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ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for January 7, 2012
Landslide in Norway in the middle of winter? What exactly is happening there? On top of that, tons of herring found dead north of Norway as per blog post below. It sounds like a stretch zone to me. [and from another] http://www.monstersandcritics.com/news/europe/features/article_1683598.php/Norway-Landslide-Pictures A picture made available on 02 January 2012 shows an aerial view of a landslide that ripped through a rural area outside Trondheim, Norway, on 01 January 2012. Authorities in western Norway on 01 January 2012 issued an alert and ordered an evacuation following a landslide in a valley west of the city of Trondheim. At least 20 people were evacuated from their homes and farms in the rural area near Esp, but there were no initial reports of injuries or damage, the Norwegian news agency NTB reported. [and from another] Kvaenes, Tons of Herring found Dead North of Norway. http://www.dagbladet.no/2012/01/02/nyheter/dyrenes_nyheter/innenriks/fiskedod/19632870/ Dagbladet): The inhabitants of resin in Troms could hardly believe his eyes on the morning of New Year's Eve, the beach was a large amount, an estimated tens of tons, dead herring, writes Northern Lights. No one knows for sure what's happened in the popular hiking area in Nordreisa municipality.
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What is the relationship between both these incidents, occurring on virtually on the same day? From the singing reservoirs in Kiev to the mud volcanoes of Azov it is clear the Eurasian Plate is being put under a stretch. The Mariana Trench collapses, pulling the plate toward the east; the Arabian Plate rolls nudging the plate toward the east; and what happens to the western edges of the Eurasian Plate? They go into a stretch, releasing methane gas, deadly to fish, and tearing along existing tear points - the fjords. How do you suppose the fractured coastline of Norway got that way? It has been pulled apart in the past!
It seems that the establishments are making their moves to impose control over global food supply from the common man so that we would continue to work for them as slaves by passing new laws such as the "Food Bill" in New Zealand and buying agriculture companies or land in Australia. Your insight in what this might be heading to is much appreciated. You can read a full summary of what the NZ Food Bill entails here: http://nzfoodsecurity.org/2011/07/19/food-a-controlled-substance-not-in-my-back-yard/; http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=10776370 On the other hand, FOREIGN investors are buying into Australian agriculture companies in "worrying" numbers amid warnings the nation's food security could be "compromised" by overseas businesses. http://poleshift.ning.com/profiles/blogs/foreign-investors-are-buying-into-australian-agriculture [and from another] http://www.infowars.com/nz-food-bill-to-make-growing-food-a-government-privilege-rather-than-a-human-right/ The God-given human right to freely cultivate food is under attack in New Zealand (NZ) as special interest groups and others are currently attempting to push a "food security" bill through the nation's parliament that will strip individuals of their right to grow food, save seeds, and even share the fruits of their labor with friends and family members. In accordance with the World Trade Organization's (WTO) Codex Alimentarius scheme for global food control, the NZ Food Bill, if passed, will essentially transfer primary control of food from individuals to corporations under the guise of food safety. [and from another] http://www.speculator.co.nz/2011/community-warning-govts-food-bill-poised-to-end-food-markets/ On top of that, it appears that the Food Bill is being pushed by the US Food and Drug Administration via its involvement in Codex Alimentarius (the "Food Book"), which is a decades-in-the-making initiative being foisted upon all World Trade Organisation member countries. [and from another] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Codex_Alimentarius Developed and maintained by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, a body that was established in 1963 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The Commission's main aims are stated as being to protect the health of consumers and ensure fair practices in the international food trade. In addition to standards for specific foods, the Codex Alimentarius contains general standards covering matters such as food labeling, food hygiene, food additives and pesticide residues, and procedures for assessing the safety of foods derived from modern biotechnology. [and from another] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monsanto In June 2007, Monsanto acquired Delta & Pine Land Company, a company that had patented a seed technology nicknamed Terminators. This technology, which was never known to have been used commercially, produces plants that have sterile seeds so they do not flower or grow fruit after the initial planting. This prevents the spread of those seeds into the wild, however it also requires customers to repurchase seed for every planting in which they use Terminator seed varieties. [and from another] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_World_according_to_Monsanto The documentary traces a wide range of controversies involving the use and promotion of genetically-modified seeds, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), Agent Orange, and the bovine growth hormone.
