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ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for November 9, 2013
What are the implications of Snowden’s revelations, and what will be the outcome?
The primary implication of the Snowden affair is that no secrets, no
matter how well protected, are safe. Humans are involved in all national
secrets, at some step, and humans have many agendas and are complicated
creatures. Human error can also leave doors open, so that secrets can be
tapped by the curious. In the Snowden affair, an analyst decided that the
world needed to know what kind of information was being gathered, and the
impact of his revelations has threatened the trust that existed between
the US and its allies.
What kind of problems, beyond those already stirred up, can result from
the collection of secrets? The largest likelihood is that someone not
in the chain of command but within the bowels of the NSA or its equivalent
in other countries would use the information for blackmail. What is to
stop this? Has this happened in the past? Absolutely! Governments and
individuals are offended when they realize their phones and private
conversations are being recorded by others not because they are innocent,
but because they doing something wrong and don’t want to be caught at it.
What is google hiding? They are keeping everyone guessing over mystery barge floating in San Francisco Bay. [and from another] http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/google-is-keeping-everyone-guessing [and from another] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2483499/EXCLUSIVE-Theyre-multiplying-THIRD-mystery-Google-barge The mystery of exactly what Google is building on a barge close to San Francisco deepened today as a MailOnline investigation uncovered a second structure being built hastily at the top secret site. The huge structure, made up of specially modified shipping containers, looks set to be identical to the first. Another, identical barge has been spotted thousands of miles away on the East Coast in Portland, Maine. Speculation is rampant over what the barges will be used for - with the two most likely reasons being floating showroom 'party boats' to market Google Glass or data centers that can be cooled by sea water. Speculation at first focused on this Google patent from 2009 for a sea-cooled data farm. The project is said to be personally overseen by Google founder Sergey Brin and is being run by the Google X secret facility in Mountain View, California. [and from another] http://techcrunch.com/2013/11/06/google-says-its-using-mystery-barges-as-interactive-space
There are two strong clues as to why these barges, stacked high with
shipping containers, are being constructed. One clue is their 2009 patent
showing an ocean cooled barge with electricity generated from wave action.
Another clue is the close proximity to Mountain View in the San Francisco
Bay, where the Google X facility overseeing the barge development lies.
What about this screams “party boat” as some seem to think? Of all places
to have a party, a shipping container with barely any windows and a lousy
view is not the place. Nor would this be an attractive shopping mall, more
likely to cause sea sick shopper than generate profits.
These barges are designed to cool electronics and generate electricity,
inexpensively. The narrow windows are to allow some light in for workers
to function when electricity generation is at a low ebb. The entire
facility is a data center, but why the secrecy? The issue of
earthquakes and flooding is a repressed issue, due to the cover-up over
the presence of Planet X. Data centers inland are subject to blackouts,
and backup generators require fuel, which will become expensive and may
even become unavailable. These barges are designed to be self-sufficient,
flood and high tide proof, blackout proof, and earthquake proof.
Here is an article on lights visible form space over hundreds of miles long. The article explanation claims lots of fishing boats? However fishing boats would have to be in the millions to be visible all the way from space. Is there any other explanation for what this may be? [and from another] http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/satellite-spots-light-show-in-the-middle-of-the-ocean-153852876.html The lights, which were spotted using Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite on the Suomi NPP satellite, are actually a large collection of fishermen. NASA explains, "There are no human settlements there, nor fires or gas wells. But there are an awful lot of fishing boats." Fishermen use the powerful lights, "generating as much as 300 kilowatts of light per boat," to draw the plankton and fish that the squid eat toward the surface. The squid then follow the food.
What you are seeing on the images from the NPP satellite are a panoramic
view, curved around a central camera. Note that the land on the tip of S
America is slightly curved, bend around the circle you discovered. Like
the arm that blocks the view in SOHO images, this center in the NPP images
is not part of the view, but
part of the satellite. The fishing boats are clustered together so all can
share the catch attracted to the light. In addition to high powered lights
on the boats, there is the factor of the reflective surface of the ocean.
On land, in cities and towns, everything surrounding lights absorbs light
rays. But water reflects.
What can we expect from the US government once the Announcement is complete? That is, in terms of the Obama Administration helping/guiding people to safe areas/zones? Should the people of this country expect the government to coordinate efforts so that communities could be formed for those that are trying to get to safer areas? The Zetas have mentioned in the past about the likelihood of "rough elements" pretending to help people in need, only to have the innocent finding themselves in slave camps. Wouldn't the current administration implement measures to stop or at least minimize such despicable possibilities from occurring?
