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ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for January 11, 2014
I am adding a Q that I have gotten repeatedly, via email. Needs to be addressed as it is in the media too, web sites such as CNN, Yahoo, HuffPost, local news, and of course Crop Circle Connector. There were no field reports, thus no reports of grain nodes bent and still growing. The design was promptly plowed under by the owner. Then Earth Files gives us the Morse Code and Braille readings. Have we ever had such coverage for a legitimate circle design? First time ever they give such coverage and it is for an obvious fraud. Good Glory!
[and from another] http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2013/chualar/chualar2013a.html Jim Gillott, of Chualar, said he saw extension ladders and a crew of 30 people in the field last week. "Every time I drove by I saw them walking around," Chualar resident Jake Gavin said. "It looked like they had little GPS's or something." [and from another] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/01/salinas-crop-circle_n_4527879.html Others, like Jeffrey Wilson of the Independent Crop Circle Researchers Association, insist the Salinas crop circle is a hoax. Wilson said the circle is similar to the work of Circlemakers.org, a professional crop circle-making group that has done work for the BBC, Nike, History Channel and others. [and from another] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/01/salinas-crop-circle_n_4527879.html [1] This is a photograph of a complex geometric crop circle forming in the early morning hours, which was eye-witnessed by Art Rantalla on July 4, 2003. He reported seeing this crop circle swirl and form during the passage of a severe weather front passed through Dodge County, Wisc. The formation was evaluated by members of the ICCRA and found to have elongated growth nodes, expulsion cavities in the growth nodes, and other non-hoaxable effects. The next image shows another crop formation. [2] This is a photo of another complex geometric crop circle that was discovered Aug. 8, 2003, in the same county as the previous image, also investigated by members of the ICCRA. It tested positive for growth node elongation and had expulsion cavities in the growth nodes (both unhoaxable effects). [3] This is a close-up of an explusion cavity (a hole blown from the inside-out) resulting from the Dodge County, Wisc., crop formations of July 4 and Aug. 8, 2003. [4] This is a close-up of anomalous twisted seed heads resulting from the Dodge County, Wisc., crop formations of July 4 and Aug. 8, 2003. (All courtesy of Jeffrey Wilson.)
As circle expert Jeffrey Wilson has noted, the Chualar design is a fraud,
done by man. The real area of interest here is why major media sites chose
to feature this fraud so heavily. CNN, Yahoo, and HuffPost all featured it
on their websites as a front page item. A decade ago all crop circles were
either ignored or announced by the media as hoaxes. Men claiming they created the designs with boards would be
interviewed by the media, who would ignore
evidence such as grain bent at the nodes, growing faster after the
designs were laid than unaffected grain, and radiation readings from the
site. Why the change now, and why was the significant design laid in
Wisconsin in 2003 near Nancy’s home featured so obviously on HuffPost?
This is clearly related to the pending announcement admitting the near
presence of Planet X, aka Nibiru. As we have mentioned repeatedly, there
are two cover-ups expected to
drop during the announcement – the cover-up over the pending passage of
Nibiru, and the cover-up over the reality of the alien presence. The US
has been pressed for years to disclose what they know about aliens, as
they were the site of Roswell and are known to have alien bodies and
crashed ships. The same group of former CIA/DIA members and wealthy
individuals who were inducted into MJ12 at the time of Roswell are
resisting this, just as they are resisting admissions about Nibiru.
In that NASA found it necessary to mention
Nancy’s name in the past, warning the public not to listen to her,
and did so repeatedly in 2009 and through to their Fall
2012 Hangout on the Mayan Calendar issues, she is expected to get
media attention after the announcement proving that she had been correct
all along. But it is more than this that will rocket Nancy into the
spotlight. ZetaTalk correctly predicted the path Nibiru would take into
the solar system in the years prior to 2003, and much of this will be
included in the announcement. Where did this astonishing information come
from, if not from we, the Zetas, as Nancy claims?
