If we can solve the food, water, and shelter problem for enough people on this planet then the
attention will automatically shift to rebuilding the infrastructure. If we don't solve these
basics for the majority then we won't have roads, transportation, manufacturing, or a very
rapid rebuilding. Without transportation, there will be no effective trading of goods. Thus, we
will ultimately fall back in time as the years progress. A scrounging type of mentality will
prevail. The goals of such a society would have a definite Mad Max, or Water World flavor -
short term survival only.
If nothing changes, we are headed for a long-term scrounging mode; and if this is the case,
CD-ROMs and PCs lasting 100 years or so will not help us. So lets get back to basics - how
to effectively solve "Food, Water, and Shelter" problems so that in the Aftertime we can turn
our attention toward rebuilding civilization’s technology, transportation, manufacturing, etc.
This is the bottom line basic challenge for all of us.
Offered by Mike.