ZetaTalk and Spaceguard UK
I'd be delighted to have ZetaTalk included! You absolutely have
permission to include the existing ZetaTalk you've included below, as
well as the NEW ZetaTalk given in response to your comments :-). Since
these topics are also being addressed on sci.astro, during the current
debates the Zetas are engaged in there, I am assuming it would also be
OK to post this to the sci.astro Usenet.
Jonathan TATE wrote:
> Dear Sir or Madam, Spaceguard UK is the largest independent
> organisation in the world concerned with the NEO impact hazard. We
> have taken the subject to both houses of Parliament in the UK, and
> secured the establishment of the government Task Force that you will
> be aware of. The quarterly edition of "Impact", our magazine is due,
> and I would like to include an item on the article that you have
> published. I would be grateful is you could comment on the notes
> below. Thanks for your time, and I will take a nil response as
> acquiescence to publish the item as it stands.
> Yours J Tate,
> DirectorSpaceguard UK
>> ZetaTalk: Deflecting Asteroids
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Recently the media and Internet message boards have been alerting the
>> populace to the presence of what is termed near-miss asteroids.
>> Discussion ensues on how to deflect them should they threaten to
>> impact the Earth, as though deflection would be possible. Does mankind
>> now have the means to deflect such large, rapidly moving objects? Such
>> a deflection would require a precisely placed explosive device of
>> sufficient strength to vaporize the asteroid.
> No it wouldn’t. The aim is to deflect an object, not to “vaporise”
> it. Firstly that would require enormous amounts of energy – far beyond
> our current capabilities, and secondly, destruction would simply
> convert a cannon ball into a cluster bomb.
Deflection requires pushing it OUTSIDE of the
current area it is in, as it is not, contrary to man's
assumptions, trucking along on its current trajectory
simply because it was pointed in that direction at
some time in the past! It's in an orbit, and STAYING
there, for dozens of reasons, and would return to that
orbit unless removed from the area. When your
planets get perturbed, do they not resume their
original orbits and pace? So include in your deflection
calculations PUSHING the asteroid far enough out of
its path so that it would not RESUME its original orbit.
>> Disintegration would be required because deflection is not possible in
>> space. This statement will meet with vehement objection, especially
>> from the arm of the establishment which seeks only to deflect panic in
>> the populace.
> Deflection is possible – see Ahrens and Harris “Deflection and
> Fragmentation of Near-Earth Asteroids” p. 897, Hazards Due to Comets &
> Asteroids ed. T Gehrels 1994 and many other articles in the same
> source document.
This logic assumes that Newton is correct, and as
we have repeatedly argued, his so-called laws only
describe what mankind observes, not DICTATE
behavior. Man's theories are lately falling like
raindrops as he learned new information about the
Universe around him. Take for instance the theory
of why Jupiter's rotation produces alternating bands
on its surface. Man's explanation, modeled
successfully in a computer lab, dropped onto the
floor with a thud. We have explained why the
rotation appears as it does, and are confident this
explanation will model well, but are unlikely to
hear that we are, once again, correct where man is
wrong. One does not simply re-direct an asteroid
into a different direction. It is on its path because
of gravity pulls as well as mometum, and the
momentum will RESUME when it pulls about to
approach its gravity pull, once again heading into
the direction it was in, originally. Mankind's
deflection will be a momentary DELAY, not a
>> It is not a collision with an asteroid which will shortly devastate
>> Earth, it is the passage of the monster 12th Planet, ever drawing
>> closer.
> Please provide details and images for verification.
An image was obtained at Neuchatal observatory,
but destroyed on orders from those who seek to
keep the public quiescent while those in power
struggle with a solution. Sitchin's 12th Planet and
Planet X are one and the same, and it is inbound
and due to pass Earth, causing another pole shift,
in 2003. The repeated sighting of this inbound giant,
a planetary magnet like Earth, were found at the
coordinates given by us, in three countries, by three
different teams. Our Emissary Nancy will provide
you with information where this documentation
can be secured from your Internet web.
Rogue Sighting TEAM: http://www.zetatalk.com/teams/tteam342.htm
Rogue Sighting TOPIC: http://www.zetatalk.com/theword/tword032.htm
Coordinates Given: http://www.zetatalk.com/theword/tword03m.htm
Path Viewed from Earth: http://www.zetatalk.com/theword/tword03h.htm
>> Nor will deflection of the trash in this giant comet's tail be
>> possible - boulders as large as trucks thumping to Earth on occasion
>> and the peppering of red dust and gravel. Deflection of these few
>> boulders is not possible either, as they are shrouded in the swirling
>> dust of the tail, and only visible just before impact.
> Is the theoretical object a planet or a comet? If it is a comet, the
> gas and dust in the tail is extremely thin and transparent.