Major media editors have been told in the past to exclude any information
that indicates the Sun or Moon out of place, with a Second Sun rising or
setting. They have also been told to exclude details about crop
circle formation, to give the impression that they have been
man-made. Now these editors are being coached on what to expect,
told the National Security Directive by Reagan making these subjects
forbidden had been lifted, and even requested to ease the shock the public
is expected to experience when two, not one cover-up comes crashing
down. Thus Jeffrey Wilson, a long standing and well respected expert
on circle origins, is quoted in the HuffPost article not only declaring
the Chualar formation a fraud, but declaring in the slides that the 2003
Wisconsin formation was legitimate.
Who laid the Chualar formation, and what was their intent? There are
several clues that this was intended to be a pre-announcement nudge to get
the issue of the alien presence into the media. The land was privately
owned, and the crop intended to be plowed under as mulch eventually. How
convenient. The land sloped such that it could not be seen except on
over-flight. How handy. Workmen with GPS units and ladders were even seen
in the area days before the design was discovered. Legitimate circle
makers do not use Earth languages or work
in rectangles, yet the Chualar design includes Morse Code and
Braille. The message “ET ISON STS” is clear – the hype about ISON was a
Service-to-Self scheme to detract from the real presence near the Sun,
Local establishment policy - you say there are plans to relocate some population in an orderly fashion, which I can barely imagine, but why are they spurring the birth rate so much? Societal consolidation and the regime trying to play the good guys I can understand - to keep the country whole and obedient. But children take valuable time and resources before they can be utilized as labor and the budget heavily relies on harvesting raw materials, especially oil and gas, so could the tax base really be such a huge concern? Besides, the post-war baby boom generation should be dying off now. Life expectancy is not that high. Migrants from the less fortunate ex-USSR countries seem to be readily available and plentiful, probably breeding through ignorance and tradition alone. So why waste so much money on actual citizens? Is it a distraction to keep people busy, to show people the kings care; a cunning form of stimulating the economy? Won't it backfire in the end?
As Nancy has pointed out in her newsletters, the world, in the main, has
a less than zero population growth
among humans. All but Africa, essentially, is in that position. Russia is
not the first country to try to spur population growth, seeing what the
future will bring. Japan offers money to women who bear young, for
instance, but has few takers on the offer. Countries that are not
replacing their population risk having too few young to support the aged,
or so they fear. But why is Russia trying to spur its populace into
reproducing when the specter of the Pole Shift and Aftertime
flooding are on the horizon?
What must be understood, when dealing with elite decisions, is that most of the elite do not adhere to
our predictions on the coming Pole Shift. In great part this is due to
their desire to see assets along the coastlines and in river bottom lands
retain their worth, and to see workers willing to stay in those locations
despite our flooding warnings. Denial takes many forms, and tends to lead
in the direction of greatest comfort. If the doctor gives you a diagnosis
of cancer, many patients, perhaps most to some degree, will convince
themselves this is not true, or not serious. The new Russian campaign to
encourage births in Russia is nothing more, thus, than a demographic
concern. They are assuming that the status quo will continue!
Simultaneously, there are those among the Russian leadership, including
Putin, who take our warnings serious, given our track record on accurate
predictions. It should not be surprising that there is a parallel
operation, where some in the government plod along assuming the status quo
will continue, while others plan for flooding and
migration. This type of duality is going on elsewhere too, in other
countries and in most industries. This should not be surprising, as most
endeavors require a number of backup plans, to adjust to the twists and
turns that might be encountered. Government operations are no different,
though they often seem slow to change and locked into a traditional path.
Alternative plans are often secret, but exist none the less.
Sochi olympics - it's probably very profitable and great for stealing money off, but maybe there's more to it? All that infrastructure created just to be lost to the sloshing of the Black Sea? Or is the relative safety of Caucasus being seriously considered by some of the top brass?
Buildings are going up in Hong Kong and Miami and London, though they
have flooding in their forecast. Elite homes in the Caribbean are being
developed, and along the California coast and in the Mediterranean where
sloshing oceans and seas will wipe them out. The degree to which the elite
and the wealthy in the world simple do
not believe the ZetaTalk predictions on the Pole Shift is
astonishing, in that our accuracy on the arrival of Planet X in 2003
cannot be denied. But the passage did not occur in 2003, the 7 of 10
proceeding slower than predicted, and this and the fond hope among the
elite that their status quo will not be changed prevail. Emotionally, they
simple do not want to believe the worst.
