its pending passage has resulted over the years in the
death of hundreds of astronomers
or those who worked in the astronomy community. Hastings
was killed to silence him on these matters. Those at the helm of the
Global Warming fraud have murdered
scientists likely to reveal the fraud.
Certainly NASA is at the center of many secrets involved in extensive
cover-ups. The reality of the alien presence and the reality of
Nibiru and its pending passage are not the threat, as these issues are
being disclosed at present or in the process of being disclosed. What the
elite fear is that their personal plans to abandon the common man and escape to other worlds such as Mars
or the Moon will be revealed. This is all disguised as the wealthy funding
space exploration, but their motives will be obvious when the announcement
occurs. NASA scientists have been involved in these discussions and plans,
even promised safe passage if they participate. Instead, their cooperation
only ensured their assassination.
[and from another] xxx In December 2014 several countries in the Sunda plate were flooded - Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand. Then the flood moved to South America - from the beginning of the year by floods hit Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina, Caribbean, some several times. Two years ago our friends said that "the S American roll has barely begun, perhaps 13% of the overall changes expected and so on". Could our friends to answer - at what stage movement is today the South American plate, and also other plates?
Where the 7 of 10 plate movements had been slowed and modulated to allow
Obama and his partners a chance to inform the common man about the pending
passage, it is not possible to just stop the 7 of 10 plate movements.
Progress has been made, and in conjunction with the increased violence and
range of the daily Earth wobble, plate movement has become obvious.
The establishment, however, is still avoiding mention of Nibiru, the daily
Earth wobble, and the predicted 7 of 10 plate movements.
The sinking of the Sunda Plate is now perhaps 93% complete (up from 70%
two years ago), with regions inundated by sea water still excused as
broken dykes or levees or excessive rain. The populace has long been moved
from those regions, or has learned to live in raised housing and switched
from agriculture to fishing. Proper reporting on these trends has been
brutally suppressed by the governments in the region. Australia likewise
has brutally suppressed immigration, sending those attempting to land to
New Guinea, where they have a Commonwealth arrangement. Social adjustments
to the sinking of the Sunda Plate can thus be considered essentially
The Pacific Plate has steadily compressed, with major quakes in Japan
evident and the S American roll progressing to an estimated 27% at the
current time (up from 13% two years ago). Since the USGS has downgraded
earthquakes by almost 2 magnitude points, the true impact on lands along
the spine of the Andes is not evident, and any loss of elevation in the
Caribbean is denied. Flooding in
Trinidad, which will be torn apart, is evident, however. The African
roll has barely started, now at an estimated 12% (up from 5% two years
ago), with the strongest indication of progress above the Mediterranean
where support of the Eurasian Plate is lost by the roll, though a new lake
developed in Tunisia.
The N American Plate is under extreme bow stress, as booms
and flashes and crevasses demonstrate. Significant quakes, where US
cities along the New Madrid fault line are shattered, have not started but
this will start within this year. That this is related to the approaching
Nibiru passage will be denied, with the usual pointing to the past as
evidence that these things happen periodically. At present, the New Madrid
adjustment is perhaps at only 2%, but as the 7 of 10 movements will accelerate, this will now rapidly
change. As we have stated, any tsunami striking Europe will be vastly
reduced by the slowed pace of the New Madrid adjustment.