We have addressed, in the past, the unrealistic
expectations of some that their government will act like a perfect
parent, taking care of them as the Earth changes become more severe and
the Pole Shift turns their world upside down. There are laws in
place that must be followed, courts to back them, and becoming a dictator
and confiscating lands and supplies is simply not an avenue open to an
elected leader in the US. Should that be attempted, impeachment would
quickly be arranged by the Republicans, who are yearning to remove Obama
by whatever means. Millions go hungry in the US today yet Food Stamp
programs are reduced, and Obama’s efforts to fund a jobs bill is blocked,
It is not just the corporate influence in Washington DC, funding and
backing these Republican efforts. There simply isn’t enough food in the
food banks, and the US is essentially bankrupt. The public would not
tolerate Martial Law unless and until disaster were so horrific that its
necessity is obvious. This would require tearing of the New Madrid, from
Houston to Chicago and through Ohio, with a simultaneous adjustment along
the San Andreas. This setting has been envisioned by Obama, when he
penned Executive Order 13575. We
have continuously emphasized that citizens should not
look to their governments, for rescue, but plan on being self-sufficient.
For those too naïve to understand the web of restrictions preventing mass
rescue, especially given that no massive disasters have occurred to
justify this, follow these steps:
As usual on eclipse photos, the Sun's glare is reduced so much that the sky looks black in most photos. But of the slideshow only the first showed a rim of the Sun. What I note is the red color coming on the lower right side and bottom, the region where Planet X would be located. This does not line up with the Sun's flare at this time at all! Was this a slip? http://news.yahoo.com/rare-solar-eclipse-wows-skywatchers-across-atlantic-africa-171955411.html [and from another] http://www.space.com/23419-hybrid-solar-eclipse-visibility-images-november-3-2013.html Ben Cooper / LaunchPhotography.com [and from another] http://spaceweathergallery.com/indiv_upload.php?upload_id=88952 Taken by Stephan Heinsius on November 3, 2013 @ Atlantic Ocean
These 2013 photos, taken over the Atlantic, had the vantage point of
being north of the Ecliptic, and being close to a total eclipse. Thus,
only the rim of the Sun is showing, and due to the glare of the Sun being
naturally reduced by the Moon, light from the Planet X complex can be
readily seen. It becomes dominant, though is taken by the ignorant public
to be sunlight. During an eclipse the spot where the Sun returns becomes
brilliant, like a diamond on a ring. This can be seen but why would there
be two such locations, not
aligned with flares or sunspots on the Sun? The reddish rim of the Sun is
likewise not even, but showing a lit spot where no sunspot or flare
Such nuances are lost on the general public, who assume if no fuss is made
by professionals, then nothing is amiss. Compare the Solar Eclipse of
2000, when Planet X was not in the vicinity. No red glow appears along the
rim. Only a single jewel appears when the Sun comes from behind the Moon.
Where most eclipse photos employ an extensive sun shield, literally
turning the sky black or so diminishing the light intake to the camera
almost no distinguishing features can be discerned, a double jewel and a
consistently dark red rim is a dead giveaway. The Sun may be eclipsed by
the Moon, in 2013, but the Sun is not alone in the skies!
I live in Richmond, Va., which is on the east coast of the United States. Normally in the fall the Oak trees drop acorns. Depending on whether there has been a bad drought in the summer, or there is going to be a bad winter the trees develop their acorns to be large or small and abundant, or large and small and not abundant. There is always great speculation as to what the winter will be depending on the acorn crop. This year there are no acorns. The willow oaks that are dropping acorn shells are empty. In my 25 years of landscaping I have never seen this before. Normally there are acorns no matter what the weather is. They feed the deer, squirrels and birds through the winter. This year nothing. If plants are stressed, their normal reaction is to reproduce to preserve the species. This year I saw hedges of hollies produce berries, then drop them all before they started to grow and turn red, and then produced a new set of leaves. So my question is: Is the plant world choosing to not reproduce so that it can reserve their energy to feed themselves? Do they know that there will not be as many mouths to feed in the near future, so reserving their energy for the Aftertime? Or have they already ascended to a state that this is not an issue? And should we, if we are able supplement their food. (I have already started setting up a deer feeding station in my woods.) Is this wise, or should we just let nature take its course?
For there to be no acorns at all is unusual, but during the blending of
the seasons we have predicted for the 8 of 10 phase, such astonishing
fauna and flora behavior will become commonplace. Plants and animals are
adaptable, and if failing to produce seed one year, there is seed from
prior or future years. There are young trees barely sprouting that will
bear in the future, and next year may be an astonishingly abundant acorn
year. Signals that disasters are on the horizon will often cause species
to be prolific, in anticipation of a die-off and hardship. But likewise,
wildly swinging seasons will create confusion, starting and stopping a
process. Rather than prolific reproduction, there can be aborted
Look to the number of seeds or young that nature arranges for her species.
Even those species that produced a single offspring, like elephants, live
potentially for 100 years. If all offspring survived, and no disease
or mortality occurred, the world would be covered by elephants! Insects
and mice and rabbits, species which get consumed by other species, are
prolific. Plants likewise produce seed in abundance, and this seed lives
for years and even in some recorded cases, millennia. Those species that
are not adaptable may die out, but likewise mutations occur, producing new
species. The Earth is abundant, and her fauna and flora have survived
through these climate swings in the past.