There is a strange phenomenon in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Photos are taken yesterday. There is no comment what it is about as nobody knows. Maybe Zetas would comment. http://www.nibiru-planetx.com/portal/neobicni-fenomeni/neobican-fenomen-u-duvanjskom-kraju/ [and from another] http://tgportal.net/foto-neobican-fenomen-u-duvanjskom-kraju/#.Us0l_bTWsil An unusual phenomenon in Duvanjsko end 01/06/2014. Our readers Papic Anna Marcella sent us these photos, taken, as we have learned today. We leave to your imagination to judge for yourself what kind of work occurs.
There are volcanoes in Bosnia, but not, apparently, in Dunvanjsko. In
addition, the light along this hillside is not smoking, nor is lava
pouring forth and flowing along the ground. This light is from heated
ground, from the intense stretch that the entire region is experiencing.
Heat from a stretch is very temporary, as it is in a delimited area and
the heat exists only due to a temporary stretch. A volcano is heated from
a vent connected to molten lava. Stretching rock does have friction. The
booms and humming and singing ground indicate snapping and vibration from
the release of rock connections. Where there is motion, there is friction.
I'd like to ask a SOHO image related question. I first saw this about a week and a half ago and it's now showing up big time! I posted about it in the SOHO blog. It's showing up again and so much more than when I saw it the first time! I searched around and don't find any answers about it. It's easier to see on the red LASCO C2 images but also shows on the blue LASCO C3 images too. The images also have a number of tail related artifacts in them as well. This time it started around 1/6/2014 around 8:00 image and is still currently on going in the latest image, currently 1/7/2014 at 22:02. Here are two direct links to two C2 images to compare:
[and from another] If you are talking about what looks like debris this was addressed back in 2003. http://www.zetatalk.com/teams/rogue/nanc1003.htm The debris picked up by SOHO is not debris at all but trillions of protons that are accompanying the class X solar flare that the sun has erupted towards us again yesterday today. SpaceWeather states: The many speckles are solar protons striking the coronagraph's CCD camera and it appears there is historical record of this. Not Planet X debris, but also not worse than in the recent past.
As can be seen from a similar example in October,
2003 and July
14, 2000 such speckles have occurred in the past. Solar protons, not
debris, are causing what is interpreted by the public as meteors or
debris. In that the ISON crowd does not want to let go of their corpse,
they may claim this is debris in the tail of ISON, but it is a result of a
recent solar flare, not fragments from a comet corpse.
I have heard some genuine people receiving messages and visions through their dreams on Youtube. Some of their messages and visions are in line with ZetaTalk but some don't. For example, Zetas have told us that Obama is a Star Child and he is doing great things! However, some people are receiving visions and messages portraying Obama as evil or Satan or AntiChrist which doesn't make a lot of sense. My question is: Does false prophecies and cover-ups also happening in the spiritual world so that religious people are being deceived and consequently they are confused about what is going to happen regarding the end times? Can a person receive dreams and visions from both good and bad channels?
[and from another] Could the Zeta's comment about the classes being held in the Dream / Etheric state, for people, regarding information to help in the Aftertime? I have been helping to disseminate information, in a classroom setting, to people who are Dreaming, but are asking questions about what will happen, or what should they do Aftertime. Initially I was uneasy about helping until I realized the answers to the questions were always to help, and followed what was said on "Earth Changes and the Pole Shift". I initially found it tiring, from not getting much sleep myself, but seem to be able to help translate the information to "Human" thought processes and answer their questions under guidance. [and from another] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucid_dream Lucid dreams can be realistic and vivid. It is shown that there are higher amounts of beta-1 frequency band (13–19 Hz) experienced by lucid dreamers, hence there is an increased amount of activity in the parietal lobes making lucid dreaming a conscious process.
We have explained that dreams are basically a sorting out of the day’s
events, which have been stored in short term memory as the day
progressed. Why do such dreams often seem so nonsensical? There is scant
relationship to the original short term memory and ultimate long-term
memory and the dream. Sorting out into long-term memory involves fixing
connections to similar memories, and these connections are live
so to speak during the sleep state. In addition, this process is not
lineal, but involves thousands of memory routes simultaneously, which
altogether can make a nonsensical noise.