Those wishing to promote the New World Order agenda will look for any vehicle that will carry their baggage. A 1963 standard, espoused by agencies (WHO
and FAO) promoting the general welfare of mankind, has become shackles and whips in the hands of the New World Order crowd. How did this happen? The
New World Order crowd sees opportunities everywhere, and in fact prefers to hide behind ostensibly well intended and helpful legalese. This not only hides their
agenda, it makes it more difficult to counter.
The desire to enslave and control the populace is aimed undeniably at food production and distribution. He who is hungry and watching his family starve will be
compliant, is the logic. Thus under laws supposedly guaranteeing food quality those who share produce from their home gardens or run farmer's markets are
increasingly outside the law. The New World Order seeks to have all buying their produce from corporations, which they control. The next step would be limiting
distribution, so that eventually only the slaves will be fed and rebels will be starved out.
Watchdogs in the populace are acutely aware of this agenda, and sounding the alarm. The fingers of the New World Order can be seen grasping and clawing in the
push for laws forcing vitamin sales to be only by prescription, in laws closing down small organic farms, and in Monsanto's attempts to control agriculture.
Monsanto has been the raw hand of evil in these maneuvers, planning to force the world's farmers to buy seed from Monsanto and only Monsanto via the
terminator gene, which prevents seed production from farmer's crops. This desire to remove the time honored right of farmers to save seed for the next years crops
was too obvious, and failed due to an international outcry.
This desire to control food production, to control the availability of seed, has been behind Nancy's emphasis on family gardens and the practice of saving seed from
family gardens. There can be no gardens without seed, and when the Last Weeks arrive, shopping for seed will no longer be possible. Where some seed is obvious
and easy to save, such as corn and beans, others require special techniques and practice. Tomato seed must be allowed to molder the slime away, becoming
covered with white mold, before being rinsed and dried else the tomato seed thinks itself still in the tomato and refuses to germinate. Biennial plants need to survive
the winter before going to seed. Many seeds are tiny and in pods that shatter, spilling the seed. Practice your seed saving skills, and get into this before it is too
This article, entitled "Ten Ridiculous Things That Make You a Terror Suspect" has domestic terrorist profiling characteristics. One of them is if you have more than 7 days of food stored! I don't know anyone who, especially in the snowy winter months, doesn't have at least 7 days of food stored. The earlier question regarding New Zealand's "Food Bill" reminded me of this. Is this all part of the same efforts by TPTB? http://www.activistpost.com/2011/12/10-ridiculous-things-that-make-you.html [and from another] http://oathkeepers.org/oath/2011/08/10/7769/ Oath Keepers: FBI Wants Surplus Stores To Spy on Customers [Aug 10, 2011] [and from another] http://www.activistpost.com/2011/12/oath-keepers-alert-federal-agents.html Oath Keepers Alert: Federal Agents Demand Customer Lists From Mormon Food Storage Facility [Dec 9, 2011] Federal agents recently visited a Later Day Saints (Mormon) Church food storage cannery in Tennessee, demanding customer lists, wanting to know the identity of Americans who are purchasing food storage from the Mormons.
Why would food storage be considered a threat to national security? The tenuous link is to Waco-type cults or anti-government militia groups wishing to secede from the US government and wanting the ability to outlast a long seige. The Mormon Church has long preached that families should have a year's supply of food on hand. Are the Mormon's terrorists? Since Utah tends to be ultra-right, politically, for the New World Order crowd it is apparently only non-Mormons who are suspect in this regard. Despite terrorist claims, this recent trend is designed to locate food caches, large stores that can be confiscated by the government when future food shortages might arise. We have long warned of these times, and advised family gardens and small herds and flock as the alternative to hoarding.