Planet X VIEWING, Restated
Viewing is currently not possible as the location is "in the Sun"
until mid-summer at the earliest.
Below, the Viewing Specs as posted periodically on sci.astro and
sci.astro.amateur. To repeat the summary information given on
May 28, 2001 in Article <>
and again on
June 29, 2001 in Article <>
and again on
Aug 13, 2001 in Article <>
and again on
Sep 21, 2001 in Article <>
and again on
Oct 29, 2001 in Article <>
and again on
Nov 21, 2001 in Article <>
and again on
Nov 29, 2001 in Article <>
and again on
Feb 12, 2002 in Article <>
and again on
Mar 30, 2002 in Article <>
with additional coordinates past May 31, 2002.
Prior sightings at the Zetas coordinates, in early 2001 and early 2002
as well as infrared imaging with comparison to Palomar Sky Survey's
are detailed at the Troubled Times site, Rogue Planet TEAM pages
Remember that the predominant color of the inbound planet
is red, specifically in the INFRA-RED range (the means by
which it was located in 1983 by the IRAS team), and the
lack of infra-red capability in all but specialized equipment
eliminates the dominant color that Planet X exudes. Screen
FOR red, go to your local observatory, and insist that the
coordinates specified by the Zetas be used, and none others,
and as the coordinantes are given are global, look AROUND
the spot for something not in the star charts. Viewing specifics
can be located at the TOPIC pages
Pluto is reflecting sunlight, and Planet X at this time is NOT, but does
have a dull redish glow as it is a smoldering brown dwarf. This is
what we're looking for, appearance and size wise, etc.
- Search for an object down to Magnitude 11
- Size in scope is 2-3 times that of Pluto
- Is not yet reflecting sunlight (81 times less than Pluto)
- Has a diffuse glow as is a slow-smolder brown dwarf
- Has a redish color, so filter for red for best results
- Brightness increase detectable not until late 2001 (by computer)
- Coordinates per Zetas as ephemeris will not describe path
- Distance is approximately 9 Sun-Pluto distances away
- Retrograde motion now and dropping below ecliptic
- Rapid passage in 2003
The operator described the object as diffuse and of approximate
magnitude 11.
Lowell Sighting
Though a large planet, 4 times as large as Earth ... it is at this
time at a much greater distance ...
ZetaTalk™ in Comet Visible
As [Planet X] is too far away for reflected sunlight up until 6
months before passage.
ZetaTalk™ in Brightness
It does not shine with the intensity of most stars, but has a dull,
diffuse, glow. It appears to be the last gasp of a dying star, a
faint, blurry, reddish glow. Your eye would pass over it if
attuned to the pin points that are the stars. A star is intense
in the center and rapidly diminishes in intensity toward the
edges of the spot you call a star. The light from a star comes
from a single point and fans out, the periphery a bit less than
the center, increasingly, but the center very intense. The 12th
Planet, being nearer, is giving you light rays from its entire
surface, so the light has an even quality to it.
ZetaTalk™ in Comet Visible
[Planet X] has both heat and light, generated from
within its core. ... The light is diffused in the atmosphere, and
returns to the land surface, but emerges from the core to
interact with the atmosphere only via the surface of the deep oceans,
which cover the majority of the planet's surface. You may equate
this to volcanic activity, where the Earth has numerous
places both above ground and under the oceans that ooze
molten lava. Just so [Planet X] has places where the molten
and churning substance in its core escapes to the surface. ...
Light only escapes the core where what is essentially volcanic
activity under the water occurs. Of course, this would occur if
there was volcanic activity on the land surface of the planet,
but there is little land surface, and this long ago hardened.
ZetaTalk™ in [Planet X] Glow
The composition is not the composition of reflecting sunlight,
but is almost exclusively in the spectrum you would call red
light. Thus you will do best if you filter for red light [including
infra-red], and by this we mean filtering out all but red light.
ZetaTalk™ in Comet Visible
The [computer assisted] eye will begin to register increased
brightness approximately 1 year 7 months before the
cataclysms, or late in the year 2001.