How seriously should humans thus take their dreams, and if the dream state
has been influenced by others, either via telepathy or information learned
during a visitation, how to sort this out? Humans understand, intuitively,
when they are having a significant dream that is more than sorting out and
tucking away the day’s events. Such dreams are called lucid
dreams, and often awaken the dreamer as for the conscious this is news, and as much a shock as a loud
noise in the room. The Beta brain wave state is thus invoked. Normal
dreams are sorting out events recorded both in the subconscious and
conscious, but lucid dreams are either just arriving via telepathy or
represent a recall from the subconscious which has not yet been recorded
in the conscious.
Many contactees start their recall process
during sleep, and thus intrigued try to pull more of the story into their
conscious. During this, the contactee recognizes HIS involvement in the
story, and the story seems very real as his subconscious mind indeed
experienced it. The only shock is that aliens are present and the
contactee has often been transported or floated. When they learn that
others have had similar dreams, they are reassured. Highly telepathic
humans can have lucid dreams inspired by connecting to the brain waves of
others, who are likewise in the Alpha brain wave status, the brain wave
that facilitates telepathy. The dreamer knows intuitively that these are
not his memories, as the
subconscious as well as the conscious finds this a shock, i.e. new
Dream analysis is a time honored pastime, involving attempting to
interpret one’s dreams for guidance. Contactees warned during visitations
that their region will be subject to sudden flooding during the ocean
sloshing of the Last Weeks or Pole Shift may have disturbing flood dreams
repeatedly until they move to a safer location. Thus, such analysis has
worth. Service-to-Other contactees who have been taken on rescue
operations helping other humans during visitations may also have such
recall. Likewise, those contactees who
give the Call to the Service-to-Self will have recall about the
slant of the conversation, reflecting the lies and attitudes of those
visitors. It is the contactee’s responsibility to discern whom they have
What should be made of dreams posted on forums that reflect Obama as the
Antichrist? First, since the dreamer is sorting out his day’s experiences,
he should look to what website or reading material he takes into his
brain. Does he belong to a church where the membership he mingles with is
of this opinion? This would likewise be the case if the dream is sent via
telepathy by a cohort or friend. Would a Service-to-Self visitation
involve such information? In that Obama is trying to inform the world’s
populace of the pending passage and reality of Nibiru in the inner solar
system at the present time, such a campaign is
possible. The Service-to-Self want humans left bereft, and feeling
abandoned, not empowered with the truth.
Can the Zetas please speak about the Massive UFO displays of similar sightings over the USA and around the world on New Years 2014? Many News Media spoke of the displays and many reporters said calls were coming in by the hundreds asking what the hovering lights in the sky were. Cape Coral Florida news http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeEQs1rQXa0 Ashburn, VA USA news http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vO0EfPOG71w Sacramento CA news http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeaBZyBTRiM Hollywood Hills CA eyewitness http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNx5ldAP5Gs San Jose CA news http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kS3gR7oaMZg Northern CA and Northern NV news http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-Yqip9Jwes Oregon news http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=do5HWGUfyv8 Houston TX eyewitness http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h79CRI_Z04Y World wide same displays on New Years 2014 South Africa http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WO00pvB83f8 The Netherlands http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qz-B6P-bs2A Rome Italy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLpNiiSccJg Philippines http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pltirNL2-iw [and from another] Also in Germany, Bremen, city at northern coast of Germany a UFO, at 2013-Jan-6, monday evening, seen by many citizens and reported to and investigated by the police now: http://www.n24.de/n24/Nachrichten/Panorama/d/4093432/foto-koennte-ufo-raetsel-in-bremen-loesen.html
The blitz of UFO sightings on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day was not
so much astonishing in its appearance as it was astonishing in the media
coverage that followed. Unlike the dramatic displays in the past, where
dozens of UFOs in formation would be seen by, for instance, most of the
residents of the state of Arizona in
1997, or the thousands of eclipse watchers in Mexico
City in 1991, this media coverage was incited, in each case, by a
single pulsing UFO. Obviously the real message here is the uptick in
coverage, the admissions by the media that UFOs are a real phenomenon. Why
the change?
