Planet X: SIZE as Expected
Pierre-Eric has provided a marked images as a size guide:
Assuming the sci.astro conclusions of :
Nibiru's Swirl = 3% Jupiter, 33% Uranus.
it leds to :
Nibiru's Swirl ~ 1.2 arcsec (0.6" Dec) (diameter)
Nibiru itself ~ 0.30 arsec
This is lower than a good 'seeing' (1 arcsec). A seeing of
1 arcsec means a ponctual object appears as a ~1 arcsec
diameter disk. It depends on the conditions of the
atmosphere (turbulence). For example the night I did my
observation (19th January) there was a lot of wind so the
seeing was about 2-3 arcsec. So the object I observed
which could be Nibiru had a diameter lower than 2 arcsec.
So, Nibiru is still very difficult to detect, and needs a very
good sky ('seeing') : the larger the seeing is, the fainter
the object appears (the seeing spreads the intensity). That
is why it is possible that Nibiru could be undetectable
on Steve's images. See the image below to compare :
Uranus is about 3.6 arcsec.
Regards, Pierre-E