ZetaTalk™ in Comet Visible
The inbound Planet X emits light primarily in the red spectrum
due to the cloud of red dust around it though which any light
escaping from the planet must pass. Red light, and light close
in the spectrum to red light, bends more readily than other
particles in the light group. This can quickly be determined
by the common man if he compares the rising and setting sun
to other objects he sees in the sky. The rising and setting sun
are huge, compared to their appearance at mid-day. This is
due to the light rays which have been bent and would otherwise
escape to the side, being bent back by the atmosphere so they
enter the viewers eye as though coming from a large orange
sun. ... The angle between the viewer and the Sun at dawn and
dusk are such that more atmosphere is passed through, thus
more of bending of the red spectrum rays is done.
ZetaTalk™ in Red Light
The human eye receives in the dim light of dawn or dusk an
overwhelming flood of light composed of particular particles
which are more prone to bend toward the gravitational pull
of the Earth than other particles. Thus the sunset or dawn is
most brilliant at a point just before or after the full glare of
sunlight, when the particle flood is strong but is not mixed
in with competing light particles to the point of being drown
ZetaTalk™ in Light Particles
What might appear to be bobbling of [Planet X], inbound,
as the RA and Dec may move side to side over time, is in
fact an illusion caused by the bending of red light, the
predominant light coming from this smoldering brown dwarf.
Thus, these coordinates give the globe at large our educated
guess as to what light particles in the red spectrum will be
encountering, between the [Planet X] and Earth, and where
they will appear to be coming from as they bend back toward
RA 4.29741 Dec 9.96621 on March 3, 2003
ZetaTalk (dated 1997)
RA 4.405136 Dec 12.13919 Jul 13, 2002
RA 4.404983 Dec 12.13895 Jun 30, 2002
RA 4.402098 Dec 12.13698 Jun 22, 2002
RA 4.402167 Dec 12.13781 Jun 9, 2002
ZetaTalk (dated May 18, 2002)
RA 4.403982 Dec 12.13783 on May 31, 2002
RA 4.404197 Dec 12.13644 on May 23, 2002
RA 4.406445 Dec 12.13798 on May 18, 2002
RA 4.407176 Dec 12.14003 on May 7, 2002
RA 4.40978 Dec 12.14253 on Apr 26, 2002
RA 4.41342 Dec 12.14457 on Apr 13, 2002
ZetaTalk (dated March 30, 2002)
[Planet X] is circling on a long elliptical orbit around
the sun and its dead companion which lies at a distance some
18.724 times the length from the sun to Pluto. It is not a long
distance to be traveled in 3,657 years, especially considering
that it transverses the solar system in 3 short months! Clearly,
the uptick in speed is considerable, and the rate of speed as it
floats from one binary sun to the other is sedate in comparison.
Thus, when the passage is due in 2003, there is an exponential
increase in speed during the last years, and this speeding up
has already started. To compute the distance from the solar
system on any given date, create an exponential equation which
takes into consideration the total distance we have given for the
sun's dead companion, the years [Planet X] takes to make
a complete ellipse (3,657), and the approximate May 15, 2003
date of the next passage. The distance will differ greatly, thus,
depending upon the date.
ZetaTalk™ in Distance
Thus, during 1995 through 1998, [Planet X] will drift
left and up toward the elliptic, aligning itself in the same
manner as the planets to the Sun's sweeping arm, but due to
its mobility out in space, its distance from the Sun, it develops
a retrograde orbit and begins to move to the right, in the
manner the ancients recorded.
ZetaTalk™ in Retrograde Orbit
While it is out in space [Planet X] moves slowly, but
increases speed rapidly as it comes close to one of its two foci.
When [Planet X] is passing your Sun it is moving
rapidly, the time spent within your outer planet Saturn's
orbit a mere 3 months. It zips by. ... [Planet X] pulls
down and away from your Sun only at the last minute.
This is reflected in time as the last 9.7 weeks or 68 days.
This is reflected in distance as 1.2598 times the orbital
diameter of Pluto, or two and one-half times the distance
from your Sun to this farthest known planet which you call
ZetaTalk™ in Entry Angle