As was noted during the Chualar Crop Circle coverage, issues formerly kept
out of major media coverage are not hitting the front page. Editors who in
the past were threatened with a job loss or worse if they gave coverage to
subjects related to the alien presence are now being pressed to feature
them. Understandably, many are still cautious, but when such subjects do
not bring punishment, such a focus will be on the increase. Of course,
there are still those whose hand was at the helm of the old cover-up over
the alien presence who will try to influence this process, but this is
literally a dying voice. Many, in this cover-up crowd, are dying of old
As anyone who has paid attention to what little earthquake monitoring the public is allowed to see, the weeks before and now after the Magnetic Trimester switch have seemed to allow an enormous amount of plate movement in such a short time frame; the major rolls of Africa and South America especially seemed to pick up. My question is, has something changed in our position or reaction to Planet X? Were these global UFO sightings tied to this major uptick in Earth Changes? [and from another] As a supplement to the UFO question, these mass sightings were followed by a media blitz attempting to suggest that UFO sightings are often earthquake lights that are precursors to seismic activity. UFO Sightings Could Be Earthquake Lights. Earthquake Lights May Explain UFO Sightings http://www.nature.com/news/earthquake-lights-linked-to-rift-zones-1.14455 [and from another] http://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/Scientists-Provide-Proof-of-Earthquake-Lights-238540911.html January 3, 2014 Rumors of light emitted during earthquakes have been around for centuries and have sometimes sparked UFO reports. [and from another] http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/01/02/earthquake-lights-rare-phenomenon/4255097/ January 2, 2014 They've been mistaken for UFOs or dismissed as hallucinations. But geologists have collected a near-definitive list of the rare but fascinating phenomena known as earthquake lights. [and from another] http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/835980.shtml January 6, 2014 The mysterious "UFO lights" may occur at rifts, or nearly vertical faults as the crystalline structure of the magmatic stones, subjected to intense pressure, releases electrical energy, according to a study published Saturday in the journal Seismological Research Letters. Mysterious "UFO lights", known as "ground lights" or "earthquake lights", sometimes appear before or during earthquakes and take a number of forms, including spheres of light orbs floating through air. Some have confused the globular luminous air masses with UFOs. [and from another] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2534166/Canada-cold-experiencing-frost-quakes.html Water expands when it freezes and when it expands in frozen soil it literally puts a lot of stress on that dirt and will release that energy all of a sudden, very much like an earthquake releases that energy and shifts the ground.
Frantic to explain and counter the New Year’s Eve UFO blitz that got
international coverage in the media, the cover-up crowd hoping to
forestall and discredit the truth about the alien presence trotted forth
yet another cover story. It’s all earthquake lights, from compressed rock.
There are significant differences between earthquake lights and the
traditional UFO display. Earthquake lights are a glow, close to the
ground, and in extremely rare cases would result in ball lightning. Here
the ball lightning would likewise remain close to the ground. UFO displays
are high in the sky, involve multiple orbs, pulsing, moving about at rapid
speeds and in formation with each other, and at times take other forms
such as a large mothership or projected holographic visions. No
comparison. The cover-up crowd loses, again.
Frantic attempts to maintain the cover-up over the presence of Nibiru, aka
Planet X are also apparent. The 7 of 10 plate movements have been slowed
and softened by the humming metal boxes placed under the direction of the
Council of Worlds along the Earth’s fault lines. Plate movement has been
allowed to happen more slowly, though perceptibly, by this, although the
ultimate timeline to the Pole Shift has not changed. Earthquakes of late
have notably picked up steam, especially during the December Magnetic
Trimester, a traditionally active time. This is also due to a slight
lifting of the restrictions, so that the 7 of 10 plate movements can catch
up, though extreme results such as the European tsunami will not be
The cover-up crowd is reaching for any excuses they can throw out to
explain the Earth changes caused by Planet X. The Earth wobble has gotten
more obvious, the Sun out of place and the weather wobbles following. The
earthquake increase has been denied by reducing the magnitude of quakes
and purging the quake databases, but even with these maneuvers the
increase is statistically obvious.
Fracking has been blamed for
earthquakes, and now the Winter temps are to blame for the booming
of breaking rock around Toronto, along the spreading seaway. Will these
excuses fall away after the announcement? Expect them to increase, as the
cover-up crowd will become like a cornered animal, more vicious and