This is a planet that assumed an odd orbit around
BOTH suns in your binary system, when your solar
system was first formed. Having taken that orbit,
it was caught, perpetually, to continue it. In the past,
is passed in its swing past your Sun through the
Asteroid Belt, the results apparent and worrysome
to you now. As your Sun shrank in mass and
consequently shrank in its gravity pull, this planet
has passed closer in, and now passes between the
Earth and your Sun. The approach of this giant
magnet is what is causing your volcanoes to become
active, you oceans to heat from the bottom up, your
weather to defy prediction by your forcasters, and
your magnetic field to become rapidly diffuse.
>> Deflection of large objects traveling in space or plummeting to Earth
>> must address several problems.
>> * The object is traveling because it is caught in a gravitational
>> attraction. This might not be the case in deep space, but within
>> the Solar System this is most certainly the case. If an asteroid
>> is heading toward Earth, bumping it to the side a bit or even
>> temporarily stopping its motion is at best a delaying action. The
>> asteroid will resume its path, as the factors that influenced the
>> path in the first place are still there.
> That’s the whole point. A deflection in any plane will ensure that the
> NEO and the Earth do not reach the same location at the same time –
> collision avoided.
>> * Attempting to aim the asteroid so it falls in the ocean has the
>> potential for making matters worse, not better.
> No one has ever suggested this irresponsible scheme. Everyone knows
> that an oceanic strike is likely to be more devastating than one on
> land, due to the tsunami threat.
>> * Unlike the winged space shuttles, which can start their descent
>> path at precise points and behave predictably, asteroids do not
>> take orders or respond to controls. They are odd shaped, their
>> shape an unknown variable. They may or may not burn fiercely, a
>> heated air factor that is not known. They may circle or plummet,
>> depending on their weight and size, more unknown variables. Thus
>> attempting to steer them could prove disastrous. Oops, dropped it
>> it right on the Pentagon!
> No comment!
>> * A nuclear explosion set off on the surface of an object in space
>> would have minimal effect, as the explosion can expand in all
>> directions at once.
> There is a clear misunderstanding of the mechanism of coupling the
> energy from a nuclear explosive and an NEO. The aim is to use the hard
> radiation from the detonation to vapourise material on and below the
> surface of the NEO to then cause outgassing or spalling of
> material. This “jetting” effect will cause an equal and opposite
> reaction slightly modifying the NEO’s trajectory.
>> * Nuclear explosions on the Earth's surface are an irresistible
>> force meeting an immovable object - the Earth! Where the
>> explosion can expand up or outward into the atmosphere there is
>> only air turbulence. The portion of the explosion that is on the
>> land side, or in the case of an underground explosion is
>> encapsulated, is between a rock and a hot expanding place. The
>> explosion is forced into the rock strata by the continuously
>> expanding center of the explosion. Solid rock vaporized by
>> nuclear explosions on the Earth's surface does not equate to the
>> damage that would be done by one or even many nuclear devices on
>> the surface of an asteroid. All parts of the explosion move
>> rapidly out into space, and thus the asteroid is safely away
>> before the nuke really gets going. A firecracker. A gnat. A
>> sneeze. And the asteroid proceeds on its way, having only
>> momentarily stepped aside to avoid mankind's silly experiment.
> Newton?
Newton's description of what he observed, the
so-called laws, do NOT stand when put together
with your other laws and applied to the Moon.
Take the size and composition of the Moon and
Earth, and compute the gravity attraction between
them by your inverse square law. This was an
exercise done in a 1998 sci.astro debate, with the
conclusion by your own mathematicians that the
Moon, at its current distance, is EQUIVALENT
to a body weighing several million trillion metric
tons at the surface of the earth, while only
orbiting at a speed of 1023 m/s.
This can be found toward the end of the 1998 debates, at
>> All the sudden upsurge in talk about the dangers asteroids present,
>> and all the talk in the late 1990's about reviving the Star Wars
>> program to address this threat is not because something can actually
>> be done.
> Yes it can – see above.
>> Short of making practical plans to survive the coming pole shift while
>> hunkered down on the surface of the Earth, mankind has no options,and
>> those in the establishment who talk up asteroid deflection
>> possibilities know this.
> Who? I know nearly all of the key players, and this is news to
> me! Names would be useful for interviews.
Start with NASA and JPL, hardly an independent
agency and infiltrated with CIA agents due to the
supposed need to keep the public ignorant of the
approach of Planet X and the fact that their leaders
are NOT the most intelligent and powerful
creatures in the Universe. You will get private
admissions from individuals, but nothing you can
print. Those who work for these agencies, or in
large observatories, value their jobs and their lives.
>> They are simply buying themselves time by pushing the point where
>> panic in the populace gets heated as far out as possible. Hopefully,
>> the panic button won't be hit until those members of the establishment
>> are safely away in their well stocked enclaves, and then the rest of
>> humanity, who has been reassured that their government can protect
>> them, be damned.
>> All rights reserved: ZetaTalk@ZetaTalk.com