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Board Meeting

November 26, 2000

1. Minutes of Last Meeting - Approval
If there is no objection to the minutes as posted, they will be considered ratified as correct.
2. Budget Review - Discussion
Discuss various propositions pertaining to the 3-Year Budget text. This is a carry-over item from the October Board Meeting. Discuss changes in the budget which will reflect recent changes and priorities. The Old Budget can be compared to a New Budget, which is a strawman to facilitate discussion.
3. Project Status from Principals - Report
a. Worms/Hydroponics/Aquaponics/Synergy Lab - by Nancy
b. Brochure - by Nancy/Helena
c. TV Clip & Promotion - by Nancy
d. Unix/Server - by Jurian/Nancy
e. Seed Team - by Nancy/Roger/Toni
f. On Foot - by Michael
g. Clothing - by Wendy
h. Community Garden - by Barry
i. Short-Wave - by Ron
j. 800 No./PO Box - by Nancy
4. New Policy for Project Funding - Discussion and Vote or NOT
Nancy, as Treasurer, has suggested that for projects submitting a plan, schedule, and budget as required by the Bylaws, and which have been approved by the Board, have an account setup to be spent by the Principal in accordance with their outline, and this account drawn upon by the Principals as needed with periodic reports from the Principals to the Board. This would operate like a discretionary account on active projects, so the Board does not need to hear about every minor expense. In that the Clothing and On Foot projects were so positioned for funding at the end of the October meeting, they should be considered for funding at this time.
5. Treasurer's Quarterly Report - Report by Nancy
This is a carryover from the October meeting. Wenger LLP have proved to be in line with cost expectation of $150/Q - their bill $75 for 3Q, which included turnover. Ron's database from Quickbooks 2000 was in good order. Jan received a copy of Bank Statements, PO's and Receipts, and Quickbook reports, and will act as an off-site backup for this documentation. For the turnover from Ron to Nancy, Nancy did an audit and found only a $4 discrepancy between her Excel Spreadsheet and the Bank Statements, and only an $8 difference between Quickbooks and the Bank Statements. The quarterly Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss statements do not reflect outstanding checks or activity during October. The true cash on hand at the end of October was $9,977.87, close to $10,000. October/November donations were $530 (from Knowledge Systems & Research) and expenses (including Shirley's compensation) were $1,340.54, leaving cash on hand as of today at $9,167.33.
6. Policy for Watching Room - Vote or NOT
The Watching Room, as devised by Jurian, met with approval during the October meeting. A Policy covering this new process has been drafted and is available for Board approval.
7. Recruitment Committee - Discussion and Vote or NOT
A discussion concerning the intent of our Bylaws needs to take place and clarification on the purpose of the Recruitment Committee and is needed. Also, Nancy has proposed a Bylaw change that would allow the recruiter to post a votecall to the Board prior to issuing an invitation in cases were a potentially eligible individual clearly does not understand the policies and procedures of membership in the Inc. In that any Bylaw change that affects Membership rights needs to be approved by the Membership at large, such a change would need to be presented to the Membership, with the Board approving the Membership votecall.
8. President-at-Large - Vote or NOT
Roger has served this past month as President-at-Large. This position needs to be filled for the forthcoming month of December, or January if the tradition of skipping the Holiday month holds. Annual elections will be started with a nominating process during January, and elections in February, at which point a President will preside. Thus, the President-at-Large for the December-January period will be responsible for starting the annual election process.